heartbreakisforever / Comments

  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    I feel you though. Text messages aren’t as noisy as phone calls. And I must admit, I’m horrible at replying to phone calls if I’ve missed them. And then sometimes I’m an idiot who turns off her phone at work and forgets to turn it back on when I leave, so I don’t know that I was supposed to stop by the store for something. It’s annoying!
    I definitely believe that Dutch is harder than English. I feel like English gets lazy with having so many words sound almost identical, yet mean such different things. Sometimes it’s annoying, and I know when I’ve had relatives learn it as their second language, they get very frustrated over it.
    I’m glad that Ashley is doing better. And I hope that she’s still progressing. Haha I can only imagine how hard it must be. I give mad props to teachers. They do a great service, and so many people don’t give the profession the respect it deserves. You guys are on the front line of educating and shaping the future, and I definitely get that it can be tough sometimes. Haha I think the kids might just not be to warm on religion, because from our conversations, you seem like such a lovely person.
    Haha I guess this year the snow decided to concentrate on the east coast of the US. That’s alright, though. I’m just glad that Southern California had a nice and sunny winter, even though it was a little too hot sometimes. Like right now, we’re already hitting the 80s and 90s. I’m driving around everywhere with my AC on. I don’t do hot car, it’s not for me.
    Never be ashamed to say that you’re on break! You work hard and deserve those breaks, even though you’re still working throughout them. And if memory serves me right, you’re going to be on break this upcoming week for Holy week, right? It’s amazing how fast Lent went by this year. It feels like just yesterday was Ash Wednesday.
    I’m doing well. I started up school again and I’m working a few extra hours since my boss is slowly trying to get rid of the useless assistant. I think that since his dad’s going to be retiring soon (August can’t come soon enough!), my boss is trying to find a new person to pawn off the kid on. I mean, he’ll always have work at the firm just because of who his dad is, but at least now my boss won’t have to be the one dealing with him. Other than that, I baptized my niece! It was exciting and she’s also my first godchild, so I went a little overboard with it, but I think it was fine. It’s a special day so it was only right to try to channel some royal flair into it. I’ve also gone to Disneyland a few times. I know I shouldn’t have, because I should’ve been studying and being a responsible adult, but I’ve got a Disney pass and annual parking and I can’t help myself lol.
    How are you? I hope all is well. And the World Cup is almost here! Go Mexico, England, and Belgium! Woooohooooo!
    April 10th, 2014 at 10:21am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    I am going to kick my own ass for not having replied to you sooner! I could’ve sworn I had, but then I was on Mibba and was like, “It’s been a long time since I’ve spoken to Ine.” And I went on your page to see if you were doing alright and then I realized I hadn’t replied. This always happens to me with e-mails and texts, I read them, I’m about to reply, I get distracted by the dogs and then I think I replied but end up going silent. Ah! It’s a bad habit that I’m trying to break.
    How has Doris been? Has she leveled out or is she still disagreeable to students and teachers alike? I hope she’s not as grumpy and rude as before, because the kids don’t need that, and neither do you guys.
    Awe, I’m glad that the second graders were able to help you out, but you’re right. If the kids are going to a Dutch school, then it’s only reasonable to assume that the parents will be able to communicate in that language. Oooh, I like hearing that! I’ve been wanting to learn another language as a little endeavor and if Dutch has an r similar to the Spanish one, it’s definitely something that I’ll be looking into.
    That’s awful for that little girl. I mean, I get that the economy’s tough, but even if it takes a second job, her parents should be able to ensure that she’s fed. That’s one of the basic things parents have to do for their little ones, it’s just intense that she’s in a situation where a meal isn’t a guaranteed thing. I feel bad for her, hopefully things will turn around for her family and she’ll learn manners along the way. That little boy that gave you a bear hug sounds like a cutie! I can’t help but wonder if the cutie that says he’s going to marry you got jealous? Lol I’m honestly grinning because it’s just so adorable that the kids love you so much! You must be one hell of a teacher :)
    I can’t believe it wasn’t snowing over there. Over here, it’s been snowing like crazy. Well, not California, we’ve been enjoying the usual weather. Although it has been in the low 60’s and I’ve seen a lot of people in full winter gear. The other day it rained for three days, and everyone went ape shit. It was embarrassing to see so many people not have a fucking clue as to how to drive in the rain, but alas, that ignorance is very Californian. But yeah, on the east coast and Midwest it’s just been having at it. I have an aunt who actually took vacation time with her husband/kids so they could come out here and be warm for a little bit. Mother Nature’s going crazy right now.
