wildcurl788 / Comments

  • JonasGirl123

    JonasGirl123 (100)

    United States
    will there be an update tonight?? :]
    December 4th, 2008 at 09:55pm
  • JonasGirl123

    JonasGirl123 (100)

    United States
    That last chapter was PERFECT. Aww! I love this story so much! Its one of my favorites :) I love how they're so perfect together. I definately can't wait for the baby! hahaha

    great chapter! write more soon :)
    November 28th, 2008 at 04:59am
  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    Seriously.. where did that chap come from! I LOVED IT!
    November 15th, 2008 at 02:26am
  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    Hmmm... the Joe thing is INTERESTING! I wondered how bad it would get before they HAD to respond. I feel kinda bad for her after Joe's response... in a way I never thought possible before. And I hate that 'cause I am not a fan of hers.. never have been. I know some people are.. .a lot apparently, but I feel like a broken heart is a broken heart no matter who it happens to and that is hard to watch that breakage... plus, she basically was completely exposed because of his comment... and I don't know how I feel about that. I thought it would make me feel better having him defend himself, but I only feel sadder for her.

    I never thought he did the petty things she said... I still think they dated for publicity only (on his side of it anyway)... so I guess she had it coming to her, but still.. she is sad because of a severely broken heart.. and now I am sure she is even more unhappy.

    Even though the boys-Joe- was right to clarify the matter (even if only for his career or that of his brothers) I'll bet even he feels bad for having to say what he said. Break ups are hard, but he is Joe Jonas.. ya know.. imagine having to lose that :(

    And that random Camilla Belle business... I don't know... I kinda like him with her cause it was like a dream of theirs, but yeah... just that the boys are so HUGE!

    You know what will be weird... the movie premiere in the Spring where she cameos! :)

    gonna go read!
    November 14th, 2008 at 11:06pm
  • Lady Rogue

    Lady Rogue (100)

    ello! nice story (keeping composure). =P
    November 14th, 2008 at 03:48pm
  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    Guessing your still in the writing hole? Aawww! Hope you can dig yourself out cause I'm going through withdrawl.. like major!


    just wanted to make you feel good by saying I miss your story! but don't rush back too fast... I just realized I havent updated one of my stories in like 4 months... who does that?

    Anywho, hope all is well!
    November 13th, 2008 at 03:50pm
  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    Sorry about the stumpage! that is always tuff!

    Good luck on your test!
    November 5th, 2008 at 10:53pm
  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    Mani/Pedi... jealous! My daughter has been so upset with me cause we havent been since Mellie was born. She's like 'Mom, you could just drop me off.' um, NO! I want mine done too! This is the longest I have EVER gone without getting them done. If you notice in SJ and EJ, my Joe kinda likes it *wink*

    Boyfriend? Shameless flirting will get you EVERYWHERE! and smitten? I am jealous! It is so fresh in the beginning! Congrats and good luck! Does he know you write? Maybe when the boys come out with their fashion line you can dress him up... hmmm, but would he keep them on?

    Okay, now I am sitting... I get all these ideas, but by the time i get around to the computer they vanish and I have little inspiration.

    I am promising myself this week I will update something! ugghhh!
    November 5th, 2008 at 08:45pm
  • bella6

    bella6 (100)

    United States
    puuulease update soon!! hehe!
    November 4th, 2008 at 06:38pm
  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    oh my gosh! I don't know if I am READY for the wedding!!!! I thought I was, but now I dont know.

    You should feel proud of yourself for this last chapter :) The stuff Gretch was hiding about the Joe changes was probably the hardest part to hear. I understand why she hid it. I was not sure who to feel saddest for. It kinda knocked me backwards when I read it. In my head I remembered all the times he was strong for Gretch, but he really wasn't and that kinda made me sad... mostly because she saw this.

