Miss.J.isamonster / Comments

  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Haha "still around" might be a stretch! I'm with you; I'm really never on here unless I'm updating a story. (Although -- hey! -- it looks like at least the site has gotten faster...)

    I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the chapter, even after all this time!

    Thanks for the comment, love. You know I appreciate the hell out of it. (:
    October 1st, 2015 at 02:27am
  • Oldjane

    Oldjane (150)

    Are you back? :D Haven't seen you on Mibba in ages!! :D
    August 20th, 2015 at 01:39pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    LMAO, yeah, Zacky definitely is a clever little shit, isn't he? He's like that sometimes. xD

    I'm glad you enjoyed him coming up with the story about them being married! He's definitely made up some entertaining things before in the past, but you're definitely right, them being married takes the cake! (even if they are technically the werewolf version of 'married'.)

    No comment on whether or not the witch was just honestly being protective or was being iffy like you're thinking. Future chapters will address this, I'm sure! Aaaand, no comment on whether or not Drake is aware of Ava being alive (and no comment on if Drake is working with the witch).

    But, I will say that Drake has been using Ava's "death" (and the death of some other purebloods who were in the estate at the time of the explosion, as Brian noticed on camera) to his advantage, by making a huge fuss about how such a thing could have been allowed to happen, and by blaming the Council for not protecting werewolves (and, especially, purebloods). Take from that what you will. But does he know how hard it is to kill a pureblood? I'm sure he does... but it's not harder to kill a pureblood than any other werewolf. I mean, it's harder to kill Ava than most other werewolves, because Ava's been raised to be careful and quick-thining, so I guess that does tie into her being a pureblood, but I just want to make sure you know there's no physical difference there, only a difference in training and preparation. It's been just as hard for Drake to kill Zacky, after all.

    Thank you ever so much for the comment, love! I seriously appreciate it, and you should know it made me laugh! I'm so very sorry I didn't get back to you sooner on it!
    December 29th, 2013 at 04:11am
  • orange county.

    orange county. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Your comments are amazing. I love them.
    December 16th, 2013 at 09:00pm
  • orange county.

    orange county. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    You seriously don't know how much that means. Thank you.
    December 15th, 2013 at 08:30pm
  • orange county.

    orange county. (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Thanks for the comment on Noel! It was seriously lovely and I'm glad you enjoyed it. Yes, Robin definitely has a reason for not liking Christmas and it's - hopefully - not something that will come off totally cliched, but will actually fit with the light, comic tone of the story.
    December 15th, 2013 at 08:26pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Hey, girl! Thank you ever so much for the comment on Slip! Yours really made my night; I was grinning like an idiot as I read it!

    I agree with you completely about how nice it was for Johnny to have called to check in on Zacky and make sure he was still alive -- as awkward and forced as that phone call was. And yeah, the entire Brian/Zacky/everyone else relationship is terribly depressing, I know.

    Haha, yeah, Johnny getting stuck with the Drake binder is pretty hilarious. I was half tempted to have Matt be like "Well you're next in line, you fucking full-blood. Don't act like you weren't expecting this." xD

    How's Zee's wolf half torturing him? Eh, mostly just by constantly reminding him of his mate, you know? He already said he'd been thinking he was seeing her everywhere, or hearing her voice everywhere, and he was just constantly on edge. He was also just, you know, longing for her. It's not much different than his human emotional inner turmoil; it's just rooted in the fact that he misses his mate. He had trouble sleeping down the hall from her; how bad do you think that is now? ...Does that help answer or did I completely miss your question?

    ...yep, sure does look that way. How? Maybe she'll be able to explain that? I'unno. (; But let's put it this way: there's no way in hell any normal werewolf could have survived the trauma of being in that room during the time that the explosion happened. Either she wasn't in that room then, or who the fuck knows?

