Miss.J.isamonster / Comments

  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Haha, yeah, at least one of his packmates really is going to beat his ass, huh? Definitely raises the question of if he really thought all of that through, huh?

    Man, you really raised a lot of questions I wasn't expecting to have to answer! But thanks for that; it keeps me on the balls of my feet and really makes me think everything through!

    Can a wolf take two mates? I'd have to say no, at least in practicality. I suppose the technical answer to if it was even physically possible in any situation at all might be a little bit different, but the basic answer would definitely have to be a no. Wolves are monogamous animals, and, at least in this story, werewolves are, too. And, since the whole "mate" business is more on the wolf half of things than the human, mates are specifically monogamous and not polygamous. It's more than just two werewolves sleeping together, you know? Matt and Brian have implied as much, and both have spoken of how mates inherently don't want to harm each other. That same bond would, theoretically, stop a werewolf from being able to mate with another werewolf.

    But, say Ava was raped by some random werewolf guy or something, right? (and that is totally not going to happen; this is just a hypothetical to answer your question) Zacky made it clear that if a male werewolf sleeps with a female werewolf, he can't help but mark her. And Zacky also talked about how the only mark that never heals is the mating mark, because, again, it's more than just a bite mark by a sexual partner. So would Random Werewolf suddenly become Ava's mate? No. She already has a mate, and that bond can't be broken, even if someone tried to mark over it; it simply wouldn't be a mating mark, because she already has a mate and can't magically have two.

    Alaric -- the guy Ava was going to be sold off to -- did have more than one mate, but the others died before he took a new one. And Ava implied that he had killed his mates himself. So, that sounds contradictory, I know, but just think of the "mating bond" as something more supernatural and not exactly literal. Like, you can't have more than one mate at a time because it simply wouldn't work for whatever supernatural reason it is mates exist in the first place, and while there is some kind of emotional bond there (at least on the wolf side of things, given what Matt and Brian have suggested), that doesn't mean it's not physically possible to hurt or kill your mate. Alaric apparently killed his, despite the whole mating-bond thing. But Alaric also sounds like a pretty damn heartless guy that might not have any trouble dealing with the personal consequences of going against his instincts and whatnot. /shrug.

    That said, could Zacky have slept with another wolf, but just not actually created a mating bond with one? I guess, yeah, he physically could have. But the bigger question there becomes where the hell did he find another female werewolf on such short notice? Those bitches are rare, bro. Cool (Don't judge me; I'm pretty tired right now. xD)

    Think ...I don't know if that made any sense. It kind of became clearer to me as I wrote out the answer, so... I think that might mean the beginning half of my explanation made no sense. Let me know if that answered your question or not?

    I'm glad you enjoyed Brian's teasing of Ava! I know the whole ending was all dramatic and stuff, but I'm glad to hear the beginning wasn't forgotten! I thought they were pretty adorable, too. (:

    And it does sound pretty violent, doesn't it? No comment. (; But I will promise you Zacky and Johnny did not get it on! lmfao

    ANYWAYS, thank you as always for the amazing comment! It really made me laugh, and, like I said earlier, I really appreciate being forced to think things through like that! (:
    July 29th, 2013 at 04:47am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    As far as a story being able to keep attention, I feel like that's always hit or miss. Especially when you have someone as epic as Gerard Way on your mind. xD A Gerard test is a great thing, though! No reason to read stories if they just don't do it for you, after all!
    July 26th, 2013 at 06:03am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Oh I COMPLETELY understand! You don't have to feel sorry at all! Like I said, I realized it wasn't really that great of a story, just something that was still on my subs list after literally several years. :/ but I'm sorry one of my recs was so bad for you!
    July 26th, 2013 at 04:11am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Subscriptions definitely is a great storage space! Especially because recc's are still relatively new-ish and whatnot... I mean, at least I know that there are a bunch of stories out there that I fell in love with from years ago, but I couldn't rec them because that wasn't a thing yet, and I didn't save in subscriptions because they were completed. Sad day!

    And, sweet! I'mma go ahead and add some more stories to your list, then! Firstly, Best Thing In Town by blue. is another personal favorite of mine. Like, I'm pretty sure I cried reading that one, too... more because of how emotional it was than that it was simply 'sad', though. But, I think you might enjoy it, too! Admittedly, I'm not a fan of the sequel, so don't get your hopes too high up just because there is one being written; for some reason it just seemed to be written so much differently, and it lost the appeal to me. /shrugs. And then I can't not mention fall0ut's Green-Eyed Monster; it's way too famous and way too... I'unno. It's just like a classic of the Billie-Joe-Fic community. I don't remember that one for the writing style, though, and I have a recollection of finding some of the plot twists... amateur, but, again, I have an overall good impression of it. And I for some reason was a sucker for the big-age-gap-but-not-at-all-incestual-or-illegal thing. <---- There's your do-not-read warning if that's not your cup of tea.

