heartbreakisforever / Comments

  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    No need to feel a bit dumb. It happens to the best of us! I know I’ve done it a couple times.
    Woohoo! Congrats on being on summer holiday! Do you have any special plans? Has Rock Werchter already happened? I know we’ve talked about that festival in the past.
    Ahh! Your weather sounds incredible! 75° is fucking perfect. We’ve been having high eighties and nineties weather, so now I’m tempted to UPS myself to Belgium for some lovely temperatures haha
    That’s crazy though. I didn’t know the summer there’s were cold and wet. I guess growing up in a place as hot as Southern California, I assumed everyone else had equally hot summers. By the way, thank you for all those rad comments! They always make me smile :)
    July 2nd, 2015 at 07:52am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    so I was like I haven't heard from my friend in a long time, I wonder how she's doing and I came on your page and realized that I never saw when you replied on here!
    To pick up off on the question, my Easter was good. There was yummy food and lots of running around with my nieces, which is always a rad time. How've you been? Are you on holiday right now?
    July 1st, 2015 at 08:39am
  • heartbreakisforever

    heartbreakisforever (100)

    Happy even more belated Easter to you too!
    My Sunday was good, thanks. How was yours?
    April 11th, 2015 at 12:51pm
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    Happy Belated Easter!
    How was your Sunday?
    April 7th, 2015 at 09:54am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    I’ve been pretty good. School just started up again so I’m slowly getting back into the swing of it. I always get lazy during long breaks haha.
    Damn! Sounds like you had a great New Year’s Eve! Might I ask what you had to drink? Was there any champagne involved? As long as the hangover was manageable it’s a successful drinking night. My holidays were good. Christmas was hectic because we had to drive up north Christmas Eve and then back down to LA on Christmas Day, and New Year’s was a cozy day. We stayed in with the puppies and watched Netflix and ate take out. I know it sounds a bit boring, but sometimes I love being able to lounge about. I wanted to watch the Rose Parade this year but I forgot to record it and overslept. It’s okay though, there’s always next year for that.
    January 12th, 2015 at 07:23am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    And best wishes to you to!
    How have you been? it's been so long since we've spoken.
    Did you have a lovely Christmas and New Year?
    January 11th, 2015 at 09:43am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    He did! I’m telling you he was counting down the days until he got rid of that useless jerk. I’ve honestly never seen him as excited as he won on that day, and even though he’s not getting a bonus in his salary anymore, he says its worth it. And I believe him! Haha And yes! Brian is fantastic. That fucking kid makes me feel messy, and I just love that. He’s so neat and organized, and if he says he’s going to finish something up, he’ll stay at the office until he finishes and I’m so glad we got that kid working with us.
    No fucking way. I agree it’s strange to think that you were in school with him for six years and then all of a sudden he lost it and killed his sister. That trips me out. It’s like, how messed up do you have to be to kill a family member? Killing people is shady as hell and no one should ever do it, but to kill a family member, that takes it to another level. This was his sister, someone with whom he undoubtedly shared so many childhood memories and then he goes and kills her . . . that’s terrifying. Hopefully they give him a life sentence with no chance of parole because people that are capable of that can’t be trusted.
    September 16th, 2014 at 08:31am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    Haha I still can’t get over that bus lady. You’d think that since she’s spending so much time surrounded by kids that she’d put the effort into being nicer, but I guess she’ll always be a grumpy lady lol I’m glad to hear that the school year’s going good so far! :)
    I’m doing well. We had family visiting from Mexico for over a month, so I’m glad they’ve finally gone back, because as much as I love them, I love privacy and not having to deal with so many people all day. Yes! You remembered :) He finally left, and I swear my boss and I were so happy the day he left! He even sent me to get us a little cake from a nearby bakery to mark the occasion. Now, we have a college student by the name of Brian whose working there in the mornings, and Brian is so much better. It’s only been about a month, but he almost always finishes up his own work and when he can’t figure something out, he doesn’t just leave it there for me to do later, he actually sits with me so I can explain things to him so that he can then do them on his own. I really like working for him, and my boss likes him too although he swears he’s too much of a kiss ass. I don’t care though! I’m not as stressed out and don’t dread coming into work anymore.
    September 12th, 2014 at 05:57am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    Hello Ine!