    At least she claims to not know, yeah. I'm sure all of your questions will be answered in the coming chapters. Sorry to leave you so confused and wondering!
    December 9th, 2013 at 10:43pm
  • kili the dwarf

    kili the dwarf (300)

    United States
    Thanks for commenting on A Drop in the Ocean, I'm glad that you like Sophie.
    She would totally be someone I'd love to know personally, alas she is only a figment of my imagination.
    December 9th, 2013 at 05:15pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Haha! Well I'm extra glad that I made you dance, in that case! Woo, embarrassing dance moves!

    And yeah, you're totally right. It's pretty amazing that Zacky hasn't completely lost it, like you said. Though, as for him not tearing Brian apart, I think that's pretty much tied to the fact that he doesn't blame Brian for anything.

    I'm glad you're excited for Drake's reappearance! I'm sure it's bound to be epic, since that man refuses to half-ass anything. xD Yeah, being willing to blow her up sure does say a lot about his... commitment, doesn't it?

    And thank you once again for commenting on the latest chapter! I honestly did a little happy dance of my own when I saw it! (:

    I'm ever so thrilled that you enjoyed the witch! Although, I'm totally not surprised to hear it. For some reason, the witch reminded me a bit of Drake, which makes no sense because they're absolutely nothing alike. (It must have been the fancy schmancy suit, the calm demeanor, and the fantastically styled hair. That's got to be it.) But yeah, I adore the witch as well, so I'm glad he's getting some love! I'm obviously glad that you enjoyed the Matt/witch interaction as well, especially considering it took up the bulk of the chapter. Matt might have been a tad bit overprotective and oversuspicious, but whatever.

    Woo! Glad you were able to understand why Ava'd be prepared for the possibility of her death. I know a lot of other readers were confused and concerned, thinking that she knew she was going to die and whatnot, but you've definitely got the idea: she was just getting her affairs in order because of the possibility. And yeah, leaving everything to Kat was definitely a nice gesture, even if it was also a selfish last attempt to gain some more points. xD

    As always, I'm glad you found Kat enjoyable and funny! I really love her, and I still don't understand all of the hatred that exists for her. /shrug. Kat can definitely be pretty damn hilarious in a sarcastic way when she wants to be, she just usually chooses to remain quiet and whatnot. But, really, would anyone expect Matt to fall for someone who didn't have at least some amount of a bitchy sense of humor? Matt will definitely slap Bri, too, so don't worry about that. It might not end up in any chapter, but it'll definitely happen.

    And again, thank you for being so sweet as to comment! I always really appreciate it! And we'll find out about the untitled journal as soon as Matt does, don't worry; he's not really known for keeping secrets in his point of view chapters. Zack... I can't make any promises for.
    December 8th, 2013 at 03:34pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Hey again! I'm glad that seeing that the story had been posted made you do a happy dance! I hope it was an embarrassing one! xD

    But yeah, I know reading that first chapter must've been super painful! It was a hard one to write, because it's just so hard to see Zack so miserable and, well, pitiful, really.

    I won't answer those questions aimed at Zee, because he'll answer them for himself, I'm sure. But I will say that he's not the one that initiates the fights, no. He doesn't do or say anything to egg Brian on; his existence is enough to set Brian off, and any reminder of Ava is enough to set him off, too. No, Zee's been... remember the epilogue where he hovered in the distance and then silently approached when everyone was done? He's still like that. Out of the way for the most part, and pretty damn silent and solemn.

    Oh, the King of Sass will most certainly be making a few appearances in the story, don't you worry! (As if he'd allow a story to be published without having a little starring role of his own! Pshaw!) And as to the floor... I didn't really draw a diagram of all of the places where Bri's beaten Zack's ass, so I don't have an exact answer for you. Suffice it to say it has been replaced at least in part on more than one occasion.

