noliesjust__love / Comments

  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    oh yeah forgot to mention that i have fallen in love with 2 songs from the new album after only hearing 45 s previews and those are Statistics and Legends i also like Criminals a lot and i adore the whole album basically XD enjoy readin my update it is LONG hahah :p
    April 18th, 2009 at 01:05am
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    wow...well u r v.lucky i tell u XD and ur friends shouldn't have freaked there are ALWAYS ppl outside venues seein if ppl want tix...well at least here :D u have no idea how amazin my day was yesterday XD basically i'm a tennis freak to put it bluntly (i play tennis 10 hours every w/e and 5 hours every time we have set tennis in the holidays) and i adore goin to see it live...not coz the players are hot (which mind u some of them really are!) i only like to see players that fight and sre amazin players in general...i also hate goin to see big players in HUGE courts...i'm all for the promotion of unknown players u know what i mean? anyways...yesterday my friend and i plus our dads went to my fav tennis tournament of all time in monte-carlo (hope u know where that is) and basically it was forcast to rain ALL day there but me and shivani stuck out and refused to not we go and it's peltin it down but me and shivani have this brilliant plan which was to search the whole of the area for players and then hoist ourselves over these tiny barriers at centre court and go into the 'underground' area where the players wait when it's rainin...turns out we didn't have to resort to that XD coz there was one court which had a roof so we went there and watched (u probably won't know them except 1) federer, verdasco, lopez and someone else practice with each me and shivani think let's go to the area where the players come out of so we can get signatures and talk to them maybe... and out pops federer, two bodyguards at hand and it's only two of us and i'm not jokin we were the only ones there and although we don't really like federer we were like might as well so we asked him for a signature and he didn't even look at us just went 'sorry' and carried on walkin and the bodyguard pushed me really ard away...i mean i wasn't about to attck him i was just standin there and he rams me backwards...angry roxy...then out pops Lopez 0 bodyguards with him and he sees us smiles that pearly grin of his and is all like hey! and we're like OMG HE'S TALKIN TO US and he takes the pen which i had in my hand and was like what would u like me to sign? we had nothin really so i put out my bare arm and said my arm plz...he was like ok...and was signin with his right hand and then jokes with us goin 'i'm a leftie u know' he goes to sign shivani's arm and i'm like in awe of the moment and i don't realise that when he turns around (which he did) i'm in his way so i gave him a huge roxy grin and was all like 'thank you!!!!' and he was all like no problem smilin back and then i went out of his way so he could leave XD made me happy...this message is HUGE so i shall write in my profile page on a huge update what happened coz there's way more and i gotta go home now coz i'm at my dad's work :p till then!!!
    April 17th, 2009 at 07:45pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    it is cool that you get to do and friend thought that when we go for our road trip we should like buy loads of tix for different shows of our fav bands lolz and then it'll be way easier to meet them x] we might actually do that :D but thank god after like a billion years worth of beggin and in the end some kind of seduction (my italian friend told me what to say coz he knows what guys like obviously) i managed to persuda my ex to try and get me backstage pass and he said that if i'm super lucky i could interview the bands!!! coz tha\t's what they do film the show take pics aand then do interviews it'll be so kl if i can but he did tell me no promises but i hope so badly that he can get me in coz then i can meet ML and KH hahaha!!! i just listened to like 45s previews of attics of each song and i fell in luv! every song is brilliant and my obsession with ML has begun again XD i'm so cool like that! anything interesting happen to you today all mighty guru? XD
    April 15th, 2009 at 10:36pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    OMFG u are like the luckiest girl ever!!! i've seen Madina lake b4 in the kerrang tour and i've been a fan of them ever since the dissappearance oi adalia and i actually have the EP that's how miuch i adore them x] they are the funniest guys to watch and tbh they are my ultimate fav band ever!!! Kill Hannah i got into a year ago well 2 years ago and i wanted to see them in october but i couldn't coz we were out the country |(in the end i didn't go coz my mum took my ID card so i couldn't leave the country) so i've been waitin 4ever 4 ML's new album the minute they announce they were tourin i bought tix and then they announced KH were supportin and i started hyperventalating like mad and then i told my friend coz she told me that when KH came she was goin with me (i got her into the band) and then she was like i'm comin with u and now i've just found out that my ex-bf which i'm still gd friends with is like the photography crew or somethin so i'm gonna like suck up to hi so he can get me backstage hehe i wanna meet both bands so badly!!! uuuhh the other supports are Yashin and Flood Of Red who are both good so yeah...CAN'T WAIT!!! haha i hope u like bein dubbed a guru :)
    April 14th, 2009 at 02:58pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    official friend rule is the best x] OMG!!! You don’t need to worry about buggin me coz that is a gd reason to be hyped up x] I’m so very jealous coz that is soooo cool OMFG it’s makin me hyped up :p even though i don't know the band i shall search them x] and look out for this Jack u speak of lolz i can't believe that happened that's like the coolest story i've ever heard!!! your very lucky u know i think that in the US u can meet bands so easily coz here there's the venue and then there's the street where the cars pass there's like no place to sit or anything!!! accordin to my friend if i want to meet anyone i have to go to the back door coz accordin to him practiucally all of rock bands smoke so they have to use the back door stage i could do that x] i'm going to see Madina Lake and Kill Hannah in May and i'm desperate to meet them x] have any tips for me? u r afterall the all knowing guru of meetin bands lolz u don't have to be a guru if u don't want to x] i just thought it sounded
    April 14th, 2009 at 01:42pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    haha can't wait hope u have a gd time :D u must tell me :p it's become a tradition now haha :) that is one confusin story but it's kl that they can be here 6 months and there 6 months i wish i could do that :D it'd make me very happy!!! lolz don't worry bout it i ain't a gd techi but at least now we're official friends :D
    April 13th, 2009 at 08:24pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    haha don't worry u didn't talk my ears off x] or type whatever u prefer lolzi know my roomie lives very near Boise but i don't remember exdactly where x] me and my best m8 were plannin a road trip so hopefully when it happens is shall go from LA to LV lolz Seattle is where Kurt Cobain died and stuff...that'sa ll i really know bout it x] i want to see the dave grohl road there coz apparently they've made one and i think it's in seattle x] Chicago seems to be an awesome place and NY would probably just be for the statue of liberty lolz idk what else there is to see apart from the empire state building of course x] it is isle of wight btw it is a very kl plcr ad i just luv goin camping there x] the lake district is also a must go for camping as i said b4 x] California always seemed to be a kl place to go but it's huge well not as big as texas but it;s pretty big so idk where to go lolz haha the scottish can be put into two types the angry ones and the nice ones...hopefully u'll come across the nice ones coz when they're angry u better rfun away fast coz it ain't a pretty picrture x] and ireland's usually raining there so u should try and go when it's sunny coz then it's a v. pretty place coz everythin is so green and stuff my godmother is irish but she seems to have forgotten i exist so i can't tell u much bout the irish x] i know a lot of welsh (mainly coz there are a lot of teachers who are welsh) and they're all really nice with awesome accents although sean smith and ian watkins have the BEST accents EVER!!! if u don't know who i'm talking bout search them x] IW is the singer of Lostprophets and SS is the singer/screamer of the blakcout x] they have definately got the best accents EVER!!! lolz x] now i've probably typed ur ears off lolz :p
    April 13th, 2009 at 02:13pm
  • tabula rasa.