    Also, how are you? It’s been so long since we’ve spoken!
    March 4th, 2014 at 09:08am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    Awe I’m sorry to hear that Doris is going to go back as a chaperone. Though I must admit that I do feel good about the nice mom being there to take care of the kids that get there super early, at least they’ll be well looked after, but still, if only there was a way to replace Doris with another parent that’ll be better with the kids/adults.
    That’s understandable, with so many kids in classrooms, it makes sense not to be able to remember all of their names. I feel like I’d have trouble remembering 30 names in a year. I’d constantly need name tags or little signs on their desks haha.
    I feel you on that one. I took French for two years in high school and all I remember how to say is that I would like to order steak and fries and how are you? I am fine. I found French to be tricky though, the r killed me. It just felt wrong, especially since in Spanish we pronounce it so differently. My mind just refused to cooperate. But I think that two languages is definitely rad enough. It’s more than most people.
    Are you fucking serious? That girl sounds like a little shit. How’s she going to go all crazy over pencils when they’re meant for everyone to share? I mean, I understand her being that OCD over her own stuff, people will get a little insane about their belongings, but when it’s communal things, that’s just not rad. And I seriously can’t get over the fact that she spoke to you like that. I’ve never understood kids that are dicks to their teachers. It’s like, didn’t their parents teach them any manners? Ah. I just want to spray some water on those kids (and their parents) and say, “Badly done!” awe that honestly made my day! I’m so glad that the little cutie still loves you and intends to marry you. He’s just so precious and adorable!
    They are and I’m glad that they’re able to make a living doing what they love and mucking about. Ah. I’m sorry to hear that they’re airing that in Belgium. I was hoping that the American Top Gear would be something that stayed in the US, so no one else would have to see what they tried, but it’s just another example of an American adaptation not living up to the British one. Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Sorry for all those yes, but I completely agree with you. The American Top Gear definitely feels forced and unnatural, it’s just awkward and it didn’t translate. It seriously was the Americans trying to hard. We watched one episode and then gave up on it.
    Thank you! I’m just hoping they won’t embarrass us too badly at the World Cup, and I’ll be rooting for Belgium as well! :)
    I’m glad you had a lovely Christmas! Was there any snow? Thank you very much, Happy belated New Year to you to! And I hope you enjoy the rest of your break :)
    January 3rd, 2014 at 09:08am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    I’m so sorry I didn’t reply sooner. But as for your last message, he was getting better, but then his mom showed up and that woman just wouldn’t leave. She was meant to be here to help, but I swear she just got in my way and acted like getting on the computer made me a bad wife so I just stayed off, which was almost as hard as not drinking coffee. But enough of that!
    I’m glad to hear that the new mom lets the kids talk on the bus. And I really hope that she’s still the chaperone, because she sounds so much better than that mean lady who didn’t get along with anyone. Ugh. I just read that that mean lady is coming back after Christmas break, but I’m holding out hope that the new mom will be so well liked and approved that somehow or another, she’ll stay on and that mean lady won’t be able to be a bitch to the kids. They don’t need to deal with people like her when they’re going to school.
    Awe. I’m glad the retired professors were able to make it out to the alumni day. That says a lot about their character. Like you said, they were invested in their students as people and not just numbers that funded their paychecks. I can’t get over the fact that they still remembered the names. That’s impressive. Nowadays, people forget names if they haven’t seen the person in a few months.
    I like the fact that they require students to learn two foreign languages. With the way the world is nowadays, it’s imperative that people speak more than one language, but unfortunately in my country, people don’t feel that way. And speaking of schools. How are your students treating you? And how is that little cutie that said he wanted to marry you when he grows up? The other day I brought up that story at work and my boss just started laughing and said that kid was “so fucking adorable.” Haha
    Ugh! I hate when that happens. And the worst part is that you feel so silly afterwards for not having remembered the word in the first place. The other day I forgot how to say vacuum in English, and I had to buy a new one because the one we have broke down, so I was at the store, trying to describe it and since it’s called an aspiradora in Spanish, I referred to it as an aspirator, it was just all sorts of bad.
