Updated Q&A

Soooo. I realized it's been almost a year since I did a Q&A. Here's some of my most frequently asked questions (sorted by story).Older/deleted stories-Q: What happened to Mind Rain Too Soon/Social Status Can Sometimes Mean Nothing?A: Both of these have been deleted (obviously) for different reasons. With MRTS, I felt it needed some major revamping and editing, which I couldn't do while It's...
January 13th, 2010 at 02:17am

Character Aplication

Ok, so lately I've been lacking in the originality department for characters. I need more, people! Send me this in a message or comment, either here or my pro, and I'll definately get back to you.Your Info-Name- (RL first name)Age-Alterinate contact (MySpace, E-Mail, ect)-Favorite type of stores to read/fave characters-Character info-First and last name-age (may play around with this, but we'll...
January 25th, 2009 at 10:25pm