Where is the good, original fiction gone to?

I feel like I'm repeating myself, really.Was it so long ago when I came crying to you about how all I can see in mibba nowadays is fanfiction?I think this is not the first time I come here and tell you how I don't have anything against sexy WIlliam Beckett and my adorable live-long crush Gerard, or how I really don't find Frerads disgusting but (when written correctly) quite attractive...it's just...
April 13th, 2009 at 05:18am

I'm in Banner-making frenzy

I realized I love making banners, I've been on a roll this past days, making all the banner requests I can find. I really like how they're turning out, as well. So I'm BEGGING you guys to request banners. Seriously, I actually want you to!You can request them here:http://www.mibba.com/forums/topic/31715/20/or here:http://www.mibba.com/forums/topic/984/Here are some examples of the banners I've...
December 19th, 2008 at 03:18am

Four Kick Ass Short Films.

I was watching TV today, just as I had my breakfast, and there was this propaganda about a short film festival. My curiosity was picked so of course I went to my computer and started searching for some short films. I ran into some that were pretty stupid and of horrid resolution, topic, and style. Yet there were some that were absolutely mind-blowing.I decided to share them with you. Lemme know...
December 6th, 2008 at 05:14pm

I find it funny how I can hear christian music blasting out my window since 'round 4 o'clock and I'm reading yaoi

The irony's just killing me.More like the music itself, but you get my point.The music isn't different, y'know?The only thing every single song says is "Alaba a Dios, adora a Dios"which translates "Praise God, adore God"Now, I don't have anything against God. I looovee him (No, I'm not being sarcastic) I just have a problem with him being used for crappy music.Ah, I should go back to my Junjou...
December 1st, 2008 at 02:09am

Who knew two-wheelers were so damn interesting!

So, I have this new strange fascination with bikes. It all started with the Busa, commonly names as the Hayabusa 2008 which I fell in love with yesterday. I was just randomly searching for bikes and ended up finding that baby. Ah, loovee. So I ended up doing more extensive research on bikes cause I decided to have the main character for my next story to have a bike. It's going to be kickass. I'm...
November 21st, 2008 at 01:30am

It's mating season

I think its that time of the year in which everywhere you turn, people are in couples.It's depressing, in the past week I've been stuck two times in a car with a couple, whispering cute names at each other and throwing each other kisses and sharing 'i love you's. An they're not even grown up couples. They're girls a few months older with a guys a good two or three years older.But seriously,...
November 8th, 2008 at 05:33am

Best Mibbian Reads Part III

HA! you don't know how happy I am to bring you the next installment of best mibbian reads, for it means that I've actually found some kick-ass stories!Here they are my darlings: The Old Willow Treeauthor black.bird.link http://www.mibba.com/story/could-tell-a-lovee/The-Old-Willow-Tree/story involves Amazingly descriptive languague, human relationships.story status Ongoing, just started actually....
November 3rd, 2008 at 04:11pm

Emo and MCR

When will all this emo bullshit die out?Seriously, it got old so long ago!People in my school can't seem to get over it.People writing in here can't seem to get over it either.I mean, write about a depressive person if you wish, but don't go and say 'She was an emo kid'. First off, it doesn't make you relate that much to the character, its better if you show instead of downright telling what a...
November 2nd, 2008 at 04:42pm

Makeup for Halloween advice!

okay, so I'm a junior so of course we have to raise cash for the senior's prom.We're in charge of Halloween or, as our principal calls it to avoid annoying parents bugging her, 'Autumn Festival'.I'm part of the hair-makeup department in which we will charge small kids for the before mentioned. And we're all getting dressed up in costumes, I mean, all juniors.So my super costume is *drumroll,...
October 26th, 2008 at 10:04pm

All you animal lovers out there, READ

So, for some reason I always end up writing journals about animals and animal protection. Not really, this is only my second one. Anywhoo.You've all heard about animal testing.I don't need to get all preachy on you because you all know the same amount of basic info I know, and whatever I say would be speculation. I don't like preaching to people about a subject I don't know that much about.What I...
October 26th, 2008 at 05:59am

What's your stand on nipples? I'm dead serious, right here.

