natzlovesyou / Comments

  • Holly.Is.Retro

    Holly.Is.Retro (105)

    United States
    Bahhhh. o:
    We haven't talked in forever. o: O:
    November 26th, 2008 at 09:51pm
  • Be_Not_Seen

    Be_Not_Seen (100)

    United States
    Wooooooow. Only you could pull that off. LOL.--- Teacher thing. haha

    Um, the story is about a blind girl, actually. It's cowritten with Cluttermess.
    My teacher told me I should take honors spanish 2 next year because I'm doing so well. I'm proud too. :]

    ---I'm thinking about taking down my top people on here. I love everyone the same and don't really think they should be ranked... haha. Plus, I think it offends people when you change the order around. Like, I moved around some girl and she was upset.
    November 23rd, 2008 at 07:52pm
  • Be_Not_Seen

    Be_Not_Seen (100)

    United States
    YES it has been forever and you've been away for waaaaaaaaaaaay too long!
    I've been doing nothing spectacular, to tell you the truth.
    100.2 Average in spanish!
    um........ I've been updating a lot.

    I started a new story that's actually doing okay. I like it a lot, I'm very proud. It's cowritten with another author.
    So yeah. My life's been pretty boring.
    How about you, little miss [i]I'm never on to talk to my friends[/i]?
    November 23rd, 2008 at 02:21am
  • murderxthexcase

    murderxthexcase (100)

    United Kingdom
    Yeah my parents are usually really overprotective. But no, I agree, it is pretty weird - although by my society's standards, I'm pretty weird. And thank you! Haha, it did a little, and I know you weren't flirting, but regardless, it made me laugh a lot.

    And don't worry, I will do. And and Cloee are going to go meet Gabe and the band afterwards! So I'll take photos of then too!

    Pienso que el supermercado es diez minutos de mi casa, pero mi colegio es como treinta minutos mas o menos de mi casa. Si el tráfico es mal, luego el viaje es como cuarenta minutos, por lo menos.

    Well last time I got a C in Psychology, a D in Spanish, an E in biology and a U in chemistry. U is pretty much a complete failure, so I've stopped doing that class. But I do some again in January so hopefully I'll improve my grades. And yeah, I know what you mean, it looks shinier - only problem is if you leave it too long and then it actually looks greasy. Generally, my hair becomes more awkward the longer it gets.

    I am doing my best to play it cool actually - she offered me some fruit the other day at lunchtime, so I guess that's something. Although it was sour blueberries. I suppose so - I was in her classroom at lunchtime today, and when she walked in she looked at me like she'd just swallowed a lemon or something. And yeah, I know. And it did. It's just like, I try to be nice to everyone, cause I think it's important.
    But I miss being in a relationship - and kisses too. I don't particularly like kissing a girl when I'm not in a relationship with her though. I guess that makes me old-fashioned. Yeah, keep the faith. Something good is bound to happen some time soon!

    Definitely not! Even if I get amnesia and forget who I am!

    I agree, Halloween rocks. Sometimes I think I love it even more than Christmas - I like dressing up, as childish as it sounds. I enjoy having a good reason to not be me for a while.

    Haha, okay. I heard the mangas get a little weird later on, I don't know if that was a rumor, but...I'll see. And yeah, we can chat about it some time soon.

    I think it's just being under pressure to remember things - but I went to see my Spanish teacher the other day in my free time to discuss what I have to do for the speaking exam and she was impressed that I actually turned up, haha.

    And yeah it does suck - like I said though, when I have the option I always choose something veggie, but it is expensive. Like, when I go to Starbucks to eat, I end up spending half my allowance on a drink and a sandwich. Things will be better at University, definitely. Hopefully they'll be cheaper too.

    And good! I'm happy for you, about the friend thing - not school. Cool, that's awesome - and yeah, I'd feel a little weird if I did a show and my parents were there. And I bet you're really awesome at dancing! And yeah, I'm pretty sure I could do it if you taught me - although I'd probably fall down a lot, I'm a little clumsy. Salsa is popular over here, and we have ballroom, tap, ballet, jazz, modern...there's a lot of dances but they tend to just be at dance classes or shows or things like that - mainly because everyone else is too embarrassed to dance.