    You're right, we never did find out about that phone call and those documents. We will in this story! And we will also find out about the fifty million at some point, and whatever else we don't even know about yet. This story will actually end having answered questions rather than just having raised them. xD

    Thank you so much for the comment! It really made my morning when I saw it, and I'm now super excited to start writing the next chapter. (: Hopefully another update will be out sometime soon-ish!
    December 5th, 2013 at 12:12pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Oh, you're entirely too good of a flatterer! I really am glad that you found the story (and the ending for that matter) to be a breath of fresh air, even if it was so terribly depressing. And it really means to world to hear that the drama that the story was pretty damn full of wasn't overwhelming or overly cliché or anything. And, obviously, I'm glad your dude survived. xD

    I actually haven't heard that anyone has changed their opinions on Kat, but that doesn't mean that they haven't. Most of the people who have mentioned Kat since the epilogue were already supporters of her, or at least sympathizers. So... who knows what the Kat haters think, now? I really never understood them, though. Even Ava didn't dislike Kat, so I can't understand why others would dislike her for her... you know? Especially because you're totally right about her being pretty realistic and understandable in her reactions. I mean, I've read countless stories on here where the main girl goes way overboard on jealousies and readers just cheer that on, and Kat wasn't even a fraction of that. She was a little cold at first, sure, but she wasn't actively mean, and she was just worried about her boys -- especially Zacky, because after Matt she was closest to him. /shrug.

    I'll definitely take a Matt/Kat story into consideration, then! I've had one or two others suggest something involving those two, so you're not alone! I'll just have to see how it turns out and whatnot, and whether or not it ends up just being something I should include in the prequel whenever that's posted. (:

    And thank you for being understanding about me needing time! I promise it will be worth it when I finally do post it! xD
    November 16th, 2013 at 03:17pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Hey, girl! I'm glad you're, you know, alive and all. xD But you've got nothing to worry about for not having commented recently -- you're never obligated to comment and you've already given me so much in the past that I can't be anything but thankful. (: Seriously, though, don't apologize! Especially if 'shit has gone down'. That sounds terribly apocalyptic... so I hope everything's alright with you!

    It means so much to me to hear that you really got into the story so much that it was able to affect you like that, especially even before you got to the epilogue. I totally feel for your guy though, because I know this story is hard enough to follow even if you read every chapter twice over; I'm sure it was a total mindfuck for him! And while I'm obviously sorry that the ending was super painful, I'm glad that it was able to really get to you. That's all I was hoping for for the story as a whole, but especially for the epilogue; I was crying when I was writing it, for fuck's sake.

    And yeah, I'm hoping that Kat's dialogue got to some of the Kat haters out there, because I never wanted her to turn into this person that people think is a bitch. She was never supposed to look like that, and I still don't think she's like that at all, but I felt bad that some people got that perception. So, hopefully her little speech fixes some of that.

    Thank you again for all of those kind words; it means so much to know that the story put you through ups and downs; that's probably the biggest compliment I could ever get, and I really do appreciate it!

    I hope I won't keep you guys waiting too terribly long before I start the sequel, but in the mean time, I did want to offer to you, some of the other readers, and then just random A7X fans on here, a couple of one-shots as Christmas gifts or whatever. If you check out my blog about it, you can request something if there's something you'd like to have written, either completely unrelated to the WWLU/Slip universe or related to it. One of the other readers suggested I mention it to everyone who commented, so I'm doing just that. xD

    But enough of that nonsense; I just want to say thank you again, because your comment really did make my night! (:
    November 15th, 2013 at 02:18pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Oh, you don't have anything to apologize for, love! You're not obligated to comment or anything! (And apparently if you had commented, I would've been an asshole and not responded until two weeks later... so there's that. xD) But really, please don't feel bad or anything -- real life is so much more important! (And I hope school is going well!!)

    Anyways, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the whole sleeping-situation-thing. xD I figured that would be a pretty entertaining detail for people. And I'm glad you enjoyed Matt doing his little helpful-but-punk-ish thing! xD I was hoping people would enjoy that about Matt, considering I don't want him to come off as a softie or a tough-guy, but a mixture of the two.

