You'll be laughing the other side of your damn face.

So I have this extension lead in my room, because I have like five or six things that want plugging in but only the one socket. It has this little orange light on the end that sometimes works but usually doesn't for whatever reason.Anyway, these days I normally only have my laptop plugged in. Today I felt like watching a DVD or something so I plugged in the PS2 as well, that being my only means of...
April 24th, 2008 at 09:21pm

What damn peculiar dreams.

Okay, so two nights ago I had a fairly unremarkable dream.It started with a bunch of strangers milling around on an underground train that was waiting to leave. The station was massive and I was on the top floor with a bunch of people from college. We were supposed to be on the train downstairs but we were taking it slowly because we figured we were going to miss it regardless of how fast we...
April 13th, 2008 at 12:33am

I have spent this week procrastinating.

So we have two weeks off college, which is fine and dandy.My teachers have all set coursework deadlines for the week we get back, and considering how far behind I am (mainly because I took a week out for New York, which I don't regret in the slightest) this fortnight off would have been a godsend had I not spent it doing precisely shit all. I haven't even gone out. There was a movie night that...
April 11th, 2008 at 01:27pm

You make me sick to my stomach, little man.

My photography teacher is the worst person on the face of the planet.He told my parents a long series of lies when he met with them yesterday, so they came home and yelled at me about how dreadful all my grades are. I dislike confrontations at the best of times, but having had four hours of sleep and then spent a further six cooped up in the back of a coach, I ended up getting so pissed off that I...
April 4th, 2008 at 06:26pm