    I actually just watched that episode a couple days back. They were having a marathon on BBC America, and I couldn’t stop laughing. Those guys are just overgrown little boys and I love seeing the mess they get into.
    I hope you had a great Christmas with your family and that you’ve been able to enjoy your break! :)
    December 28th, 2013 at 10:53am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    Thanks so much! And it is. He started walking (well, taking a few steps here and there), a day after the surgery, and we spent the last month doing physical therapy and getting him to walk laps around the backyard haha so thankfully, it’s almost all better, he’s got a couple weeks left of staying at home, but now he doesn’t require constant attention. And my sanity is very appreciative of that. I’m glad you think so too. It’s amazing how they get to acting. I even contemplated getting him stoned just to make him sleep more but decided against that because he’s going to be drug tested when he gets back to work. Ah. I’m awful. I know.
    I’m glad to hear that that awful lady is gone. That’s good. This new lady sounds like she’ll be better. She has an emotional investment with her children there, and I’m sure she knows some of the other parents so she’ll be better with the kids. Exactly! If that’s what a person is meant to do, then they should put in the effort to be at least cordial. It’d be ideal if she were friendly with the kids, but even cordial and not scary would’ve been enough, but thankfully that lady’s gone and the new mom’s in.
    Haha are you serious? That’s so strange. I wonder why he sits under the table. And you’re right, as long as he’s quiet and participates, all is well.
    Awe, it sounds like your alumni day was massively rad! It must’ve been great to see all those people again and be able to hang out with your college friends. I’m glad to hear your professor’s still awesome and that you guys talked for a good while. Oh, some of the professors have already retired? It was good of them to go back for the alumni day. I know some wouldn’t have shown up, but I like that they put the effort to go and see what their old students have gotten up to.
    Oh okay. I like that they made you guys study that. It must’ve been a pain learning so many languages, but I think it would’ve been interesting. Hahaha I love that you do that! And I totally get you. Sometimes I’ll know a word in Spanish and not in English or vice versa. It’s funny how that happens and you can clearly visualize what you mean but you can’t convey it in the necessary language. Yeah, some of the ones on here are bad. And it’s even that way for some of the older ones as well. I know I have some friends that I just stare at in wonder. The other day I told one of them that he had a very pensive face, and he didn’t know what the hell I was talking about. I blame it on the fact that he’s one of my wrestling friends. Those never did all that well with their studies in school. It was just me and this other kid that actually got good grades, but yeah, it’s amazing how some native speakers are just awful. And you’re right! It would be awkward and embarrassing to be corrected by someone from Belgium or just someone who doesn’t have English as a first language lol.
    The police cars! Yes! Haha that was a great episode. I haven’t seen the one with the mopeds in India. I need to get on that and see if BBC America will air it one of these days.
    I love the story of Moses! It was one of my favorites when I was little, and while I know that there are some inaccuracies, I do love the movie, The Prince of Egypt. I think you might’ve seen it, but yeah, it was a good treat.
    You had a week long break? Jealous! Was there a special holiday over there?
    A baby! What’s his name? And congratulations to your friend! There goes her sleep, but at least she’ll have a little cutie!
    November 7th, 2013 at 11:18pm
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    Ah! I am so sorry for not replying in such a ridiculously long time. I blame my husband. The idiot got himself into a compromising situation which worsened his horrible knee and led to his having replacement surgery done. And needless to say, I ended up having to be his nurse and was robbed of my valuable free time. That probably sounds incredibly selfish, but I just really wanted to get my writing on and my mibba on, but he was so fussy that I had to sleep when he slept just so I wouldn’t be tired when he was up. I swear men turn into children whenever they’re ill, but enough of that. I’m back!
    Oh okay. That’s crazy. Here in America it’s just the bus driver that’s on there, but it makes sense for their to be another adult on the boss, that way someone can keep an eye on them and try to keep them in line. Though it sounds like this lady isn’t all that great at being around kids. Hopefully, they’ll be able to find another volunteer to take her place, because the kids shouldn’t have to deal with someone like her and neither should the staff. Haha. You’re right. Having to drop off all those kids everyday would be a pain. They’re so noisy when they’re going home from classes and even in the morning, they’re so peppy.
    That Maxim’s adorable. He scopes the goods seats out so he can be near you. I honestly can’t get over how much of a cutie that boy is lol.