    ...And I know I had others! Holy crap, the number of stories that have been deleted form Mibba is really killing me! (Maybe you shouldn't go check your lists... it's too heartbreaking, man! Don't do that to yourself!) I mean, I can still see a few that I found addicting, but they're sitting in my subscriptions list because they're no where near finished and I for some reason am still crazy enough to hold hope that they'll be updated after like six years. DON'T JUDGE ME.

    OH MY GOD! The King and Queen of Sass! I can see it now, man, I can totally see it! DAMN would those be some bedazzling royal outfits or WHAT?
    July 25th, 2013 at 07:07am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Hahaa, yeah, I did stalk your comment. And apparently I'm not even ashamed to admit it right now. I surprise myself every day, let me tell you! Like I said, I'm totally glad to hear you've enjoyed them! Pieces is by far my favorite I've ever read... Cry Wolf was memorable because of the story, but I also remember being a little bit dissatisfied when it came to some of the plot twists and the writing itself. I don't remember exactly why -- it's been a LONG while since I read that one -- but I remember having an overall good opinion of the story, and I saved it in my subscriptions/recc's, so that usually means something. xD The Matt ones I gave you I know weren't my favorite Matt stories, but I swear the ones I wanted to rec you had just been deleted by the authors. You would have LOVED them, too. :/

    But yeah, I talk to much. My point: I'm glad you've enjoyed them so far, and I hope the other ones don't disappoint. (Don't hold them to Pieces standard!) And I know you were only looking for Avenged stories, but if you ever run out and happen to like Green Day fics, I do think I have a few favorites of those tucked away somewhere, too.

    And that is so kind of you! I totally understand the flying-thoughts thing; I'm the same way after I read something. Or after I write it. Now I wonder if that's one of the reasons I go so overboard with responding to people, just because I want to share what's on my mind too. xD Just be prepared for me to thank you each and every time to the extent that I sound like a broken record. (;

    And WOW! I'm taking that as a major compliment, because I know how sassy Mr. Way can be. xD
    July 25th, 2013 at 06:03am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    I AM SO FREAKIN' GLAD YOU LIKED PIECES! Like, words do not describe how happy I am to hear that. I even hopped over to the story and stalked your comment because I'm creepy like that... I don't even know where I was going with this sentence originally. But I'm glad you liked it! It had me in tears on more than one occasion, too, and it takes a lot for a story to get me that emotional! But, pshaw, there's no need to thank me for it! As far as I'm concerned, it'd be a crime for me not to recommend that piece of epicness.

    And thank you once again for the awesome comment on the latest chapter of What We Left Unsaid! It made me all warm and fuzzy inside. xD

    But you're not the only one surprised by the public attack; all of the characters were, too, especially since they're not even in their territory and whatnot.

    Also, I'm still so glad you like Drake! I personally tend to despise the villains in stories that are just ugly beasts that you can totally predict every move from like weeks in advance. I think sassy is sooo much better. xD He's had too many years perfecting his evilness to be a lame villain, after all.

    July 25th, 2013 at 05:01am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    The Malfoys were most definitely epic in their holier-than-thou lifestyle! I never understood why so many people absolutely hated them. I mean, as far as villains go, they were pretty damn well-made ones! And, haha, Drake would definitely be the guy actually trying to overthrow Voldemort! And, as far as the force-to-be-reckoned-with thing, let's just say you haven't seen nothing yet. (;

    And I'll admit I've never been prouder of a story's first sentence or paragraph than in that one-shot. ...I think I might have been drunk when I wrote it, actually, which probably explains why it didn't take a million re-writes like my openings usually do. xDD

    But, again, I'm glad you've enjoyed both of my stories so much! I can only hope you'll enjoy the rest of the stories on your list! (:
    July 24th, 2013 at 06:27am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    No, you're totally right; he really is very Malfoy-esque, isn't he? And I just realized how lame it was that Johnny made a reference to the Malfoys when Drake and Draco sound so damn similar. That was really bad planning, on my part. xD Drake would probably fit into that family really well, though, except for the actually-super-evil-and-not-just-fearing-He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named thing.

    And I'm with you on the Kat thing, too; that's the vibe I get from her, and I don't know why no one else seems to get it, too. But, ah well.

    OHOHOH! And thank you for being a super-sweetheart and commenting on Let It Snow, too! Seriously, you're too kind!

    I'm glad she came off as a badass, but the relationship between the two of them still seemed sweet! And, yeah, the whole girlfriend thing is kind of a downside to their whole relationship, but I didn't want them to seem like perfect little high school sweethearts that stuck together through long-distance things and whatnot.

    Seriously, I do appreciate it, and I'm glad you didn't think it was overkill on other non-sex activities. I know so many people only want to read the steamy bits, so it's good to hear the other aspects were enjoyable as well! (:
    July 24th, 2013 at 05:29am
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Haha, Drake is a sassy guy, isn't he? You're totally right, but I laughed out loud when I read that just because the word sounds so... feminine and harmless, which I know is so not what the big bad oldest Rinaldi would want to be thought of as. xD

    I'm glad Kat intrigues you! I personally really like her, even though she seems like such a minor character most of the time, but I know most people seem to be seriously hating on her. So I'm really happy to hear you aren't pitching a tent in that camp!

