natzlovesyou / Comments

  • Be_Not_Seen

    Be_Not_Seen (100)

    United States
    and I love you! I forgot to say that!
    June 27th, 2009 at 04:19am
  • Be_Not_Seen

    Be_Not_Seen (100)

    United States
    June 27th, 2009 at 04:19am
  • Be_Not_Seen

    Be_Not_Seen (100)

    United States
    No date, only talking. ahha.
    Yeah, I waited a whole year!
    And nothing else is new, how about you?
    And no fafacebook, only myspace, which you have me added on and stuff. =D
    June 27th, 2009 at 04:19am
  • tweezers.

    tweezers. (600)

    United States
    It's a preparatory class for AP English Language, which I'm taking next year. It looks good on my college transcripts, so I figured [i]hey why not[/i] and signed up.
    Yes, yes, monstrous. It's a fitting word, too, considering he's built like a freaking monster. He's only sixteen and he's six-foot-four! It's like someone put human growth hormone in his Kool-Aid as a toddler! But anyway, he's amazingly smart and nice and brilliant and all the other things that are just generally quite rare in teenage boys where I live. *teenage-girl squeal* And plus he's a redhead. *another teenage girl squeal* I can't wait for the class to start, I'm getting cabin fever from being locked up in the house all summer.
    Ouch, you flunked precal? That sucks. I'm taking that next year and I'm totally freaked out, the teacher is the same one that taught me geometry my freshman year and he absolutely abhors me, so I guess I'm pretty much doomed to nine months of after-school tutoring. *headdesk*
    Yikes, parents and boyfriends just don't mix, I guess. I can't imagine what my dad would do if I brought a boyfriend to dinner. He'd probably glare at him and then criticize every single bit of his appearance and then poison his ice cream or something. Eep, I don't even want to think of what he's capable of. Military men are scaaaaary.
    I know, it's so sad, and he was so young! Only 50! It's so weird to think of a world without him. I don't think we'll ever see another star that'll have such an effect on people's lives like he did. It's just such a shock. He was going to make a comeback, too. It's a real shame, I don't know what the music industry's going to do without him. *sadface*
    June 26th, 2009 at 04:01am
  • Holly.Is.Retro

    Holly.Is.Retro (105)

    United States
    Yeah she got made at me because I sent her a one-worded text. But we're...better now I guess. Everyone was telling me to apologize, although I didn't think I had too. I did anyway since we're both wicked stubborn. It's good noow, I guess. How're you doin?? :D
    June 26th, 2009 at 03:55am
  • Holly.Is.Retro

    Holly.Is.Retro (105)

    United States
    I know what you mean. I haven't updated in forever, but no one has seemed to mind, so I'm writing at my own pace. And when I have inspiration to write.
    That's great that you've got a new boy. (:
    And yes I do have a facebook! o:
    Ehh, my life has been alright. My friend is being dumb and trying to tell me I'm a bad friend. It's ridiculous. But other than that, I have been good. (:them
    June 22nd, 2009 at 01:04am
  • Be_Not_Seen

    Be_Not_Seen (100)

    United States
    Oh, and my nerdy boy scout? I talked to him again, after waiting a year! Laughin my face off. =D
    June 20th, 2009 at 09:41pm
  • Be_Not_Seen

    Be_Not_Seen (100)

    United States
    haha, I missed you!!!!!!!!!!
    June 19th, 2009 at 03:45am
  • hank moody.

    hank moody. (100)

    Life sounds good for you (: I'm glad.
    Uh, yeah. Life's been good.
    I'm finally understanding everything.
    And writing way more, it's great.
    Hey, you know FG.
    Hardly anyone does (: I love that movie.

    June 17th, 2009 at 01:29pm
  • tweezers.

    tweezers. (600)

    United States
    LOL, thanks! As much as I would have loved to have had spent my birthday having wild crazy sex while wasted, I just had my cake, got some money and went out to a movie. It was all very nice and tame and everyone was fully clothed, lol. I can party my ass off later this summer.
Not much going on, today was the last day of school and I'm feeling pretty good. I got the Sims 3 with some of my birthday money and I'm having a pretty good time. I made a gay couple and all they want to do is make out on the front lawn, they don't even want to eat or anything. It's hilarious, they're these two gay guys dressed in all black and one of them is wearing a leather jacket and the other is wearing a suit and they're just standing there making out. It's really amusing. It's bringing out my inner video game nerd.
In a couple of weeks I have a summer class to take, which I'm kind of looking forward to because I think the guy I have a monstrous crush on is taking it too, so it's not as bad as it sounds. And plus it's summer! I have time to read and write! And I have a Green Day concert coming up! Life totally rocks right now! How are you??
    June 16th, 2009 at 04:39am
  • blonde.