    It was! It seriously was one of the most awkward moments of my life, especially since that lady was unstable. He’d tried breaking up with her a few times, and even asked her to leave, but she refused to go because according to her they were meant to be. So he didn’t know what else to do and had me handle that, and then she threw a fit about how it wasn’t right. It was embarrassing cuz it’s like, she was throwing the fit in front of her work (granted, she worked at a yoga studio), but still! A lady has to keep some class, that’s what I always say, but yeah, it was definitely an awkward moment. And I hope I never have to relieve anything similar to it again haha.
    That’s awesome! How was the alumni day? I hope it was rad and you had lots of fun with your friends :)
    Haha you don’t sound like a goodie two shoes. It makes sense to have asked her to look over exercises. Learning a second language is hard work and takes lots of commitment, and it’s clear to me that you really took everything in. Your English is better than most people I know.
    Ah! Was that episode the one where they go caravanning and then Richard and James send Jeremy’s caravan over a cliff? That’s one episode where I honestly could not stop laughing. Ah! I had the same reaction to him! I thought he was going to be hilarious and a little awkward like Chandler, but the man let me down :(
    How have you been though? How’s teaching going?
    November 5th, 2013 at 08:59am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    That must be so frustrating! That is true, but I just like the fact that in Finland teachers are respected as much as doctors, because that’s the place they should be given. They play such a crucial role in development of children’s minds, and instead of being praised for that, they get idiotic jokes told at them.
    Haha they were very involved, sometimes it was just beyond embarrassing, but in retrospect, I appreciate everything they did. They always paid close attention at the parent/teacher conferences and if anyone ever complained about my behavior, it’d be directed immediately. Exactly! Parents think that teachers are supposed to turn their kids from wild little animals into obedient children, but that’s not how things go. They need to put the example at home.
    Awwwwe that is the cutest thing ever! He loves you so much he doesn’t care if it’s illegal. Oh, little kids are so adorable sometimes! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha omg the (I don’t want to get banned bit) literally made my spit out my orange juice with how hard I was laughing lol That’s horrible! I think someone should file a complaint, because if she’d not nice to the kids, then there’s no point in her being a school bus teacher. Kids need someone that’ll offer them a smile when they get on the bus, not someone that’ll be rude and disrespectful. How people like that get jobs working with children is beyond me.
    There is no way Mertens looks 17. I thought he was around 24, and while that is younger than his actual age it’s not by a lot.
    Oh, my boss has his moments. I think I’m one of the few people he’s somewhat nice to because I’ve done so much dirty work for him. Once, I had to pack up the things of a girlfriend he was living with, place them in a storage, change the locks and then drive over to the woman’s work to give her the key to the unit. It was a horrible thing to do, but I think that was when he realized that I was fully committed to being a personal assistant, because sometimes it gets a little out of control. But yeah, he’s alright by me. And he watches boardwalk empire! So sometimes we’ll have a conversation over that.
    You should go! I’m sure it’ll be great to see old friends and be able to talk to that professor. She sounds like she was lovely. I mean, she actually noticed that you were putting your full effort in. Some professors are jerks and even in a class of twelve don’t take the time to really pay attention like that.
    You watch Top Gear? Oh, you just get radder every day! :)
    September 29th, 2013 at 07:25pm
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    And I honestly mean it. I’m friends with quite a few of my old teachers from high school, so I definitely see how hard it is that you guys have to work, even after you leave the classrooms, you’re still grading papers and coming up with lesson plans and trying to think up new way to hold the pupils attentions. It’d hard fucking work, and it’s not something that I could ever do that’s why I applaud teachers. People like to be assholes and act like they’re glorified babysitters, but that’s not the case. They’re helping mold the minds of the teacher and they have to be paid better and treated better, like in Finland! Over there teachers are paid as much as doctors and I think that’s how it should be because they play such a crucial form in helping form the minds of children and teenagers. Ah. Sorry! I’m rambling, I just get really passionate and protective because I get so annoyed when people try to downplay it.
    OMG!!! Yes! I fucking hate that. I hate when parents try to act like their kids are little angels that never do wrong. I remember one time I got in trouble for school for being a jackass (me and my wrestling friends that it’d be fun to do a prank during lunch . . . it cost us dearly . . .), and the principal called my mom. And my mom went off on me. I got told off, I got grounded, and I remember I got smacked a bit, it wasn’t a lot though and I definitely deserved it for being such a jackass. And I hate the facts that parents try to make the teachers seem like they’re out to get the kids. I’m sorry, but if a teacher is telling you that your kid is acting like a prick, it’s because they are. You said it though, thank goodness for the nice kids! That’s why I was always polite to my teachers. That’s how I managed to get A’s in French for two years. I hardly understand anything, but I was the only one that was helpful, constantly cheerful, and didn’t tell her off.