    It's been ages since we've spoken? How's life? And how's the school year going? :)
    September 11th, 2014 at 08:08am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    I know! I was so worried about Kramer. I honestly think he left the field with a concussion. He just looked so dazed and not completely there. You're right though, I'm sure they didn't even remember about their injuries when they went out for their medals.
    Haha there's nothing wrong with not going to sleep until 1. That's the good life lol and thank you! I figured it was time to update my avatar
    July 14th, 2014 at 08:19pm
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    They scorreeed!!!!
    July 13th, 2014 at 11:27pm
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    I had a similar reaction, though to be honest I cursed like a sailor. That was a hard fought match, and while the ref was good, I felt that a few calls were aimed at helping Argentina.
    I'm watching the final right now and going crazy. I'm rooting for Germany, and its so frustrating that despite being in possession for the ball so much more, they have yet to score. I just don't want Argentina to win.
    Now that I've said all that, how are you?
    July 13th, 2014 at 11:22pm
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    Congratulations! I’m sorry for not replying sooner. We had a case that was moved up by two weeks and went into panic mode this week. And here we were, thinking that the week before Fourth of July would be nice and slow, but alas, it was not meant to be! But now I’ve finished and can breathe and later on, I will be able to enjoy some delicious food. I was so happy when Belgium won. I was at work, and I kept looking at Google, because they do such a good job of listing what’s happening in the matches and when I saw the first goal, I got giddy and at the second one I did a fist pump, and then when I saw they won, I accidentally cheered and my boss peeked his head out of the office and asked me what was going on and I told him it was the match. And then he went back inside, and like five minutes later, he came back out and said, “Why are you so happy? The US lost!” And I told him I was backing the Belgians lol
    He truly did! Tim Howard did an amazing job that day. I honestly didn’t think he had it in him, but bravo.
    Yes!!! I’m so stoked for tomorrow’s match. I’m not drinking as much as I normally would tonight, so that I can wake up to watch tomorrow’s match. I truly do hope you beat Argentina and Holland! Ah! That would be a dream come true! :) The Argentinians we just can’t stand when it comes to soccer and Holland beat us unjustly so we need to be avenged haha But yes! I truly do hope you guys win and I’ve managed to convince my brother and father to come over to the Belgian side :)
    July 4th, 2014 at 10:44pm
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    I’m sorry I haven’t replied. I was drinking my sorrows. Well, on Saturday I was drinking to my mother’s birthday at a party, but on Sunday the drinking turned to sorrow, and ahhh. It hurt. It truly hurt. It was so close for so long, but then they stopped playing offensively, they gave the ball up a lot and the inevitable goal came, and then came that fucking false penalty and the tequila flowed freely.
    Awe now I feel bad for her. I bet she thought she was going to do something really rad by congratulating him, but it just didn’t work out. Oh well, I still think she’s a lovely looking Queen. And I definitely loved the red outfit she had that day.
    Now we won’t have that problem, and tomorrow, I will cheer on the Belgian team as they face the United States. I told my brother of that and he said I was crazy, and I told him that I could not go against a country who has given such delicious beer and chocolate to the world. He then laughed and told me I was crazy, but Gooo Belgium!
    Haha he is! He’s a pain in the ass to most people, but I’m fortunate enough to have earned his approval. And I couldn’t help it, I just really wanted to see the match! If he hadn’t offered me that long lunch, I would’ve just not gone in and gotten in trouble. Yes! He’s almost gone and I am so excited!
    Before I go to sleep, I want to congratulate you on the previous win and hope that Belgium will gain another victory tomorrow!
    July 1st, 2014 at 08:12am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    No! That’s awful! I can’t believe he strained his hamstrings. He’s one of the Belgian cuties that I’ve been looking at. He kind of reminds me of Jonathan Rhys Meyers somehow. One of the others is Axel Witsel, I’m into that face and hair of his. He looks damn good. Haha
    I know! I could not believe that when I heard. No lie, I honestly had a case of second hand embarrassment for her, because I feel that she thought it was going to be really rad of her to congratulate the scorer, but it just did not work out. You’d think that one of her people would tell her which guy was the right guy. I mean, she has to have someone on hand. They’re Royalty they have to! I think Black is the politically correct term, that or of African descent. It varies.