    blonde. (200)

    United States
    ur welcome.
    June 16th, 2009 at 01:17am
  • Holly.Is.Retro

    Holly.Is.Retro (105)

    United States
    Natzzz! I haven't talked to you in forever. hows it goin? :)
    June 12th, 2009 at 02:42am
  • blonde.

    blonde. (200)

    United States
    Love the profile!
    June 3rd, 2009 at 10:04pm
  • Be_Not_Seen

    Be_Not_Seen (100)

    United States
    I miss my Natz.
    We haven't talked in AGES.
    What's up?
    May 25th, 2009 at 03:45am
  • hank moody.

    hank moody. (100)

    hello (: Do you still use Mibba?
    I haven't talked to you in sooo long.
    How've you been? What's going on?

    May 23rd, 2009 at 02:51pm
  • tweezers.

    tweezers. (600)

    United States
    Yeah, there are a lot of skunks out here. But you have to be careful if you're driving around at night, because if you run one over it stinks so bad and it stays on your tires for weeks. Haha, pigeons are everywhere. Although the seagulls here are a lot worse than the pigeons, they'll steal your food right out of your hand. They're mean old birds.
    Oh yeah, that swine flu thing--it's ridiculous. I mean, more people die from the regular flu than from the swine flu, but everybody's freaking out over it. It's all over the news, and two schools in the district have had to close down because a couple students got infected. I've been sick for the past couple days and my teachers were all freaking out because they though I had it, and I was like "OHMYGOD IT'S JUST A COLD". I stayed home today anyway though, because I feel like a total wreck. Being sick sucks. D:
    Sure, goofy pictures are awesome! Do you mean the peninsula? Haha, I've always wanted to stay in Argentina just to get that accent. xD
    Oh, thank you! I've become so used to not having anyone read my work, and now I miss reviews. xD But they're just bits and pieces, I haven't had much time to work on them with school. Hopefully I'll get to finish them this summer though. Yeah, Ana and Inés are both latina, although Inés lives in alternate-universe Los Angeles and Ana lives in alternate-universe Venezuela. Their stories are pretty different though, I've been working on Inés' more than Ana's, seeing as how I'm much more familiar with LA than I am with Venezuela. Plus Inés' character is much clearer in my mind than Ana's, though I don't know why. I've written up another part to her story along with the beginning to a completely different one, you want me to send them to you?
    Eh, things are pretty much the same, I guess. Still sunny old California, although it's been kind of cloudy the past couple weeks. Tons of homework to do, tons of tests to take, but only 38 more days left till the end of the school year! I just want to storm through it all so I can lie out on the back porch and sunbathe come June 15th. Man I wish I had a time machine.
    May 7th, 2009 at 09:14pm
  • Be_Not_Seen

    Be_Not_Seen (100)

    United States
    May 3rd, 2009 at 05:45am
  • tweezers.

    tweezers. (600)

    United States
    Where did you go? :(
    April 26th, 2009 at 01:39am
  • tweezers.

    tweezers. (600)

    United States
    Grr, there must be a limit on comment size or something. Here's the rest: [i]long as I don't get totally wasted and started punching out his car's headlights. xD Usually I just put on Joni Mitchell and try to flamenco dance, or go out in the backyard and try to see I can find the two skunks that live under the back porch (I named one Flower after the skunk in the Bambi movie, and then I named the other one Fucker because it kind of matches. Flower and Fucker. xD). You're going to Argentina?! Lucky duck! I've wanted to go there forever! Where will you be staying? I've always heard Buenos Aires is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, but I've got a couple books of photography of Patagonia and the pictures are just breathtaking. (Plus Argentines speak really sexy Spanish. *shiftyeyes*)

    Yeah, email would be easier, but I don't have your email saved into my laptop (I got a new one! It's amazing and I love it, it's like my BFF xD). I already have the colleges I'm applying to planned out in my head: UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, UC Davis and Cornell University. The three top ones I want to get into are Cornell, UC Berkeley and UCLA, but if I don't get into any of those I'll go to another UC. Although I really really want to go to Cornell, not only because it's Ivy League but also because it's all the way across the country and I'll be able to get the heck outta dodge! xD But if I don't get into Cornell, it's not a big deal, the UC is really awesome, they're on par with Ivy Leagues and Stanford, so it doesn't really matter. I'm not sure what I want to study, though--I mean, I guess I'm pretty good at science, and science careers are always in pretty high demand, so if I wanted to play it safe I guess I could go into biology or ecology. But I've always loved languages too, especially learning languages, and what with the world becoming more and more globalized, I think there's going to be a pretty high demand for people who know not only the languages but the cultures of other countries, so if I could go into a translation area or even like a cultural liaison field, that would be totally awesome. And then of course there's literature, which I've always been really passionate about, but I'm not sure what I'd be able to do with it--I could be a professor I guess, but I'm not a very good teacher and I don't have much patience. >.< And only like 10% of writers get published. >.<[/i]
    April 22nd, 2009 at 01:31am
  • tweezers.