    I was! Haha I can’t help it though. I randomly day dream about him and then jot down whatever comes to mind as a reference for a potential chapter. He’s just so lovely to look at and I love that grin of his, though I have to say my favoritist ginger is Rupert Grint! Ah!
    He’s definitely a hottie! I can’t believe they think he looks like a little kid. That’s a grown man. He might be a little on the shorter side but not ridiculously short or anything like that.
    That’s what I say! I don’t understand how someone can be that stupid. It’s like he actively works at being an idiot, but ugh, I’ve just got to deal with him. And my boss doesn’t tell me off when the other assistant messes up, he takes pity, so I’m at least grateful for that. Hahaha nincompoop is a great word!
    I think you’re being far to modest about your English. If I didn’t know you were Belgian, I would’ve thought you were from the UK. You have better spelling than most Americans I know, your sentences flow a heck of a lot better and your grammar’s on point. I can’t believe that the professors are complaining about it. Like you said, they should be taking courses every once in awhile to stay on top of things, but I guess they’re just full of themselves because they have their PhD!
    September 27th, 2013 at 11:18pm
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    Are you fucking serious? You already have to cram your lessons into a limited time frame and now they want you to make sure that they remember to take their lunchboxes? Ugh. Those people swear that you have all the time in the world to be reminding the kids time and time again. That’s just ridiculous! The kids should be old enough to remember to take their lunchboxes home. This is why I applaud teachers. You guys always have to deal with so much crap and the profession doesn’t get the amount of respect it truly deserves.
    Thank you so much! I’m keeping my fingers crossed as well. (random aside: when I wrote fingers the first time, I accidentally wrote gingers. You can guess where my mind’s at haha)
    Haha you definitely have to get a Mertens jersey. That man is just fiiiiiine.
    Awe thank you! Now I have a team that’s soon to be officially in the World Cup! Hoorah :)
    It has been a little busy. Haha I love how you already knew the assistants been a pain. I swear that man was just made to annoy me. I left him some files that our boss needs for an upcoming case, and I’d finished the files and placed them in the correct order, all he had to do was take them to get printed and made into nice professional looking little book things, but the asshole didn’t do that. He took some other file on the flash drive and somehow managed to delete the one that I had worked on. So I had to start the work all over again. I swear that man is lucky his dad is so up in the ranks, or else he would’ve gotten his ass beat months ago.
    Other than that, it’s been great! I was able to have a The Tudors marathon on Netflix and feast on some carne asada fries mmm mmm
    How’ve you been?
    September 25th, 2013 at 11:33pm
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    Haha awesome!
    Oh okay. That’s horrible, but understandable. I mean, I guess most people wouldn’t want to work on a Friday afternoon, but they should be more considerate of the children’s needs. I mean it’s just Friday afternoon, it’s not like they were going to have to work in the evening or on Saturday morning.
    Thank you! But you’re right, you definitely need your shoulder over there. It’s okay though, I cuddle with my huskies and get through it. Though I’m still upset that they’re doing so poorly. I’m keeping faith that they will somehow get better, because if not, they’re going to have millions of angry Mexicans in Mexico and the US to deal with lol.
    You don’t own a Belgian team jersey? You must get one! I love a good jersey. I splurge on authentic ones when I really love the team/player, otherwise I’ll get a decent knockoff at the swapmeet and sport it around. I’m glad that the team has been able to get over that and move on as a single Belgian team, because their native language isn’t the most important factor, it’s the flag they play for and the beautiful diverse group of people they represent on the field!
    Haha I will! At this rate, I do think I’ll be sporting a Belgian jersey. I’ll put it into rotation with my England jersey, and the US one since my dad is probably going to buy us all some. I’m still jealous of you though, your team is going to go to Rio! Oh well, I’m going to make myself an honorary Belgian so I can say my team’s there as well :)
    September 23rd, 2013 at 09:05am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    Haha I’m only like that at work. Whenever people upset me in my personal life, I always call them out on it, but at work I’m sneaky lol. Don’t worry though, you’ll never be on my black list! You’re my rad Belgian friend :)
    34 at once? That’s such a big class size! I can’t believe that you have to give class in the cafeteria, that’s insane. And it sucks that recess is right in the middle of their class. That’s bad scheduling on the school’s part, but at least the kids haven’t been too noisy or rowdy.