    Well, I don't think you missed anything, if that makes a difference to you. I'm not sure what everyone else seems to think you've missed, but hey. xD

    And I'm glad you did, too! I promise to do my best to keep you interested with the coming chapters. (:
    July 23rd, 2013 at 08:52pm
  • clint barton.

    clint barton. (115)

    United States
    Hey, hey, hey! I really wasn't expecting to see your name on the comment list for What We Left Unsaid, and especially not with such nice things listed! Thank you for being such a sweetheart and commenting; it really does mean a lot to me!

    I'm glad to hear the family drama is exciting enough to keep you interested even without the whole Zacky-and-Ava-tension going on! I know so many people read stories just for the main relationships and don't always care about the rest of the plot, so it means a lot to me to hear that the story does have more going for it than just the two main characters. (:

    I don't want to comment on Brian or Kat, only because I don't want to give away anything that will be revealed in the future, but I do want to thank you for sharing your thoughts about both pairs of them! And I am glad you see that Brian isn't a complete wreck like I know some of my other readers seem to think he is.

    Again, thank you so very much for the sweet comment. I'm so glad you like the story so far! And I hope you like the other stories I recc'd you even more, because I honestly did try to hunt down my favorites out there. (Even though so many of them were deleted!) Especially Pieces, because heyjude;;; is a brilliant author, in my honest opinion.

    And I hope San Diego is treating you well! ...If you're there yet. I don't recall if you actually mentioned when you were going. If not, then at least I hope you do have fun when you get there! (:
    July 23rd, 2013 at 07:30pm
  • Lady.V.

    Lady.V. (960)

    Thank you so much. Cute Your commented made my day. Cute
    Glad you like my writings. I hope you'll like the new ones I have in mind as well. Smile
    Thanks again. Arms
    July 18th, 2013 at 10:32am
  • JckWhite

    JckWhite (100)

    United States
    By the way I might be posting my Loki story soon :-)
    July 16th, 2013 at 01:58am
  • Deadlihood

    Deadlihood (100)

    United States
    I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for all of your wonderful comments on Stranger Inside. It really makes me smile to see someone enjoying my work and responding to me like this. Thanks again!
    July 3rd, 2013 at 08:38pm
  • kim wonshik.

    kim wonshik. (2255)

    United States
    Hello! Thanks so much for commenting on my blog a few days ago! It means a lot to get a response!
    And thank you for saying you'd read my stories regardless, it's so nice of you! Arms
    Have a lovely day!! Cute
    June 15th, 2013 at 12:24am
  • I_Can_Dig_Elvis

    I_Can_Dig_Elvis (100)

    United States
    Oh man, sporks hurt! My friend actually stabbed me in the hand with one once over a sandwich lol
    I'm super glad you enjoyed the chapter though, and that you're still reading after like a four months hiatus on my part! Very Happy Which I feel horrible for btw!

    And you're very welcome lol that sounds like a really awesome drawing! :)
    June 12th, 2013 at 12:56am
  • delirium.

    delirium. (1200)

    United States
    Dear EdWiN.isamonster

    Please, my beloved, come with me on a deep journey to the deepest baby of my spleen. Any fool could see that we're meant for each other; won't you join me in Dref Dur and dance with me across the undulating tooth? The wait is too much to bear. Can't we just cast aside the formality of courtship and bomb like developing tornadoes?

    Yours truly,
    Grump Bunny

    I'm pretty much addicted to these.
    February 14th, 2013 at 09:21pm
  • Mikey Whiskey Hands.

    Mikey Whiskey Hands. (100)

    United States
    I know what you mean about school. Lol And good!
    I'm totally stoked to see what's in store. <3
    February 9th, 2013 at 03:43am
  • CountSynula

    CountSynula (100)

    United States
    I truly understand where you are coming from. Sometimes I like talking to people on here because you can get advice or tell them things that you know won't make it back to the immediate people you know in real life. Sometimes you can't always tell the people you know personally things because they react wrong or judge you. I always feel like I'm bugging someone in real life half of the time. I'm sorry that you feel lonely too. Feel free to shoot me a message any time. =) You may even recommend some stories of yours that you might like me to look at.
    February 7th, 2013 at 03:20am
  • I_Can_Dig_Elvis

    I_Can_Dig_Elvis (100)

    United States
    Thanks for commenting on "War Horse" and thanks for hanging in and waiting for an update too! My apologies for it taking so long to finally get one posted. lol
    February 2nd, 2013 at 01:39am


    United States
    Thankyou for the story comment!
    And I'm so happy you saw Shane the way I wanted people to see him.
    I feel like physically they showed his craziness,
    But never really went into depth with it you know?
    Thankyou again! :)
    January 11th, 2013 at 03:22am