food for thought

- if everyone just stopped to think wouldn’t the world be a better place?- With wars, and fights, and bombs that fly if all that stopped wouldn’t we all be better off?- If every heterosexual had homophobia would there ever be diversity?- If the yelling and the screaming would to end wouldn’t the hurt stop has well?- If a person’s heart stops beating is that the end or is there more beyond...
May 15th, 2007 at 04:46pm


ok so i was just told last night by my foster mom that if i didn't get my shit together she wouldn't let me see my parents on weekends when im not working. and that if i fucked up this week she wont let me go to mcr >.< and she didn't even pay for the tickets and if i don't go my friend can't go so yea thats my perdicament...... just wanted to vent and shit...
May 8th, 2007 at 09:28pm


ok soooo like in my drama class we are doing grease the musical (in french cuz i go to a french school lol)and we started filming today but its a bit wlindy and we didalot of outdoor scences but its looking good lol and im excited to keep doing it cuz its my fav movie of all time ^.^
May 3rd, 2007 at 07:09pm


hey do you think any one could give me some really good songs to listen too, im open to sugestion (as long as its not rap or hip hop or country) if you you do this for me i will love you guys more then i do already ^.^
May 2nd, 2007 at 04:07am

funking wensday

gah!!! i hate wensdays now. >.< my parents are sending me to a psyciotrist (sp??) and it sucks and i don't want to >.<
May 1st, 2007 at 04:58pm

***ed up

ok so im sick has fucking hell and iv gota go to a party tonight to take of my friends so they don't do anything too too stupid or hurt themselves, adn im pretty much grounded from the phone im not aloud on it after 6pm, like wtf?? and thats pretty much most of what i do since most of my friends life like an hour away from me stupid foster thingy gah!!!!
April 27th, 2007 at 07:50pm


can you guys please read my poems and comment them i just posted a new one and ive got about 3 others and i would like some feed back please ^.^
April 20th, 2007 at 04:03am

life and death

iv always wandered do you think life you be different for everyone around around if you werent there?
April 7th, 2007 at 04:24am


i never really thought about how i would be efected if my friend died that is until now, Owen was only 17 when he died in a train acedent, he left behind everyone and ill never get over that haveing grown up with him always there and now he'll never be there. everyone says im in denilel but thats not true i know he's dead and never comming back. i never got to go to his funerul i didn't want to it...
April 5th, 2007 at 06:29pm