    Oh okay then! Well in that case, they’re someone else’s problem now lol
    And as for Mexico's world cup qualifiers . . .


    The Mexico team is just a massive hot mess. They’re just doing horrible. They lost against the US this week! It was embarrassing. Whenever they play them, Mexico always wins, and it’s beautiful because the games are usually in Los Angeles, and all the Mexicans and Mexican-Americans flood the stadiums and it’s a sea of green, but this time, (the match was in Ohio so at least it wasn’t as devastating as if it had been a loss in LA) they lost 2-0. And they might not qualify for the world cup! It’s embarrassing. And what made it worse was that people are saying (well the English speaking newscasters) that the Mexican fans are just going to cheer for Argentina or Spain, but that just shows how stupid they are, because Mexicans don’t cheer for Argentina. It’s like the English and the Argentineans, when it comes to football, we don’t mix. But ah, I’m sorry, I’m rambling. I’m just so upset because I always buy a new Mexico jersey and we have massive parties in the backyard for the matches but if they don’t qualify then we won’t be able to have that. Because I’ll buy a bootleg US jersey (I’m not about to spend a hundred dollars on a jersey I’m not committed to. But when it comes to England, I do . . . I’m a horrible American, I know), and I’ll watch the match but it’s not going to have the same energy.
    Ah! How I envy you! Your lovely Belgian team is surely going to make it to the World Cup and be in good standings, and you’ll be able to proudly watch their matches and wear their jersey! It is amazing how far they’ve come. They put in all that hard work, and it’s honestly paid off. That’s how teams are supposed to be, always fighting and moving upwards. Ah he did. I just googled him to remember which good looking Belgian he was, and ah he’s as lovely as ever! Haha, I think I might have to buy a Belgian jersey at the swap meet and sport it while they play!
    September 14th, 2013 at 10:00am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    It was! It was very bitter sweet getting the fifth-seventh books because I knew people were going to die. And when it was Dobby’s turn to die, I lost it. I sulked for an entire day over his death. I just really loved Dobby.
    Haha yes. I like to get back at them in small ways. Just like when I started working for my boss, (he’s lactose intolerant), and on days when he would be a massive dick, I’d slip just a bit of milk to set him off. It took him awhile to figure it out, but when he did, he just shook his head at me and laughed. I thought he was going to fire me, but with the other assistant he has, he knows he has to keep me around lol
    The take out must’ve been delicious! I just love Chinese food. And it’s so hard finding a good place. Some of them are overly authentic, and I’m not about that. And some of them are too Americanized, and Im not about that either. I like finding the perfect balance.
    Yes! The minions were so fucking awesome. I loved how they tied it all up.
    How was your first week back at school? I hope your students are lovely so far and that it’s been good. Have they finally finished all of the construction on the roads?
    September 8th, 2013 at 09:48pm
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    They’re both just such great characters!
    I also love Remus as well. Him and Tonks – oh, how I wish they’d given them actual proper screen time in the films. I just love them and their story, and I cried like hell when they died and left their little Teddy. Ah. I’m getting all worked up again.
    He is! But I made sure to leave him a lot of work to do. Muahahaha. He even text me a few times to ask if I could come in and sort a few things out, but I replied that they were my days off and he had to figure it out for himself. I know that probably sounds lame, but I got so much satisfaction out of texting that. I did! We went to go see Planes again, and then she wanted to grab some worms (noodles), so we had some Chinese food after, it was yummy!
    How’d you like Despicable Me 2? I thought it was lovely and surprisingly a little better than the first, but I love both of them. They were rad movies.
    That’s right! You start work this upcoming week. I hope you’re blessed with a majority of students that’ll follow instructions and do as they’re told, and hopefully there won’t be any students that are too difficult!
    September 1st, 2013 at 01:13am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    Haha true that! We have to keep positive that our beloved books were at least made into movies! You know, that is true lol Tom Felton was just such a perfect little Draco. I personally love Rupert Grint, but I wish he were freckly faced like I always imagined Ron Weasley to be, but either way, that ginger has a place in my heart.