    Hahaha and I’ll feel the same about every Belgian! That would be a good match though, our teams are kicking some ass right now lol
    Are you serious? Modric is such a shit talker then! I’m glad that the Belgians beat them when he was running his mouth. That guy needs to learn how to keep his mouth shut in that regard, because you can talk all you want, but if you’re team isn’t going to back that up on the field, then it’s just silly and ridiculous. But thankfully, Modric is out of the World Cup! And hopefully whenever Belgium goes up against Croatia down the road, they will kick their buts!
    I know! I had tried calling out. I called him and I just sounded really pathetic, and it was a good sick voice, but he cut me off and said, “You just want to watch the Mexico game, don’t you?” That man knows me to well. And because he asked me not to leave him with the other useless assistant, I went in. But we’re almost rid of him! August is almost heeerrreeee!
    June 26th, 2014 at 06:51am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    Haha I like you and your brother’s plan. If only we could keep them in a little bubble like that to ensure their safety. I was definitely feeling that way yesterday. By the way, congratulations! I was so fucking happy that you guys beat Russia! And the fact that the Belgian King and Queen were there made me inexplicably excited. When they came out, I couldn’t help but say, “Finally Royals!” And my husband was really confused because they didn’t even say who they were (all the matches are broadcast on Univision a Spanish language channel so they’re not much in the way of Royals), but I knew and I was delighted to see them there.
    As an American, I feel that I ought to root for the US, but I can’t bring myself to because I know that if they were to win, it wouldn’t be a big deal here. Most Americans don’t care for the sport and if the team were to win they country would be arrogant about it, and I want Belgium to win so it can be one of those sports films where the team isn’t in the cup for decades and suddenly they take it all! Plus, Belgium is a superior team so there’s always that Haha But yeah, it’d be rad if they went all the way. So yes! Go Belgium in the next match! And in all the matches to come, except if they go against Mexico, because like you said, that’s where the support ends haha

    And thank you! I was so fucking excited when they won! The Croatian coach had been talking a fair amount of crap so for el tri to come out and score three goals was amazing. And then the fact that my beloved Rafa Marquez scored a goal only made it that much sweeter. I wish I’d been at home watching the match. My parents actually had a huge carne asada (barbeque), and my relatives that were able to get the day off work went over, but I had to work, but thankfully my boss was nice and let me take an extended lunch. He made me stay later, but I’m glad I was able to watch the entire game. It was amazing, and yes, I’d be so glad if they were to beat Holland, that would be a dream come true and since the game is on Sunday, it’d be perfect! Ah! Here’s hoping our teams will make us proud :)
    June 24th, 2014 at 07:11pm
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    There is truth in that, but if you have your best players out on the field you’re going to hopefully have a better game and higher scoring opportunities. I haven’t seen the lineup for today’s Belgium match, but hopefully Mertens will be on there.
    I’m definitely hoping that Belgium will move on as the leader from their group. I’m not on the best terms with Russia at the moment, so I’m hoping that the Belgians will be out to win and score some good goals against them. And as for Portugal, a week ago I would’ve thought that they’d make it to the next round, but I don’t know. There’s a part of me that’s thinking the US might be able to move on, just because Portugal isn’t playing like they’re capable of. Who knows, maybe they’re actually going to come out to play today and Ronaldo will play like a champ and score a goal or two. I’m hoping the matches will be good today and on Monday, when Mexico plays. :)
    And before I go to sleep, Good luck Belgium! woooo!
    June 22nd, 2014 at 10:48am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    I’ve yet to see the Belgium v Algeria match, but I was following it closely on my phone. Google has been kind enough to list all the stats, and when I saw that Algeria had scored, I was so upset, and then when I checked back awhile later and saw that Dries Mertens scored, I got really giddy and was like, “That’s Ine’s cutie!” My boss even asked me why I looked so pleased, and when I told him that Belgium won, he gave me a weird look. Haha! I can just imagine your dad’s reaction. It must’ve been great to have watched your national team have a match like that. Obviously, it must’ve been utterly nervewracking in the beginning, but you guys fucking rocked it and scored two goals, and that was down! And I am so stoked to watch the match. I’m not working on Friday and I just went on summer break so I’m going to power through all the matches!
    It was! But ah, it would’ve been nice for England to have won on the day of Trooping the Colour, but at least it was a great match, and hopefully they’ll be able to win their next one.
    Germany v Portugal was a beat down! It was as hard to watch as Spain’s match. I mean, Germany dominated and it was amazing to see them perform like they did, but Portugal – ah! You expect more from a team like them, and a team like Spain. And when their top players don’t come out to play and they don’t score, it’s upsetting. As for Ronaldo, I agree. He wasn’t good. And it’s frustrating because he has talent, and I’ve seen him play some great games in club matches, but he didn’t do anything. Still, Germany was rad though.
