Like the Video Films They Saw

So, yeah, I've decided to get out of bed and, you know, do things. My friends miss me and my mum's most likely sick of seeing my dirty litso around the house but I ca'n't say that being in bed for two weeks didn't teach me new things about myself. For example, Rhys Ifans (that guy from Notting Hill or Vladias Grutas from Hannibal Rising) is a very attractive man, and I wouldn't have known that if...
July 3rd, 2009 at 03:38am

"A Bowl of Oranges"

'Kay, so, first entry in a while... Whelp, I just got back from seeing Star Trek with my droogies and am now tired and waiting for my nighttime programs to come on (if you must know what they are, it's The Andy Griffith Show.... I like black and white T.V., it's easy on my eyes or whatever). Now , first things first, the film: lovely, lovely, lovely! In other words, I had to piss like a race horse...
May 24th, 2009 at 05:17pm


1.) Is it just me or is Vince from The Mighty Boosh kindof hot?2.) You know how in "Irresponsible Hate Anthem" Manson says "I wasn't born with enough middle fingers"? If he had two middle fingers (on each hand) they wouldn't be middle fingers now would they?(I realize that wasn't a question really)3.) What is the Warden from Superjail's real name? I swear they say it in the Time Police pt2...
April 7th, 2009 at 02:11am

Hard Candy and My Funeral

Golly Gosh, Ellen Page is so gaddam cute (especially while she's casterating people, boy), but that's not the point of this journal post. The point is: well, there is no point. I'm SO bored. I think I'm going to die (and if I do, I garentee (I spelled that wrong. yeah Parenthesis within parenthesis) that my funeral will be a billion times better than your gaddam funeral (anybody's, as a...
November 1st, 2008 at 05:52am

This isn't a deer shooting hat. It's a PEOPLE shooting hat. I shoot PEOPLE in this hat....

Well, yesterday was just a lot dissapointing. I went to this football game at our lame-ass highschool yesterday IN THE GADDAM RAIN. And it's not because I love football or I love to see our team get asses beat. NO SIRREE! I went there because I'm a sucker for long haired, flannel-clad, John-Lennon-Glasses-wearing, skinny boys. (Well, not REALLY, but I do like this one.) Anywho, Rin and I were...
October 5th, 2008 at 11:07am


Well, I'm sitting here with Nicole. She's playing some lame-ass video game or something so I'm sitting here, bored and ready to ramble.Ready?Aaaaaaaannnnddd GO!Well, Nicole called me while I was struggling to stay awake and finish watching and old episode of Futurama (that I never di finish >.>) So we talked on the goddam phone for like a half an hour. She came and picked me up so I could...
September 27th, 2008 at 07:32am

Riny's penis- Entrance: Butt.

Well, yesterday the GREATEST thing happened (plus I made another gruesome discovery)Duh Duh DunnnnRin has a PENIS.Or atleast she said so. Kier and I were over at her house (which is weird. We're hardly ever at her house all at once) and earlier Rin was all saying that she had a penis because Kier is like OBSESSED with the cock and Rin thought that she might want to hang out with us more often is...
September 26th, 2008 at 04:30pm

Christian Death, Rin , and an Ugly Bassist =[

Well, I'm sitting here at Rin's before another day at my [sarcasm] GLORIOUS high school. Rin woke up late and, somehow, she convinced me to stay and wait for her while she got ready. I'm 29 minutes late and am feeling like a paranoid sonuvabitch because I normally don't do things like this. Anywho, I'd much rather sit here and listen to Christain Death (Rozz is hot =] ) than be in my lame-ass...
September 25th, 2008 at 05:58pm

Angus Sutherland is a DUDE KISSER!!

Hello hello, my dear friends. I'm currently sitting at my friend Nicole's house and am filled with new things to share. First off, yesterday I watched three movies. One awesome, two terrible. The two that sucked were The Lost Boys 2: The Tribe and The Ruins. The awesome one was Harold and Kumar escape from Guantanamo Bay. But anyway, the only good thing about The Lost Boys 2 was the fact that...
September 25th, 2008 at 04:42am