    My plans did sound marvelous, but the damn asshole called in again :(. I had been so excited because he promised that he was going to fly in, but then on Wednesday night, he sent me a text message saying that he was stuck in London and wouldn’t be able to fly out until the weekend, so while that jerk was (and still is!!!) strolling about a city that I long to visit, I had to work. But I guilt tripped my boss today, and I’m getting Wednesday-Friday off next week. So I’m happy about that, but I feel I could’ve probably taken a couple more days. Everyone at the firm is afraid of my boss because he’s so angry all the time, but I’ve endeared myself to the point where he says that if he’d ever had a bastard, he would’ve liked it to be me. That in itself isn’t a sweet thing to say, but coming from that childless whoremonger it’s a compliment. haha
    That’s so exciting! Have you given more thought as to what movie you’re going to see? I recommend either Despicable Me 2 or Turbo, I took my niece to see them and she absolutely loved them. And you’ll enjoy them as well, they’re really sweet movies :) haha! So true! Movie tickets are expensive, so when they’re free you’ve got to use them! It’d be unpardonable not to!
    Same here, I miss the days when I could take a comfy afternoon nap or sleep in late. I love the days when I can wake up at ten or eleven and just lounge about. Ah sleep, it’s such a beautiful thing.
    August 24th, 2013 at 11:34am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    Ah! Same here! I loved the way that Jane looked up at him, as if to confirm that that was really his daughter’s name. Oh, it was beautiful and so heartbreaking and ahh, like you said, it’s a massive tear jerker. I remember when I saw it in theaters, my eyeliner was all fucked up because I had cried to much and kept rubbing my eyes. I think that has to do with the fact that we all imagine a character a certain way, we have (at least I do) have this image of what they ought to look like and no actor can ever really compare to that idealized version, but agreed, Firth was aesthetically the better Darcy. But I really enjoyed the penetrating gaze of Matthew. He’s a good actor, and I just really liked how he worked the facial gestures. I’m a sucker for a man with a deep gaze though. I think that’s one of the reason why I love Firth as Darcy as well, those looks he shoots Lizzie and the discreet smiles, marvelous!
    Haha that sounds reasonable to me. It’s better to wake up a little earlier and have someone else do the cleaning than have to do it. No need to explain yourself! There’s nothing wrong with having someone go to do a bit of cleaning. You’re helping that person’s finances and having the house professionally cleaned, it’s a win-win. :)
    Oh okay! I like that it has a set date. That way there’s no need to wonder when it’s going to start. Over here, they’re always changing it around which can get a little annoying. Ah! I agree with you, breaks could always stand to be longer. I’m excited because my boss said that I could have Thursday and Friday off this week! I’ve already planned it out. I am going to do absolutely nothing on Thursday other than go on a stroll with my dogs and write, and on Friday, I’m going to take my niece to the movies since she wants to see Turbo again. Oh! And Sleep! I’m going to do loads of that.
    August 21st, 2013 at 10:13am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    Haha that is true. They’ll only tolerate it when its in their best interest.
    You hadn’t seen it before? Ah! I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve seen it. I bought it when it came out on DVD and the other day, I went to Target and they had it on blu-ray for seven bucks so I just had to get it. Ugh. I hate that scene when they part, and she goes back home so that his family can keep living and have that income they so desperately need. It was so tragic and lovely and now I want to see it again! The Keira one is lovely. I love the way they shot it, and Mr. Darcy in that one was just so masculine and had that . . . I lack the words, but it was the penetrating gaze that won me over on that one.
    That’s what I’m saying! I asked my boss if he could transfer him over to another attorney, since there are a bunch that are only associates and not partners, but as much as he hates the guy, he says he won’t do it, because apparently he gets a bonus for letting the guy work for him. It’s complete nonsense, but lawyers are crazy people that make things more complicated for themselves.
    Until when are you on break? And if you don't mind me asking, what time is it in Belgium? It's one in the morning here and I feel like it must be still be fairly early over there
    August 12th, 2013 at 10:07am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    Haha well I’m glad that one person was awesome about it. Those other people were just jealous though. I bet they wanted the shirt and were mad that you got to take it home.