    And yeah probably, but I'm better at Guitar Hero than actual guitar and bass - and then my friend Oliver doesn't play any instrument but is even better than I am. Well, everyone has their talents I guess! Like, I can't play drums very well or sing good or sew or edit pages on the internet or things like that. I guess that's what makes people interesting!

    And no, I haven't started it yet, mainly cause my teacher has said I'm not allowed until everyone else is ready! But I do plan to use lots of quotes and I might even use a blog my friend Aimee wrote, depending if it's okay or not. Which is an accidental subtle MCR reference, yay! I love quotes too, if I'm bored I'll just search quotes by the first relatively famous person I think of - usually Frankie.

    Um, well...I haven't sent my application form off yet, but I'm almost done! I just need my teacher to say my personal statement is okay, and then I have to pay some money and then it's all good! Well, hopefully.

    Ouch. That sucks, I feel sorry for you. And I suck with numbers too, which is weird to say both my parents have worked in banks for most of their lives. And that sounds cool, I hope things stay okay with her.

    But I'm okay I guess. One of my favorite books is now a film but they're only showing it at one of the cinemas near where I live, and it's in a really awkward place to get to - but I might go see it this weekend, although chances are I'll be going alone, because only one of my other friends has read the book and it's rated 18 so a lot of the people I know wouldn't be able to get in. And I have a lot of homework to do too, so my weekend is going to be busy, but in a not so great way.

    P.S. I like it how we monopolize each other's comment space, haha.
    November 22nd, 2008 at 12:17am
  • Be_Not_Seen

    Be_Not_Seen (100)

    United States
    My CHEM... *sighs*
    I love those boys!
    No, I don't want to beat you...
    hehe. :]
    November 21st, 2008 at 04:14pm
  • scribblerofdreamsxx

    scribblerofdreamsxx (100)

    United States
    November 21st, 2008 at 01:23am
  • MissArsenicChaos

    MissArsenicChaos (100)

    United States
    esto es arrechamente comico
    November 21st, 2008 at 12:59am
  • Tangy

    Tangy (100)

    Yeah I know, alot of people are usually surprised. :)

    And yeah we can't let guys have ALL the good names :)
    Rich kids in Manhatten. Ahaa, that does sound stupid.

    Ahh, I'm glad you're excited about my story. Yeah I'm working on it right now actually, so it's a work in progress. Hopefully won't take as long to get typed than the last one. >.>
    November 21st, 2008 at 12:11am
  • scribblerofdreamsxx

    scribblerofdreamsxx (100)

    United States
    yea.. lol..
    it happened with Twilight too..
    i was all "i read it before vampires were cooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
    i was so excited that something i read had actually become such a phenomenon.. i had read Harry Potter [i]after[/i] it had become huge.. so when i was watching Twilight grow into something like this, i was estatic.. it's so much fun to watch something u love grow like that.. xD
    November 20th, 2008 at 04:39am
  • Tangy

    Tangy (100)

    Ahaa, I'm sorry, you're mistaken. I'm just as female as you are :)
    But with the ammount of guy friends that I have, I tend to think like they do when it comes to writing style's and such XD

    Ah why thank you. I'm glad you like my name. Don't worry, I didn't steal it, it's been my name for 17 years. :) Gossip Girl? Um, I don't watch T.V. all that much.. it's like that stupid O.C. show?

    Gah, leave me out. >.>
    November 20th, 2008 at 04:38am
  • scribblerofdreamsxx

    scribblerofdreamsxx (100)

    United States
    same here..
    i started watching it only wen it just started getting popular.. then by the next season people were all "OMG GHOST HUNTERRRRSSS!!!!"
    i was all.. "*pshhhhh* i knew them before they were cool"
    lmao.. xD
    November 19th, 2008 at 11:00pm
  • Tangy

    Tangy (100)

    You know what, Tangy sounds too in the dark and suspicious.