    I honestly cannot remember who has mentioned that and who hasn't, but I'm fairly certain everyone is interested in what Ava's hiding... unless someone out there doesn't want to know because they're afraid of what it could be, I suppose. But yeah, I know that the secrets are all things people really want to know, but, unfortunately, most of them are things that aren't going to be revealed for a while. Ava learned from the best, after all; the Rinaldi's aren't amateurs that have all secrets blow up in their faces after a day or two. xD

    Zacky and Kat? Definitely. I'll make sure to get another scene of the two of them together written pretty soon! I've got a few of the coming chapters already planned out (though, not the next one, because I can't do things chronologically, apparently), but I will definitely make sure there is some Zacky-Kat love going on. (:

    And yeah, Ava's a bit... abrasive, and definitely harsh. She can't ever just have a middle-of-the-ground reaction, can she? I'm glad you aren't upset about her being that way, though! I know this chapter was a bit polarizing, with some readers 'proud' of Ava's strength-of-will, and others irritated by her harsh reaction. I'm glad you approve of her not letting him twist the situation or back her into a corner she doesn't want to be in! Both Ava and Kat are definitely not weak women, you're right. Although, an argument could be made that Ava would benefit from being just a little bit weaker... that didn't come out right. I'm hoping you understand what I'm trying to say?

    But yeah, long story short: I'm glad to hear you weren't put off my the chapter or by Ava's reaction!

    And thank you, as always, for the lovely comment! It really made my night, and I feel like I say that all the time, but whatever; it's true. (:
    September 12th, 2013 at 01:37pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    I'm glad to hear Ava and Brian make you laugh! They're like in almost every scene together, so it's good that you enjoy them!

    And you're totally right, they could definitely be very wrong about what Drake's plan might be. After all, all they did was decide what the easiest three plays could be, and Drake doesn't necessarily choose the easiest plays.

    And, yeah, he totally could go after Kat, especially knowing that she isn't nearly as prepared for it and knowing that it would royally screw with Matt (and the rest of the pack, for that matter). It's definitely a good option. But, as Brian and Ava suggested, he's got to know that everyone is going to be expecting an attack on Zacky, Ava, or Kat; she's going to be watched carefully because she is so obvious of an option. So it all comes down to what Drake's willing to risk and what he's more focused on getting done easily.

    Sly he most definitely is. Yes

    Anyways, thank you once again for the lovely comment! I really appreciate knowing what you're thinking during the chapter! Hug
    August 20th, 2013 at 02:56pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    I.... honestly do not know, either. Because I swear, if I was her, I would either be laughing my ass off all day or pulling my hair out. Possibly both. Or swooning constantly, I don't know. That's a definite possibility. Think

    Kat most definitely can turn into a wolf. She was born a human and all, but Matt turned her, so she can. I totally understand the question, though, because we haven't actually seen her as a wolf once yet. She's not as comfortable in the wolf body as everyone else is, simply because of her lack of experience with it. And so noted on the backstory comment! I'm thinking after this story is done I might write either the Matt/Kat prequel, or a sequel of some kind. I haven't yet decided.

    lmfao Exactly! All she has to do is poke him once with her nose and he's ready to start a fight with her. Although, his fighting would be much less playful, but whatever. I mean, Ava likes that kind of conflict, so I guess that's fine for her.

    THANK YOU! I completely agree. I really don't see how people could see her doing that. And no, you're probably right, it's unlikely Zacky would actually care about the act itself. Though, like you said, his more animalistic half certainly seems relatively possessive, so he might end up butt hurt again after the fact. But he would have no basis to actually be upset over. And glad to know the pace is working! And of course, King Sassy needs time to make his plans align and all. These things can't be rushed. ::nails:

    So I'm not crazy! I totally thought the italics made it obvious, but so many people messaged me freaking out about Ava, and I just... Do they expect me to be the kind of person that italicizes that much? I mean, I know I get a little over the top with italics, but I don't usually italicize entire lines for no reason. xD
    August 17th, 2013 at 05:10am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Aw, you are much too kind! Thank you! :D

    Of course, it can definitely be a reminder of your own mortality with things like that. Especially if she wasn't a hundred and fourteen or anything. You're right; the death of a loved one is always hard. But at least he's got someone as supportive as you to help him out!