    As for the Mexico v Brasil match, I’m pleased with how it turned out. They played a great game. It wasn’t boring, it was fast paced, and it had me freaking out because there were so many goal opportunities for Brasil, and I didn’t really care for our goalie (Memo Ochoa), but he came out to play and he risked hitting his head on the post to stop a goal and I respect him a whole lot more than I did before, which is strange for me to say because he used to play for a Mexican football club that I detest. Haha. But yeah, I’m glad with how it turned out, and I’m hoping we’ll move to the next round, and I’m hoping that if we do, we go up against Argentina so that the football team can regain it’s honor from the last world cup, but that’s just me acting up because I don’t like Argentina.
    Haha! I bet you’re good. It must be great to have had a victory from that intense of a match! Awesome! Do you have any travel plans for your vacation? As for me, I’m well. I recently finished my finals, which means I can sleep now! And once I catch up on my sleep, I’ll be able to write and finally finish the damn story! I’m hoping that by the end of this weekend, I’ll be able to do so, because I’m finally sleeping more than two or three hours a night, and it’s lovely. :) Apart from that, work is well. My boss and I left the office for a few hours on Monday to see the Los Angeles Kings Stanley Cup Victory Parade. I’m not really into hockey, but I am a fan of bearded men who look like Vikings. Haha
    Oh! I can’t wait to watch all the matches and see what’s to come! This is feeling like a good world cup!
    June 18th, 2014 at 07:12am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    haha thank you!
    I was so excited when we gone. I'd gone into the match thinking that the national team might embarrass themselves, but thankfully they won. hoorah! And the Belgians are playing later today, and I'm so stoked for the match, but I hate that I'm stuck at work all mornings. My shift got switched on me, so now I'm going in early and missing all the matches. I have them recorded, but there's nothing like watchign them love. I would've loved to have watched the England v Italy match live or the Germany v Portugal. I still haven't watched the latter, but I heard it was epic! Anyway, I'm hoping for a Belgian victory! As well as a Mexican one, since they're going to be playing on the same day. It'd be grand if they both won. I'd definitely go to the specialty beer store to pick up a few brews from each country.
    How are you? It's been so long since we've spoken! Are you able to enjoy the matches live? And how is summer going?
    June 17th, 2014 at 07:11am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    By now they should know better than to text. If they want the cereal or milk or whatever it is so much, they should call lol. At least that way I’ll hear the phone’s ringing and will pick it up or at least hear the voicemail they left.
    What? That’s crazy! Ashely is ballsy for having said that. I don’t think I would’ve ever been able to tell a teacher that I loved them, but hated their class.
    Yay! Thank you! We’re really excited that the bad assistant is going to be pawned off on someone else. I’ll finally be able to use less effort at work, because I always find myself doing things once, then the other assistant fucks it up, then I have to fix it again. Now, I’ll do it once and be over it.
    I’m actually going to school to become a Registered Nurse. I already graduated for political science/philosophy but because I don’t want to go into massive debt for a financially risky law degree, I’m going into nursing. I’ve been doing some volunteer work at my local hospital so I’m getting in with them through there and it feels like a good fit.
    Haha, I’m glad you agree. My sister said I might’ve had a little too much flair going on, but like you said, there’s no such thing as going overboard with godchildren. And Disneyland is! It is honestly my favorite place ever. Whenever I go I turn into a four year old that’s experiencing it for the first time. And I’m very excited because I’m finally going to be able to take my older niece to Disneyland on Thursday. I asked for the day off from work and I got it excused from school, so I’m very much looking forward to experiencing that with her.
    You were in Lisbon? AH! The amount of jealousy I feel is immense! And that is so true. There are couple words here and there that sound alike, but for the most part they’re completely different, which is interesting since they’re neighbors and you’d figure they’d be more similar. How was your time there? What’d you get up to?
    Are you serious? I can’t believe the bad luck Belgium’s players have been having, but like you said, hopefully nothing else will happen, because I really want Belgium to go far. It’d be a great story after having been gone from the World Cup for so long. I know! I’m so stoked! I’ve ordered my Rooney jersey and have my green Mexican one ready to go!
    April 28th, 2014 at 08:37pm