    I am so in love with this Joe and Gretch. I wonder what you will write next.! I am glad the Tink outfit worked. Those people should feel lucky to get some of your dust! AND YEAH YOU VOTED! a lot of stupid people here think that just because they don't really like either candidate that they shouldn't vote.:(

    You're welcome for my readingness and yeah! Cant wait for the weddo! And a boyfriend? when did this happen? is this the one you got in a fight with on the date? I am SO excited for you!
    November 4th, 2008 at 04:42am
  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    hey we are on at the same time! I jus commo'd! :) It really was my favo chap!
    November 4th, 2008 at 01:03am
  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    Hey, hope Halloween was prosperous for you! Mine was not great, but the kiddos had fun, which is ALWAYS the case. Anywho, since Mellie did not trick or treating and was basically crying the entire time, I didn't get a lot of pics, but I am going to put one up on my profile shortly. Hope yours got RAVE reviews! I am going to read now. This is my first official free time since what? thursday... uggh!
    November 3rd, 2008 at 08:22pm
  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    Congrato on the A! Online classes are insane cause of the level of self motivation you have to have. But sounds like you are doing fine! and you had enought time to still update! YEAH! I hope work went well, too, and you did the booger flick like I suggested just now in the review! One day you will be an editor of the biggest mag in the country and you can hire this Krystle and then fire her two hours later!! Ah, the power of the press!

    Is this Claire the Nick fan? If so, Libby Lou has a TON O stuff. Without further info I must refrain from suggestions. I always give the current JB album for the birthdays around here--course they are 8, 9, and 10 year olds, but still. Because of our original gift, they get invites from kids they don't even know...weirdos! Cute PJs are always nice and if you are on a budget Target always has the cuties! For my gfs, usually I just pick up something from Starbucks, like those little colored coffee cup sets... they love those. We dont have one local and they think it is high end or something :(

    I a very interested in how your sickly dinner went. I hope you had a shower (ew!).. .oh and have you been back on any dates lately? Def don't take a date to HSM3... sucky! Well, not really. It was okay, but 1/2 way through, my daughters bestie hit me in the shoulder and said, "Nicole! This is BORING! When can we go?" Yeah.. she's crazy, but the girls in front and to the side of me kept turning around to watch my Mellie girl who has just started to giggle. :) So if a bunch of 8 and 9 yr old girls cant keep up then you can just imagine my trouble. It would have been better on the Tube!

    Course I am SUPER stoked for Twilight on the 21st! I read those books daily! Though my edward was WAY better looking... sorry Rob!

    And I am sure you have heard about the new Jonas movie. We have all the Walter books! YEAH! I feel like they are getting back to the Jonas boys they were before this year, which I love, maybe its only because I have kids, though. I am kinda worried that they will alienate some fans, but it will be funny. I wish people wouldn't discount it so quickly and take it for what it is, a kids film.

    I guess I better get to writing, I haven't been able to do anything as of late and now Halloween.. y-e-a-h! I am def going to put up a pick of my little lovebug! She is so funny! I wish everyone here could meet her, maybe I will put one up of my other kids too. Someone asked me for a pick of me and I got kinda fishy. I don't even have pics up on myspace... don't ask me why, just seems diff to me.

    Okay, BYE! and sorry I couldn't get up sooner :)
    October 29th, 2008 at 03:29pm
  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    I sincerely hope you are feeling better! I would hate for you to get so far behind in your work that you can't update :) see how I devilishly wished you well for my own selfish advancement.

    Just teasing... I really do hope you are okay and can at least drink soup properly.
    October 24th, 2008 at 06:33pm
  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    HOORAH for bacterial infections! I hope your fever is high and you feel aweful! Well, not so aweful that you can't update... cause then that would be like both of us were sick, and we cant have that... it wouldn't be fair to me! :) and I am NOT JK! ;)

    I am begging for your forgiveness right now since I only have enough time to reply to this. I have some stuff to do today, but I will def try to read and review later this afternoon. So sorry.... I can't WAIT though!
    October 23rd, 2008 at 07:47pm
  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    hey! it cut mine off too! but i cant really remember all of it :(

    Anywho, I said that I am glad you have such a great relationship with your mom. It seems like you two are super close.

    I am going to go stew over what I can't remember writing and then I am going to write a very strongly worded email to mibba about the cutoff-uation! Yeah... it got all kinda those words! It is my dream to one day come up with one that makes it into Websters Dictionary.

