Clik / Comments

  • McKenna Haner

    McKenna Haner (100)

    United States
    I wish it were summer here
    January 15th, 2012 at 04:58pm
  • McKenna Haner

    McKenna Haner (100)

    United States
    I have the flu, it's winter (ick)
    January 15th, 2012 at 06:29am
  • McKenna Haner

    McKenna Haner (100)

    United States
    I'm like really sick :(
    January 14th, 2012 at 07:03pm
  • FuckNo

    FuckNo (100)

    United States
    Rofl. Aw. Thank you. :) Yeah, I felt every once and awhile that Katerina needs a pretty much carefree day and I figured Disney World would be a good place to do it since the band was in Florida at the time according to the tour schedule I'm going by. xD And yes, Jimmy is very cheeky. :P Also, rofl, maybe someday I'll write in some random stranger gutter stomping her. You never know. :P
    January 14th, 2012 at 07:10am
  • FuckNo

    FuckNo (100)

    United States
    Heeee. :) I have some of the best readers in the world, I swear. You're all just really sweet and really supportive. it makes me really proud. I just can't say enough good things about all of you. <3

    Rofl. And yeah, don't steer clear of your head. It's a vast goldmine of strange awesome things. Like, just make up little scenes in your head. That's what I do. It's fun. One thing I do is I like to make up music videos in my head for songs I'm listening to.

    Heeee. Yay! :)
    January 14th, 2012 at 06:53am
  • FuckNo

    FuckNo (100)

    United States
    Putting them into words is always the hardest part, trust me. xD It took me over a year to get the confidence to post my Brian story and even now I question whether or not I made the right decision. But yeah, you guys definitely make me feel more confident about it and determined to keep going.

    Yay! I'm glad I could help and lol, trust me, it's just one of those things I enjoy doing a lot because I spend a lot of time in my head. And my mom is hilarious. xD Very blonde, very crazy. Very out there. lmao

    Heck yes slowmo! And if you think they're horny now, you're going to love the newest update and future ones. lmao
    January 14th, 2012 at 06:03am
  • FuckNo

    FuckNo (100)

    United States
    Heee. Thank you. :) Rofl, I get what you mean and I pictured it very hardcore in my brain. *nods* Epic slow motion effects and everything. Also, psh, yes, I couldn't have the world's horniest couple NOT having sex above her. xD
    January 14th, 2012 at 12:35am
  • CandyxSkull

    CandyxSkull (100)

    United States
    Hehe okies darlin' :]

    &......... OMG!!!! How was it?? :D :D :D
    January 13th, 2012 at 04:03pm
  • CandyxSkull

    CandyxSkull (100)

    United States
    Bahahaha yes, I probably do! I'm so horrible at keeping up with links. xD

    Awwww yeah I know what you mean. I've met some guys that I cannot imagine sitting in the movies xD But I do hope he asks you out sometime ;]

    Awwww poor dude, but it's not your fault if you don't like him lol. But the bit about him being afraid of losing you could be very likely... Some of my girlfriends get that way when I say I like someone, because when I was with my ex I didn't see them very often :/ I only really have one best guy friend, but we don't see each other very often :( he's the one that took me to the A7x concert hehehe.

    Ahhh I haven't been to the zoo in so long, it's depressing! The two zoos I've been too were really good :] & I know right!? They take soo long to get around haha but it's so awesome! I have never been to an aquarium, but also badly want to go to one of those! I think there's a really good one in Dallas, Texas here. Which is around 3 hours from where I live. If you ever visit here or I there... we are having a zoo date LOL!

    He was a very big fool LOL! I won't even get into the reasons why I broke it off with him xD Kinda sad that it took me that long to see some things though hahaha.
    I know right!? Or not research or something so you will know if it's in bad shape. I'm definitely not a pro when it comes to piercings, but even I knew the person that did it... did it wrong lol! It was just... bad.

    Oh dear! I think I hate burns more than I do cuts xD I always have this oil stuff on hand though that usually instantly takes away the pain, thank goodness. I forget what it's called D: But it's like from heaven hahaha works good for so many things.

    & bahaha earlier my dad walked in and was like "I saw your aussie friend on FB earlier!" & I was like "You did??" And he goes "yeah, the chicka with awesome red hair" LOL!
    January 12th, 2012 at 06:19am
  • McKenna Haner

    McKenna Haner (100)

    United States
    Gotta love Matt's It child
    January 11th, 2012 at 04:35pm
  • FuckNo

    FuckNo (100)

    United States
    Oh and just saw your comments on my story. lmao I've promised another reader that I'm going to have Katerina think about why she's not telling Brian more thoroughly to explain it to the audience more. Also, they can't always room with Jimmy and Leana. Plus, I love having an excuse to have Kat and Johnny hang out. And yes, Liza needs to be stomped in the face. lmao
    January 11th, 2012 at 07:13am
  • FuckNo

    FuckNo (100)

    United States
    I see my stories the same way, an escape and into a different place. Plus, since I get a lot of them in daydreams and dreams, I tend to obsess over the thoughts and go through it over and over again. Or I write them in order to deal with something. I initially started writing the Brian story as a way to cope with Jimmy's death. My Gerard story came to me in a random epiphany. lol One author I came across never asks for comments or replies to any of them, which is why I'm curious as to why she bothers to have the comment section open. Oh well, people confuse me a lot. xD I just really like to have personal contact with the readers and not just because it gives me a better idea of what I need to fix in my own writing, but I want people to know that I really am truly interested in their opinion. I don't want them to feel like I'm someone they can't be like, "Uh, you definitely got this and this wrong," to. I want to be accessible.