I'm being serious here.I mean, I don't think nipples are bad per se. Breasts would like kind of odd without them in the middle. And if nipples didn't exist then we wouldn't be able to give our babies milk and maternal milk is supposed to be very important for a child's growth.But what I do care is when girls wear either very thin shirts/dresses and or bras, and their nipples show.Like, I have this...
October 17th, 2008 at 04:41am

You eat Nestle products? Yes? How about Kellogg's Products? You do? Guess what, you're killing yourself!

Slowly but surely.I'm a vegetarian.My mom and stepdad are, too.Mommy dearest was doing some research online about Transgenic Products, you know, the products that are genetically modified. Say, some vegetable that's been introduced chemicals so that it won't be such an easy prey for pesticides and such.And guess what companies' products are transgenic?You guessed it, Nestle and Kellogg's. Of...
October 16th, 2008 at 12:55am

"I'm drowning in assholes". I draw the line when I read there's a story about a toast.

Okay, so I was searching through mibba's stories 'cause I'm out of reads, right? I see a lot of fanfiction which I support but I'm not eager to read, so I ignore them. I skip around and they don't seem to end, but whatever, I start changing categories to get to stories that aren't fanfiction.Despite the fanfiction author's attempts to make me read fanfiction again by showing me nothing else I...
October 13th, 2008 at 06:39pm

All for heroes but not so much for screaming fangirls. They should be banned.

Don't get me wrong, I accept people being fans of someone.I accept having 34090643968304 pictures of a famous person whom he/she loves.I am guilty of that crime too, (sorry but Audrey Kitching, My chem, and a thousand and one mangas and animes are too hard to resist) but I don't go on and post all of this on my profile with an explanation on why they're so goddamn awesome.I mean, for some bizarre...
October 10th, 2008 at 10:20pm

tampon mangas

I know the world's gone nuts and I'm really bored when I stumble into this:http://www.wirepop.com/comic_episode.php?id=5&select=2397it's about a haemophobic tampon called Vlad. Get it? Get it?ohhh godd people are craazzy....like, seriously!Okay, I can't believe mibba didn't let me post this because it was only 43 words long. It's at least a 100 words long, I can't believe this! What if my...
September 14th, 2008 at 06:27am

drunk carnival

quite literally.Yesterday we had this party, and I was super exited about it. I had dressed in jeans and one of those shirts that are too short to be a dress but too long to be a shirt? You know what I'm talking 'bout? And a pair of converse. Then this friend of mine calls and says he's feeling overdressed blabla and that when am I coming. I freak out and ask him what he's wearing. He was wearing...
September 14th, 2008 at 04:31am


okay, so I have this contest. It's actually a photography contest through the agency that gives us French classes at school. The point of the photography is to show an 'Urban Barranquilla'.FYI, Barranquilla's the city I live in which is in Colombia, South America.So anyway, they require an alias for every participant.and I lack one!I need an alias that sounds good in spanish, too, so I can't use...
September 13th, 2008 at 12:40am

Best Mibbian reads part II

Lies 1-50author: xAxBeautifulxLiarxlink: http://www.mibba.com/story/xAxBeautifulxLiarx/Lies-1-50/Story involves: Charlotte's has had it pretty badly. Her mom treats her like shit, and she doesn't even deserve it. She meets a boy, a drummer from a band she adores (original band, not any that exists already) and things start happening. And a special appearence by me as a birthday present because the...
September 8th, 2008 at 11:58pm

Best Mibbian reads

Okay, so this are the stories I am or have been obsessed with on Mibba. You should totally check em out.Carpe Noctemauthor:Nessie (her current screenname is 'Brutal', but she changes it constantly)link: http://www.mibba.com/story/Nessie/Carpe-Noctem/Story involves: a new view on vampires, witty remarks, sex, and a jaw-dropping storyline. Characters include an exdominatrix, a sex-addicted vampire...
September 7th, 2008 at 06:46pm

I'm manga-obsessed geek. There, I said it *hides*

I feel bad with myself but I've really really reaallly got into manga. I mean, I finally faced it. I've been into it for about ten years, but now I just HAVE to read a few pages a day. Heck, I've even got a hard time concentrating on real books. Its amazing, I'm ashamed.And then I'm not.Ha,ha.I've been so into it lately that I even started a few pages of my own manga. but of course my comp just...
September 5th, 2008 at 03:05am