Best night of my life

the academy is concert was AMAZING.they completely blew me away,and i met them after,and Mike was really nice and he went in the bus,and then the security guard came out,and said, "these are from mike,"and handed us 2 guitar picks :)and when William Beckett came overhe was so adorable,"you guys like Daughtry? Who do you think wrote their songs?"me: "I'm guessing you?""NAW, this guy right here. he...
October 18th, 2007 at 02:34pm

Slow Down.

I know this is kind of silly considering i'm the one writing the story, but i had a dream about it so i want to very badly. I had a dream with no other than William Beckett in it, and does anyone have some quick info on him and academy is please? just for background info?Thanks :)
July 29th, 2007 at 09:58am

i can't control myslef because i don't know how

I hate fights with friends. i messed up big time, and i lied and she found out. She told me to hold on and that she would call when she was prepared to deal with all the craziness. So, my heart lifts when the phone rings, and then sinks when it isn't her. None of my other friends seem to care at all. Its been a week, and i want to yell and scream and cry. It's like she thinks i can wait around...
July 16th, 2007 at 08:01am

So give 'em blood

I'm making a My Chem shirt with my friendfor the concertsuggestions on lyrics please?some ideas:-inside that cave you call a chest-die like star crossed lovers when we fight- preach all you want, but whos gonna save me?-and end my days with you in a hail of bullets- to the hearts you break & all the cyanide you drink- never again, never again, they gave us two shots to the back of the head...
April 11th, 2007 at 04:20am