Sirius Black / Comments

    How could you do this to me.......
    April 11th, 2010 at 11:09pm
  • Hello there Sirius, I do hope you like your new hair.
    I'm sorry I had to do it while you were asleep, but we both know there was no other way you would have let me done it otherwise.
    Anyway, I think you look very dashing. And so do half the girls in our Charms class I think, by the way they were messing up their levitating charms (how elementary).
    That remids me, Flitwick is looking for you. I hope for your sake you've done your Charms essay. Otherwise I think it might be best you go and join some kind of wild animal pack until it has blown over.
    Give it a month or so.
    Hope you're not dead, once again very dashing and such, I'll see you in Potions later.
    Remus X
    March 10th, 2010 at 01:39am
  • Rosie Lobin eh....hmmm what an interesintg name. I bet she's an interesting girl. And hot. I didn't really get much valentines, one of my dear mother of course. And one off somebody called 'Busty La Rouge' but I think that was Prongs ¬_¬. Oh dear I might have alreaydy eaten some of that chocolate...........hey Sirius, do you know Sophie Marks? Could you intodruce me?? I THINK I LOVE HER!!!!
    February 17th, 2010 at 01:06am
  • Happy Valentines Day Padfoot!
    Please try not to drown in your monsterous pile of would ruin V Day.
    And don't make yourself sick with all the candy.
    Love you lots! - Remus. X
    ps. I get dibs on your left over chocolate. You can't eat it [i]all[/i] on your own
    February 15th, 2010 at 05:08pm
  • Not your type?? He's your best friend you obviously like him!
    :: growls:
    February 13th, 2010 at 11:31pm
  • Ha! So you admit you and James had 'relations' in my bed!! That's the real reason you're so upset by the whole James/Lily thing...

    And don't try and deny it, you Sirius Black are so far in the closet you've had sex with Mr Tumnus.
    February 10th, 2010 at 12:37am
  • Excuse me I'm not the one with a soft spot for a certain balding Ravenclaw boy.....!!*coughJudeClawcough*

    And how do I know this isn't a double-bluff and it was actually YOU who were in my bed?
    That's a discouraging thought.
    February 9th, 2010 at 12:06am
  • I.....I............I.......*looks considerbly flustered*
    It wasn't me!! D:

    It must have been James, YOU'RE the one that told me he uses MY bed for *cough* wizarding relations!!
    Well at least that means he listened to our advice....and read the notes you left him everywhere "DONT BE SILLY WRAP YOUR WILLY!!!"

    Pffffft Sirius Black accusing me of adultery....
    February 8th, 2010 at 11:47pm
  • Sirius -insert middle name in here- Black!!

    You better have talked to James by now!!
    If not I will be forced smother you in your sleep and use your eyeballs in my potion classes.

    Don't make me do it! :(

    Much love - Remus X.
    February 6th, 2010 at 12:54am
  • Well well well!!
    Lookit who we got here!
    Haha long time no talk stranga! Hows it goin? =D
    hows Alfie? (thats what he likes to be called now!) xD
    anywho talk sooooon! =]
    October 30th, 2009 at 05:07pm
  • I was gonna say hey, but I was like 'eehh what if I got her wrong!?'
    I was determind you were, but I got really shy! >.<

    See you .. :O Tomorrow! :O
    September 8th, 2009 at 06:41pm
  • Hi!

    I think I saw you today at College in Gorseinon in the art class, I be in there.
    I think it was you :P Thought I'd just say >.>
    September 4th, 2009 at 12:57am
  • Hello, how are you?
    August 10th, 2009 at 04:00am
  • Hannah!!| :D

    Im talking to you right now on MSN (well, ebuddy. Same diff) but I thought I'd leave you a comment so when I log off you'll always have a little piece of me around *sniff*. (Our converstion has inevitbly turned to lupin)

    I'm glad you're okay, have a nice in Chariss's. be a good girl now ;) Im having a faaabulous time in the fun summer sun.

    Might speak to you before I get back, miss you looooads, see you soon.

    LOVE YOU!! *mwah*
    August 7th, 2009 at 09:29pm
  • I feeeeeeeeeel yooooooou Jo-Hannah...!
    *presses up against your window*

    I'm in England tomorrow sweetie, I'm wondering off to try and find Grimmauld Place...Oops I have to go and see Mozza *sigh*
    Is it creepy to steal your babysitting employers magazine just because it had a picture of David Thewlis in it...? Because I did.
    *sigh* He looked cute and Lupin-y okay! They left me alone with it, they were asking for trouble.

    Don't worry it's raining here too, I think the sky is sad you're gone D: You've abondened Wales!
    Maybe I'll see you around England town tomorrow, have a nife life jerk-ward

    Love you :D x
    July 20th, 2009 at 08:50pm
    You're in Newcastle and I miss you :( Having fun though?
    Send Barry my love xD Ooft try to keep your hands off him now!
    I just realised I'm gonna see Morrissey before I see you again, so I'll send him your love. We're gonna be in England at the same time :D Yay.

    I love the Mauraders. I hate Harry and his frickn' gay friends xD They don't turn into animals, gaawd. I read a story and Lupin asked Tonks if she's have a threesome with a ghost *coughSiriuscough* xD. Merlin's beard fanfictions are perverted. brave, like my mother. You have to be brave like Lily! Otherwise Francis the Fish will die =O

    See you around the land of England. Maybe we'll bump into Alan Rickman. Or Rupert.
    No wait, I forgot you had Rupert tied up in you closet.

    Looooove you Mrs Weasley!! xxx :D
    July 16th, 2009 at 11:55pm
  • Random Family Guy quote of the day: "Don't yell at your mother! If you do a hen will lay a egg in your tummy"
    July 14th, 2009 at 12:36am
  • LMFAO I don't know what's funnier, your backround or the spinning rabbit! xD
    Ewww Ron and Hermione porn, you need to get yo' self some Wolfstar ; )
    I am very impressed though, it looks wand-erful! :D *pats your head* Good Dobby.

    You slept all day?? I'm even more impressed!
    I would have too if Kate hadn't rung me at midday. Her cat died, my uncle found it on saturday :(

    I'll see yo' on Wednesday brother, I'm wearing ears and pretending im a werewolf ^.^
    Loooove you Mrs Weasley xx
    July 14th, 2009 at 12:33am
  • OMG I am dead excited to see that. Jesus when the films comes out...I'll be in uni...O.O
    Johnny crying? I can barley cope with men crying in school lmao.
    July 2nd, 2009 at 10:29pm
  • Omg I really want to see that aswel!!! It looks really good. What ever Johnny Depp is in its going to be good :P
    Nah we went to see the hangover. I won a voucher thing off of the radio and had 2 free tickets to see what ever so yeah :D
    July 1st, 2009 at 11:17pm