    Oh, he didn’t agree to it right away. Haha. When I told him about it, he told me that I was insane. He couldn’t appreciate my love of Jane Austen attire, but after a few months of convincing I got him to change his mind. I don’t think he’s entirely happy with it, but he’s made his peace with it. That sounds like such a horrible thing to say, but I prefer it to the ideas his mom was throwing out. I love that woman, I really do, but she is beyond fucking tacky.
    Ah! I love those movies!!! Becoming Jane always makes me cry. That scene at the end where she reads to Mr. Lefroy’s daughter and just looks up at him, ahh it gets me every single time! What Pride and Prejudice did you watch? I love both, but must admit that I’m partial to Colin Firth’s version. I just love being able to lose myself for six hours in it. I’ve been good. I’ve been having to work longer since the other assistant decided that he was hard pressed for a lengthy vacation. He’s going on two weeks already and is meant to be out for another two! Sometimes I want to smack him and ask him if he has any shame, because I mean, I understand that getting a comfortable paycheck for doing nothing is convenient, but at some point an adult has to want to act like an adult and actually work for their money, but no, that guys just a massive bum.
    August 12th, 2013 at 09:38am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    I had to google what Tiroler food is, but I must say it does look appetizing. All the pictures had lots of potatoes and I love me some potatoes lol. I’m glad to hear that you’re alright with the heat wave. My other Belgian friend is saying that same thing. She says that everyone’s complaining about the heat just like they complain about the cold, but that she’s enjoying the warmth right now.
    OMG I honestly just burst into laughter and spit my mineral water all over the place. Haha Oh, I can’t believe it hit you in the face. That is fucking crazy. And I can’t believe that those people tried to make a go for it. It’s like, it fucking hit you in the face, that automatically makes it your property. Those people were just crazy.
    Haha that’s what he told me as well, and I’ve agreed to it because I want my lovely church wedding. The first time around we just went to the courthouse and had a thing at a restaurant after, so it wasn’t a big party, but this time we’re going to get our mariachi and he’s letting me run wild with my Jane Austen theme so I’m happy with that. But I told him not to even think about kids until he takes me to Europe, because I demand to travel before settling down, because I know that once babies get into the picture, I won’t want to make those long trips, other than trips to Mexico so they can see their other relatives.
    How have you been? How’s your summer break going?
    August 11th, 2013 at 07:52am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    Haha well that sounds like a glorious way to spend your time in Italy! You were able to get some color and I’m sure you had some delicious Italian food while you were out there lol
    Oh yeah, I’ve heard about the heat wave that’s going through Europe right not. Hopefully it’ll go away soon since people over there aren’t used to such hot weather. Hahahahahahaha OMg the idiots that were ruining your buzz, oh that just made me giggle really hard! But hell yeah, that’s a prized possession! And screw those irritating people, the shirt fell right in front of you, so you obviously had dibbs on it. They were just kidding themselves by thinking they had a chance at it.
    Hopefully one day! Right now I’ve got a nice little sum saved up and whenever I see it, I get really tempted to just book flights to Europe to go exploring for a bit, but then I remember that the money’s meant for the Catholic wedding and just sulk a bit haha. I’m tempted to live in sin a bit longer if it means I can go ahead and visit the beautiful landmarks I admire!
    August 4th, 2013 at 09:43am
  • Overflowing Ashtray

    Overflowing Ashtray (100)

    United States
    Ahhhh words do not begin to explain how jealous I am of your vacation!
    How was it? Did you eat delicious food and stroll through the piazza and see the ruins?
    Oh, to be in Europe in the summer! What a dream!
    I’m glad to hear that Rock Werchter was a rad time! Leave it to Green Day to have the longest set haha good on them, I bet you were beyond stoked for that! And I can just imagine the shirt flying towards you in slow motion and you not thinking that you’d catch it. It must’ve been a sight to behold, but it’s seriously cool that you got the shirt. I love that you had to push people away to grab it haha you fought for that shirt! And it must not be treated as a trophy. Granted, a trophy that one can undoubtedly be comfy in :) haha I like your friend. Her reaction is definitely something I would do.
    My holiday was good, though nowhere near as epic as yours! I went up north to Monterey for a few days. We rented a little cottage so it was nice to just be able to enjoy the view and relax. I just love Monterey, it’s beautiful on the coast and it’s just so peaceful. We also went up to Berkeley for a few days to see some friends and then to San Francisco to visit my aunt. It was a nice little roadtrip :)
    July 28th, 2013 at 12:15pm