    Call me Nathaniel :)

    It seems less like a "drug smuggling, hiding in mexico alias name" and more of a "hey my name's Nathaniel" kinda deal.
    November 19th, 2008 at 05:59am
  • MissArsenicChaos

    MissArsenicChaos (100)

    United States
    suki da, fuufu
    November 14th, 2008 at 01:00am
  • murderxthexcase

    murderxthexcase (100)

    United Kingdom
    Good, I'm glad, and I'm glad you're better too! And luckily it didn't, I'm better now too, although I don't think I got that much sleep. And yeah I was pretty surprised I was allowed to stay too (although I was only asleep on the couch so it wasn't like me and her were in the same room or anything), but I more expected that my parents would have something against it rather than hers. The guy she used to date stayed there a lot too. But her parents are cool, they think I'm awesome just because when I go for dinner I fill the dishwasher up for them.

    Yeah, I totally agree. She invited me to go see Cobra Starship in January the other day so I'm really excited for that.

    Probablemente mas - pues, una hora en el tren, mas o menos, idealmente. La ciudad donde quiero a ir es Chester, cual es una hora y veinte minutos en el tren.

    Thanks, that means a lot to me - I only got a D in my last exams so I'm having to do them again, as well as some more. I sure hope I get at least a B. And I'm not sure to be honest, it just happens, maybe I wash it too often. I freak out about these things a little too much.

    And they're like insanely serious, I think they've been going out for like a year or something. But, there's this other girl I like but she's in the year below mine and typically, my best (male) friend decides he likes her too. And he seems to have some way with women I've never developed so I've pretty much given up on her too! And yeah she's still not talking, it's kind of crazy. She talks to me non-stop for four days and then I tell her I don't like her like that and she hasn't said a word since. I mean I know rejection hurts, I've been rejected enough times to last me the rest of my life, but still. I've overcome the problem.
    I can understand the stress to be honest. Like my friend with the girl I like, he's been complaining that he hasn't dated a girl in two months. I haven't dated one in almost two years. I think I deserve something to be quite frank, but whatever I guess. Couples annoy me anyway, haha. It's like, I can agree with the sharp pointy things.

    I've added your birthday to the calendar on my phone too, so looks like I have no reason for forgetting it!

    Ah, I was meaning more for the halloween costume thing, but I didn't go in the end because my dad couldn't take me there. I was pretty upset for a while.

    And I'll check it out and experience the disappointing ending for myself. On that note, actually, I never saw the end of Cardcaptors but someone spoiled it for me so I kind of know it, I just haven't seen it.

    Yeah I know what you mean, like even though my Spanish teachers are fluent in English as well, they learned it after they'd learned Spanish so they assume we understand everything. Which we don't - I tend to be worse at Spanish when I have to try. If it's just like on here I'm fine with it. And I'm not that great at the other languages...I just know how to sing in them because I do it on Rock Band and there's lyrics I can read, but I never remember them.

    Yay!! Veggie hugs! I'm sort of a 'part-time' vegetarian though, because my dad always buys meat and if I didn't eat it I'd be really hungry so sometimes I just have to put up with it and try not to be sick. If I have the choice, however, I always pick something vegetarian. By the time I'm at university, I won't be eating meat at all, because I'll be buying my own food. And that's cool. I want one so I don't keep having to buy cheese sandwiches from the shop across the road from school!

    Oh, I hope things improve with your friend. I can understand what you mean, it's the same with me and Tizzie. I'm just so busy nowadays I rarely get to talk to her and she keeps getting angry at me for not keeping in contact. But yeah, the quinceañero sounds really fun actually, but I can't dance at all, haha. I hope you have a really awesome time, or did have an awesome time if this is too late. Aww, that sucks that you lost at Guitar Hero. I'm pretty good at it - makes up for my lack of skill in dancing I guess - but I suppose that might be because I play real guitar and bass, but I don't know.