    Haha, you're totally right, Kat's definitely the most mature one of the bunch. Maybe not growing up around the guys of Avenged Sevenfold helped that out a little bit? I obviously mean no offense to them with that, but growing up in a group like that and I'm not sure the word 'mature' would ever be used. xD And ha! Her whole story with Matt is actually pretty darn amusing, because all of those little details are all worth writing out. I'm contemplating making a prequel that focuses on the two of them, but I'm not sure how well it'd go, what with there being no major outside plot also going on, you know? Think

    I know! When I read some of the reactions to her 'annoying' Zacky, I was just like OMG NO! But, really. I don't know how that scene could be read without someone thinking she was acting like a little puppy that wanted to play. Especially after she had just been play-fighting the alpha and had lost. I mean, she's either going to be pissed and storm away, or she's going to still be in a good mood and still be all energized and all.

    That's what I was figuring everyone would think, too. But there have been a lot of people saying they want Ava to go and sleep with someone else to get back at him, and there have been a lot of people saying they're pissed at Zacky and wish Ava hadn't backed down... and I mean, I get that Ava doesn't usually back down, but it's a little different when your options are limited like that and you just want the conversation to go away no matter what, you know? But I know, everyone wants the happy ending to be here right now and all, but life just isn't that easy. Plus life would be boring if it was. And anyone that doesn't want Drake to continue his sassy epicness needs to just Hand

    Oh, the past drama will be interesting to see play out, I totally promise you that. Although I apparently need to be more careful about how things are revealed, because I'm pretty sure no one understood at first glance that Ava was actually quoting Zacky... Shifty
    August 16th, 2013 at 06:30am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Pshhh, please! You have absolutely nothing to apologize for! You're not required to comment or anything, and you had damn well better worry about your life more than commenting on my story, Missy! If anything, I have something to apologize for, because I just realized I never responded to your last comment on my profile because apparently I'm a total asshole. I'm sorry!

    I'm so sorry to her about your man's grandma! That's totally got to be tough, and I completely understand. My grandma just passed recently, too, so I really get it. I'm sure he really appreciates how awesome you are being by spending time with him and comforting him!

    Anyways, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed both of the latest chapters, and especially to hear you enjoyed Kat's role! She's honestly probably my favorite character in this story, and I don't even know how that happened. It's not even her story. tehe

    And THANK YOU for finding Ava's bugging of Zacky to be adorable! Thank you! I think a few people really thought she was being annoying, even though Brian described her as dancing and mockingly baring her teeth and she was so totally being playful. I mean, I get Zacky being annoyed, but sometimes I wonder what exactly some readers envision when they're reading the chapters. xD

    Haha, and oh, Zacky! Pat I'm glad you enjoyed his being relentless, too! Of course, the one thing he'd be super-persistent and unwilling to drop would be the way to fix his itch, as you say. And I'm glad to hear you approve of him getting the okay. I know a lot of people were super-surprised at Ava giving in (and I know plenty of people have been pretty upset that she did), but, what exactly else is she supposed to do? Because as hard as he tried to convince her to be open to getting in the mood... I mean, Zacky, we all know you can do much better to make the ladies swoon, perhaps when you're not worried about getting attacked in the process.