    tabula rasa. (120)

    United States
    I just wanted to let you know that I'll probably get back to reading 'The Wall That Encloses' soon. I feel bad cause I've been putting off reading it. In fact, I've been putting off the reading of many stories that I'm subscribed too. But I should be reading soon, cause I'm vacation now, so I have plenty of time for reading :]
    April 13th, 2009 at 09:15am
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    wow i didn't know shit till u told me that thank u! x] my room mate in sch is from idaho so i know bout that state but that's it basically :D i shall take it to heart when i actually gcome over for a road trip (which is my ultimate dream as well as new zealand and australia) i really wanna go to chicago...dunno y but it always seemed like a kl place...u got any tips/advice on it? it would be lovely to know x] i'm in london so yeah it's a bit different to manchester i believe (i've never actually been so i can't tell u) walse is awesome and if u want to go camping (if u feel like it) u have to go to the isle of whight or the lake district both are amazingly beautiful places and weales is purty when it's sunny but that doesn't happen often x] london's gd if u like shpopingf but after that hype is gone it's like a mad house coz everyone is in such a rush and stuff bath is very purty and is a gd place to visit too but tere isn't much to do after a while (i've been goin to sch there for 5 years now so yeah...) my roomate came to my sch b4 in year 7 which i think is grade 6 then she went to US then she came back coz the schoolin was so shit so i get what u mean x]
    April 13th, 2009 at 02:24am
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    haha that's so awesome! ur so lucky u live in florida! i'd luv to live there it would be awesomely cool x] i'm stuck in the UK not sayin it's bad though coz it is an awesome place i've just always wanted to go to the USx] you seem to have so much more going on there!
    April 9th, 2009 at 08:53pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    awesome x] i hope u get it sooner rather than later! where u planning on having it?
    April 9th, 2009 at 05:10pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    lolz well done you -gives cookie for doing so well- that's awesome to hear x] when u gettin ur house then? i know u told me but i forgot :p sorry...
    April 9th, 2009 at 02:14pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    ur very welcome x] can't wait to hear what happens! :p
    April 8th, 2009 at 06:02pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    well at least if she's helping u then things will be a little bit easier :P i hope all goes well for u! u should tell me how it goes k? :D
    April 8th, 2009 at 01:31pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    wow i can imagine with a schedule like that jeeze...i don't know how ur gonna take it! good luck to you my friend XDthst's awesome that u can cook...i can't even though my mum trys to teach me...oh well XD
    April 8th, 2009 at 02:06am
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    ur welcome x] hopefully you'll get it up tonight :D what's happenin in the next few days 4 u then :) busy girl :D
    April 7th, 2009 at 09:24pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    ur new chapter is awesome x] i luv it! well done! can't wait for more :p
    April 7th, 2009 at 05:26pm
  • Dannie Blaze!!

    Dannie Blaze!! (100)

    United States
    Haha, that sucks. but its all good. haha, haha but who doesn't get cranky when their tired? Well guys anyways. haha, But thank the awesome people who invented paper! haha. but its okay.
    April 1st, 2009 at 12:14am
  • Dannie Blaze!!

    Dannie Blaze!! (100)

    United States
    haha, you hardwork paid off! haha. :] but haha your friend seems so nice haha.
    March 26th, 2009 at 01:48am
  • Dannie Blaze!!

    Dannie Blaze!! (100)

    United States
    haha, that's cool! ha ha.i wish i could do that and capture their personalities. haha but that update was amazing. :]
    March 22nd, 2009 at 02:30am