    And by the way, for my English Language project I'm doing it on MCR! We had to do either events, people, institutions (I didn't know what that was) or...issues, I think. So I chose people and I'm going to write about the different ways the band are viewed in the media. I just wrote out the first five minutes of Life On The Murder Scene as part of my project, and it took me about an hour just to do that! It's pretty fun though.

    So yeah, I've been so busy recently, it's crazy. I'm going to have to get some help from teachers at my school with applying for university...I'm supposed to send it off on friday!

    Hope everything's okay for you!
    November 12th, 2008 at 07:55pm
  • blastxthemusicxfob

    blastxthemusicxfob (100)

    United States
    eh it's true tho. i guess you answer with how your feeling at one point in time. if your depressed, you'll answer as depressed. if your mad, you'll be mad.
    November 9th, 2008 at 05:20am
  • blastxthemusicxfob

    blastxthemusicxfob (100)

    United States
    aw yeah i guess but some mibbans can be meanies lol.
    November 9th, 2008 at 04:54am
  • blastxthemusicxfob

    blastxthemusicxfob (100)

    United States
    thank you so much for the comment on my journal. no one really takes the time to write all that, lol.
    November 8th, 2008 at 11:22pm
  • stepheneatsyourface!

    stepheneatsyourface! (100)

    United States
    this is gonna be one long ass comment. because im answering both of yours comments in one long reply. so here it goes...

    - COMMENT 1 -
    we didnt end up watching a movie. because there really wasnt anything good out. there hasnt been anything good out for a while. though i am looking forward to Role Model. it looks like its going to be pretty funny. it comes out on friday, i think. about the crabs... eh. im going wiht they arent my favorite and leaving it at that. im not a vegitarian but i do respect your choice and so i will try and keep in mind not talking about animals as food.

    haha thnx.
    YES THEY ARE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so i watch this tv show Heroes. and milo ventimiglia is in it and for a good chunk of the second season he went without a shirt. well my bf and i were watching it on our netflix account and i kept mumbling to myself about how nice milo's muscles are and my bf got all insecure and jealous. BUT hes admitted to thinking dirty thoughts about angelina jolie! all i do is look and appreciate, no dirty thoughts. so ive decided hes a big hypocrite and i called him out on it so now i can admire milo as much as i want :D hehe im so excited about it now!
    & eh they can be short! im short. im taller than my boyfriend! :] so it wouldnt really matter... except theyre both around 30 so itd be kind of awkward. besides that, if i got the chance i would totally go out with one of them :D mmm milo and frankie

    uhm yes i can send you a picture. i just need to take it then upload it. because i only took a couple on halloween and all the ones where you can see the tutu i look super horrible because they were taken at the end of the night. i didnt end up being a doll because i got way too crunched for time since i was busy till 4ish and the tutu took forever to finish.

    - COMMENT 2 -
    well i went in looking for ballet flats so i would really look like a ballerina but the cheapest pair was $23 USD and i really didnt feel like popping out $23 for a pair of shoes at that point in time. i ended up getting this pair of black and grey striped mary jane type flats that king of have the rubber toe like converse. and the flats have some pink paint splatter around the back/heel area and acros the top/toes. theyre actually v cute, but i need to wear them with nylon socks or something because they rub my achilles and give me blisters.

    hahah awwww thats cute! both your costume and the little kids reactions to your friends. :D it sounds like you had a whole lots of fun! and dont worry about it being your first time, my first time trick-or-treating was when i was 17! ive only gone twice and ive already beat the habit. kind of sad. but i think the experience all depends on who you are with! :]

    i think that encompasses everything!
    congrats on making it through the whole thing!!!! :p
    November 4th, 2008 at 07:13am
  • mizzstocker

    mizzstocker (100)

    United States
    yeah I get that...I wanted to see Jaunes in LA this summer but by the time I found out he was coming tickets were almost $400 a person and I was completely I just decide next time I go to Bogota I'll go when he has a concert and then I'll just chill with my cousins for a couple of weeks.
    November 3rd, 2008 at 10:40pm
  • ssadiee

    ssadiee (100)

    United States
    i just woke up. lol. but updating a storyy.
    November 3rd, 2008 at 03:00pm