    And I bet you want to know what happened between them! Sly (I don't know, man. I've always wanted to use that smiley and I'm not sure I did it right, but whatevs.)
    But no. I mean, the whole picture isn't going to come out anytime soon, but there was definitely a pretty big puzzle piece left in the latest chapter. Apparently something that happened when he was 21 and she was 18? You might have already picked up on this, but in case you didn't, you did take note of the fact that there was practically an entire paragraph in italics, right? And that she used the phrase "sorry to burst your bubble, Princess, but". I mean, Zacky didn't randomly decide to reference a time when he was 21 for no reason.
    August 15th, 2013 at 12:34am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Haha, yeah, Kat's pretty epic when she wants to be. xD I figured everyone would be surprised when Matt wasn't the one to completely explode about the whole let's-wait-until-tomorrow thing. tehe

    And I thought you might particularly enjoy the return of King Sassy and his master plans! Obviously I won't spoil them for you -- because I'm fairly certain anyone who spoils one of Drake's plans will end up murdered in their sleep or something -- but I'll happily clarify what Ava and Brian deduced. As far as they are concerned, they think that Drake was behind the rogue problem in the first place, and had hoped that the rogues being there would lead Brian to mating with Ava. Then, when he showed up and offered that sketchy second chance, he expected them to take it. At least, that's what they think now. Beyond that, they don't know what the plan was, or why it would require a mated Brian and Ava.

    And, last but certainly not least: thank you once again for the sweet comment on the latest chapter! I'm so happy to hear that the plot is still interesting and not at all predictable for you. (:
    August 9th, 2013 at 04:55am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    So... I'm more of a prick than Zacky is, and I know it. I'm so sorry I didn't respond to your comment earlier! I really feel like a royal asshole for that, and I totally don't even have a good excuse for going MIA for a while. I'm just an asshole. But I really did appreciate your comment, and I want to make sure you don't think it didn't mean anything to me just because I took forever to get around to responding.

    I'm so glad that you enjoyed Zacky's moodiness in the latest chapter! I was hoping his pain-enduced adorableness would be entertaining. (: And I'm so extra glad you could see the Damon-like qualities of Ava in this chapter! Her laughter at his attempt at being all emotional and whatnot was exactly what had me pausing and realizing that -- holy shit! -- Ava is Damon. At least kind of. xD

    I know, the whole licking thing was obviously a surprise -- especially to Ava, of course. And I won't share the reasons for Zacky doing it, of course, but I'll definitely remind you that he is a werewolf. Licking is a more normal thing for canines than it is for humans, after all. xD

    ANYWAYS, I'm sorry I've been terrible and haven't updated in the last few days; I promise to update in the next hour or so!
    August 9th, 2013 at 03:29am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    WOO, questions! Dance Mental workout time! Weight Lift

    PUPS. Woo! This one I was ready for! Yes! And... no. xD Zacky's mom was was a human, and was never turned, but obviously Zacky came out a werewolf, so, in that respect, it is possible for werewolves to be born from someone who didn't have a mate. Brian referred to that as "breeding", I believe? But in literally any other example of werewolves ever being born? It's always between mates. A female werewolf doesn't go into heat until after she has mated, and she's only able to conceive when she's in heat.

    But is there some kind of Council-enforced rule about only alphas and betas having pups? Oh, no! Ha, I'm trying to imagine a Councilman showing up and telling a male that he can't mate with his mate when she's in heat, and, let me tell you, it's not a pretty picture! I totally get where you're coming from, since in the wild wolves are totally like that and all, but, at least in this story, werewolves are pretty different. They typically don't struggle to find enough food and whatnot where it would matter if only certain pairs had pups. Nah, in the werewolf world, pretty much every mated pair has at least one litter. They could always use condoms and whatnot if they didn't want a given heat to result in pregnancy, but most werewolves have that instinctual desire to have a family at some point in their lives. That's typically why males turn females. The whole alpha-and-beta-pair rule that the Council has is only about what is necessary for a pack to be deemed 'official'; it's just about making sure each pack has a minimum number of wolves and has enough of a hierarchy structure to be considered viable and whatnot. They just don't want any one wolf to decide he can go out and claim territory on his own, you know? They don't have time to deal with that kind of shit.

    And OH MY GOD, I was too! I was sitting here laughing so hard, and wondering how bad it would have had to have been for Zacky to have kicked Johnny out of the room afterwards. lmfao
    July 29th, 2013 at 05:57am