    tweezers. (600)

    United States
    Oops, guess there must've been a glitch or something. Here's the rest of my comment: [i]The conductor was great and the concert was awesome, we got to play Star Trek and the original William Tell Overture, and they gave us all pins and shirts and let us keep the music. And I'm getting my driver's permit on Tuesday! So I'll finally be able to drive without the cops pulling me over and going "WTF YOU DON'T HAVE A DRIVER'S LICENSE WHAT ARE YOU DOING BEHIND THE WHEEL MISSY". xD But life's actually been pretty good all year, my grades are pretty good and my classes are nice. Although my hormones are going nuts and I can't decide whether I have a crush on this girl in my English class or my old chemistry partner. D: Normal teenage girl stuff, I guess. How about you? Tell![/i]

    Lol, I don't really get drunk so much as I take a glass of an alcoholic beverage and proceed to go completely insane (I can't hold my liquor. At all. xD). I don't do it in the house very often though--actually I don't do it very often at all anymore--so my dad doesn't mind so long as I don't get totally wasted and started punching out his car's headlights. xD Usually I just put on Joni Mitchell and try to flamenco dance, or go out in the backyard and try to see I can find the two skunks that live under the back porch (I named one Flower after the skunk in the Bambi movie, and then I named the other one Fucker because it kind of matches. Flower and Fucker. xD). You're going to Argentina?! Lucky duck! I've wanted to go there forever! Where will you be staying? I've always heard Buenos Aires is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, but I've got a couple books of photography of Patagonia and the pictures are just breathtaking. (Plus Argentines speak really sexy Spanish. *shiftyeyes*)

    Yeah, email would be easier, but I don't have your email saved into my laptop (I got a new one! It's amazing and I love it, it's like my BFF xD). I already have the colleges I'm applying to planned out in my head: UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, UC Davis and Cornell University. The three top ones I want to get into are Cornell, UC Berkeley and UCLA, but if I don't get into any of those I'll go to another UC. Although I really really want to go to Cornell, not only because it's Ivy League but also because it's all the way across the country and I'll be able to get the heck outta dodge! xD But if I don't get into Cornell, it's not a big deal, the UC is really awesome, they're on par with Ivy Leagues and Stanford, so it doesn't really matter. I'm not sure what I want to study, though--I mean, I guess I'm pretty good at science, and science careers are always in pretty high demand, so if I wanted to play it safe I guess I could go into biology or ecology. But I've always loved languages too, especially learning languages, and what with the world becoming more and more globalized, I think there's going to be a pretty high demand for people who know not only the languages but the cultures of other countries, so if I could go into a translation area or even like a cultural liaison field, that would be totally awesome. And then of course there's literature, which I've always been really passionate about, but I'm not sure what I'd be able to do with it--I could be a professor I guess, but I'm not a very good teacher and I don't have much patience. >.< And only like 10% of writers get published. >.<

    Yeah, I'm living with my dad full-time now. It's a long story, but basically my mom has some serious mental issues, and instead of trying to actually get help to try and solve those issues, she likes to project them onto her children and just make life difficult for everyone. I'd be more willing to support her if she wasn't able to control herself, if she had a seriously debilitating condition like PTSD or schizophrenia, but millions of people have the issues she has and they're going about their lives perfectly happy and normal. I mean, it's not that she doesn't have the capabilities of reaching out for help, or that she's afraid to get help, or anything like that, it's just that she just doesn't want help and she wants to be miserable. And in October I realized that living in an environment like that wasn't benefitting either of us, and that it was seriously affecting my mental and emotional and physical health in a negative way, so I snapped and walked out. I haven't talked to her much since, but my brother says she's doing a little better. I guess I'll have to start talking to her sometime soon--she is my mom, after all--but I just don't feel like I really have anything to say to her, I don't feel ready, even after six months. Crazy, right? Egh, sorry for unloading on you, I guess I just needed to rant.

    Yeah, I'm in orchestra! Haha it's only a one-month thing though, for the City Honor Orchestra. Basically what happens is that high school instrumentalists audition from all over the city and the judges pick the ones they think are best, and then all of them get together for five rehearsals and then put on a concert. The concert was in March, though, so it's over and I'm back to playing with my school's lame old ten-piece orchestra. D: How about you? Anything amazing and splendiferous happen in The Life Of Nat recently? :D
    April 21st, 2009 at 02:02am