    Rofl. Not sure if it's the pain tolerance or what. I know it's usually in areas where the needle isn't close to the bone though. Any time you're right on top of a bone, it's going to hurt more.

    Awwwww, thank you! You have no idea how happy you just made me. And yeah, definitely keep trying. I suggest exercises if you're feeling lacking. Just try to come up with a snapshot in your mind and write it as detailed as you possibly can. I once did that in like, fifth grade for a writing assignment and my mother read it and still has not gotten over it. I'm 22. My mother's kind of insane. But yeah, focus on the senses and how things make you feel. As bizarre as it sounds but the more you focus and analyze your own experiences and put words to them, the easier it is to make people feel what you're feeling, because it's easier for you to say it.
    January 11th, 2012 at 07:11am
  • FuckNo

    FuckNo (100)

    United States
    No, I think I get what you mean, although you did eat your words slightly. lol I personally write because I love writing, but I do love getting feedback of any kind. I'm here to improve myself. That's what this site should be for. :) I mean, encourage comments all you want, but yeah. I also find it bad when people don't address comments at all. Like, I've seen some authors that don't seem to pay attention to feedback whatsoever. Which, I think if you don't care about comments and aren't going to notice them, you might as well turn off the comment section entirely.

    Yeah. xD A few of my friends have told me this and I was like, "That's insane." lmao

    It is and it tugs at your heart. I love it. There's also no greater thing to achieve for me, as a writer, than to make someone feel something with my words.
    January 11th, 2012 at 06:15am
  • FuckNo

    FuckNo (100)

    United States
    :) I do find it somewhat frustrating sometimes, but I also know how frustrated I would get when I would see authors that would be like, "I'm not updating until I get *insert number* more comments." I even saw one author (she's no longer on the site, I don't think anyway) and she had a good like 150 comments and would still be like, "I'm not updating until I get ten more comments." So it's a fine line. lol I'm just better with letting people do their own thing.

    lol! My bad. xD If you want a tattoo, I've been told they're totally worth it, but of course they're going to hurt. Granted, I've heard that some people (for some tattoos in some locations) that they fell asleep while they were getting them.

    Absolutely. :)
    January 11th, 2012 at 05:57am
  • CandyxSkull

    CandyxSkull (100)

    United States
    Ohhh & now I'm following you on tumblr!! ^_^
    January 10th, 2012 at 05:48am
  • CandyxSkull

    CandyxSkull (100)

    United States
    Omg omg omg omg you should go see a movie with him or something ;]
    That sounds like such a nice day... I wish I could take my dog to a park. We have one but it isn't that great, especially for dogs haha I bet she'd prefer my backyard.

    Awwwww :[ What's his name??
    It's always so awkward having friends like that. I also have one like that and when he gets jealous he starts acting all weird and as though he's trying to get me to feel sorry for him lol. Which makes it more awkward!! Not to mention it's a bit annoying when he does that...

    I have been wanting to go to the zoo so badly!! Maybe I can get my cousin to take me and her two little ones LOL! Something tells me I would be as excited as they are xD I'm such a little kid with some things :P
    Me too! It's like they're our kids.. which they basically are... since well we don't have children haha!

    Haha exactly! Or else he just wouldn't be able to reach it properly. But it was mostly because he thought it didn't need to be taken care of xD
    Ohhh yes, sometimes I just skip Wal Mart because it's always so busy haha it's open like 24/7 but late at night it can be a bit dangerous :/ so I try to go early or late afternoon, early night.

    Awwww how badly is it burnt? How did it happen?
    January 10th, 2012 at 05:46am
  • McKenna Haner

    McKenna Haner (100)

    United States
    So, according to Matt, his child is going to be an it
    January 10th, 2012 at 12:53am
  • FuckNo

    FuckNo (100)

    United States
    Oh. I'm totally fine with having silent readers. I mean, I always want feedback, but I wouldn't want to force someone to comment. Also, usually, if I see a story with zero comments, I'm more likely to comment, because I feel like the author deserves at least one.

    I had to do a bit of research of on it to not sound totally incompetent since I pretty much was before I decided to write that chapter. xD

    Oh, I get the same way. It's kind of insane 'cause I get so frustrated and I pull for them so much, but that's the beauty with writing though, right? It touches you and it makes you care about what is essentially nothing. It's really beautiful.
    January 9th, 2012 at 10:29pm
  • FuckNo

    FuckNo (100)

    United States
    lol! It's totally fine. :) I'm just glad people bother to comment at all. xD It makes me feel special.

    Heee. It definitely was with the way I imagined it in my head and I wanted to write more about it, but I knew I needed to get to the drama and I also was stretching on the reaches of my knowledge of tattoo care as it was. Showing it in detail probably wouldn't have been possible for me. xD

    lol I love how protective my fans are of the people Liza is going after. xD I can't make any promises on her backing off though. :p
    January 9th, 2012 at 07:17pm
  • CandyxSkull

    CandyxSkull (100)

    United States
    OMG ASK HIM FOR A RIDE HOME NAO!! lol!!!! You go girrrrrl!!
    I probably would have giggled uncontrollably at that xD

    If he does... you should tell me what he did to fix it LOL! I just cannot figure out what itunes problem is. I've done a lot of what you have (uninstalling/re-installing, etc).

    I know right!? We're from a different generation than them, times have changed! xD

    Me too!!!! It tears me apart when I see an animal in pain. I would love to work at a vet to help animals, but I know I'd spend my whole time sad or crying from seeing them in pain lol.

    Yeah it healed pretty good, but only because I made him sit and let me doctor it every night lol. xD I was a good girlfriend hahahaha
    Bahahaha it's easy for me to say that Wal Mart isn't all that exciting, but in the end I don't know what I'd do without it xD
    January 9th, 2012 at 03:50am