I'm too young for this.

I abandon Mibba for about four months, and my life completely makes a 180.First off, I get back together with one of my exes cause he said he was single again...and I was lonely. Time goes by and blah blah blah relationship-y stuff, yadda yadda. We last until the end of May. I ended it, cause I realized how much of an asshole he was, and why we broke up in the first place. A week later I find out...
June 13th, 2010 at 02:15am

Happy Friday the 13th!

I had the best one ever!Today, during lunch, the power in the school randomly just went out. And we were without it during 5th, 6th, and 7th period. It wasn't just the school though. 3,300 surrounding homes and businesses were without power as well. I always think a Friday the 13th a success when something bad like that happens. Is that weird? I think my school should always have the lights off!...
November 14th, 2009 at 04:59am

Happy Halloween!

It's been a while since I've posted a journal. And I thought I post one before they get replaced with those blogs or whatever the heck is going on.So, I should of gone into this journal with some sort of idea...Uh.. It's Halloween! So that's awesome for those of you who can actually go out and do something. Unlike myself. Who decided to be stupid last weekend and get herself grounded.But on a...
October 31st, 2009 at 06:19pm

My friend made a...suicide attempt.

My cousin works at the hospital, and he was cleaning up the trays on the suicidal/depression floor. And who does he see up there? The boy that I'm in love with. Risking himself getting fired, he tells me. He tried to kill himself. Another girl, one who I am pretty good friends with, has fucked with his head. I lost all control, and broke down. If her dumb ass knew two goddamn things about him, she...
September 21st, 2009 at 05:09am

Hospital visits // I need some advice.

I had a doctors appointment today, and I was all but pleased with the outcome. I went in thinking that I was going to be perfectly fine. Turns out that I have these specks lining the inside of my esophagus. The normal amount a person has is 15...I've got 80. Just my luck right? It's some sort of new kind of food allergy. So now, I'm getting put on two different meds; one pill and some sort of...
September 5th, 2009 at 12:59am

It's a little passed 1:30 in the morning.

I'm tired.Stressed out.Extremely cranky.And worst of all, cursed with the dreaded sleep disorder of insomnia. Lucky, lucky me right? Not so much. There's so much stuff I've got coming up in the next few months. Tomorrow I meet with a GI doctor so he can look at the test results from my barium swallow I had done last week. -Turns out I have an indentation on my esophagus. It could be nothing, and...
August 17th, 2009 at 08:44am

Guess The Song - I've got nothing else to do...so HERE!

Rules1. Put your iTunes/equivalent on random.2. Post the first line from the first 35 songs that play, no matter how embarassing.3. Have people guess what songs they are.4. Bold out the songs when someone guesses correctly.5. Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is cheating.01. We will be legends, we are smashed men, still moving.02. You're gonna need a bodybag, I'll break bones...
August 17th, 2009 at 08:12am

So I feel like ranting;

It's really pissing me off today that people are freaking out over the so called "new rules". Uhm, news flash here kiddos! These rules AREN'T new. Mibba is just enforcing them, because no one is listening to the warnings they're giving out.The One-Shot rule: This one I love, actually! I find it really annoying when people put all their one shots under the title of ONE SHOTS. And there's the people...
August 15th, 2009 at 06:37am

My Life - According To All Time Low

Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions. You can't use the band I used. DO NOT to repeat a song title. It's a lot harder than you think! Repost as "my life according to (band name)"Pick Your Artist:All Time LowAre you a male or female:Jasey RaeDescribe yourself:The Girl's a Straight-Up HustlerHow do you feel:WeightlessDescribe where you currently live:The Party...
August 9th, 2009 at 08:27pm

My Epic Warped Adventure.

Two friends. 24 hours. One hell of a story.So I will start my story the night we left for Chicago (actually it was Tinley Park, but whatever). We left 13 hours early, don't ask why we just felt like it. We get to "Chicago" at around 11, find a hotel and sleep...in the parking lot. Wonderful right? Sure, if you enjoy only getting 4 hours of sleep, and laying on a lumpy car seat.The next morning we...
August 2nd, 2009 at 10:39pm


I wont bother you with a back story, because it doesn't even matter now. I keeping my past in my past. I don't want to bring it to surface again.Last night I decided to walk up to my town's Fish Fry, just to see who was up there and what not. And I just love the atmosphere of carnivals. I ran into one of my super close friends who I haven't been able to hang out with since school got out. So we...
July 31st, 2009 at 05:56pm

Ryan Ross is really starting to disapoint me.

So yesterday I posted a journal about how Ryan and Jon were leaving Panic. I was pissed at that, but then I got over it cause I knew it was whats best. Then today, I was looking at StrikeGently.com seeing if there was any good stuff leaked out. And then I find a picture of Ryan with some sluttly girls, wearing sluttly outfits. Okay, that's cool. He's almost 23 years old. That's pretty normal,...
July 9th, 2009 at 02:46am

Panic At the Disco break up.

The news is sad, and also very true. It was posted yesterday on their website that Ryan and Jon are leaving the band. Leaving Brendon and Spencer still under the Panic name, they were given permission to release any music they would like under the name. Ryan and Jon left because they want to pursue their own thing. As in do a project together I guess. That's just what I got from reading...
July 8th, 2009 at 01:49am