    Now I am going to write and clean my house before people start wondering what I do all day. Which apparently is eating bon bons and watching soaps. (I tried that once, just to see... Bon Bons are not better than Reese's and daytime TV sucks! I just ended up watching Jonas MVs) By the way, I cant believe your friends with someone who hasnt seen Camp Rock! Shameful! I hope she liked it! even if it is only the parts with Nick... which it wouldn't have hurt to have more of all the boys in my opinion. I wonder how much more Joe got paid for that than the other two.. and if it was an issue at all. I mean come on... Joe seems to be a bit of a face rubber :) Have a great day!
    October 22nd, 2008 at 05:57pm
  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    Okay so apparently this is gonna be a daily thing. This time Scout was sitting on the corner instead of bolting out into the road. Lucky for her, I was in a very bad mood this morning!

    Sorry for not responding sooner. I have been super busy for no reason at all. My son is not transitioning well into 4th grade, but he has too much charm for his own good and the teachers seem to be heavily affected by that so they cut him too much slack!-- He is his father's son! That coupled with the fact that my fam is taking advantage of my non-working status. Its like duh! I have a BABY! I can't run all over creation for YOU! But I am a yes person and so I smile and say, "Sure. I would love to bend over backwards and upside down for you. And then, I will gladly be waiting for you to never say thank you." :) U see how I added your title in there!

    And.. I can't believe I didn't pick up on some of the stuff you mentioned ... Like Nick not being the only one knowing about Joe's sleep arrangements and the office not knowing! OH NO! Should we be concerned?

    I will be interested how u go about the pregnancy. Iam always interested when people write about things like that when they haven't experienced it. I love to read the perspective. Some things are just not right, but I know you will do fine!

    and... thank u for spoiling us! It is a beautiful thing to receive an update notification!

    I hope u r not putting off your school work and friends to write.. actually I do :) JK! I hope your friend is okay. It seems like maybe you are really mad at her since you didn't particularly care about her boyfriend breaking up with her... that is kinda sad actually.
    October 22nd, 2008 at 05:47pm
  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about Joe/Gretch on the way to school this morning cause a huskie ran out in front of my car... and yeah, I put on the brakes, even though I wanted to slam the gas! Sorry... I only break for cats... and Scout dogs :)

    My last story was deleted from ff.net yesterday! I didn't realize I would feel this bad, but I do! It really stinks! All those reviews and reads and people checking in every day down the toilet now! I am going to have to start a new story, just to do it! It makes me SO mad.

    Sorry, just venting. I was going to post an update for one of my other stories yesterday too, but I got so depressed. :( seriously 130 reads a day... WHAT THE HEN! and I know some of them wont follow to mibba.

    But the new LBug MV was A-MAZING! What did you think? Camille Belle was GORGEOUS! but, hahaha none of the boys got to be her love interest. I thought that was hilario!
    October 20th, 2008 at 06:16pm
  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    You are officially forgiven from commenting on the next 3 reviews at least! All I want from you is a :) and a thank you! I hope I don't make you feel obligated to comment back (even though I truly enjoy it) because I am by far your BEST reviewer hands down. ;), its just that I REALLY love Joe and Gretch and each part that renders me senseless I feel I have to comment on! There is only one other story I feel this strongly about and she is as busy as me and NEVER updates!

    I am sorry about the belated review. I WAS living my life. I took my Mellie-girl out with my mother and best girlfriend for her first trip to the Tea Room. Tea is what us suthurn girls do best. So all morning I was dressing her up and then we spent our customary 4 hours at lunch :) She was the talk of the town :)

    Anywho.... Love Bug music vid TONIGHT! I am stoked, but not as stoked as I am about going to read your next update. Here I go, review posted SOON.

    We are so being spoiled by you! I wont know what to do when I don't receive and update in the next 24 hours from your story. I remember when you first started out with Maggie and Joe and I worried because there wasn't going to be a sequel to it, and now look atcha! :)
    October 19th, 2008 at 08:17pm
  • nthomas81

    nthomas81 (100)

    United States
    First of all, you don't have to boss me around to go read anything! I do what I want when I want to do it! :)

    I am seriously gettting spoiled here with your updatationess! Thats right I said it!

    I love how funny you made kevo in this chapter! And Nick, in general, cept for that one part in 'Waiting' where he let the fall out happen, I love Nick's intuitiveness!

    Here's to naive Jonas boys!

    And I hope that guy comes back so you can get more big tips!
    October 13th, 2008 at 07:23pm