The Seance / Comments

  • Venomous.Vampire

    Venomous.Vampire (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    it's gabe and billy =]
    i thought you may be interested =]
    August 23rd, 2008 at 04:56pm
  • Born In A Junkyard

    Born In A Junkyard (150)

    United States
    Yeah, I know what you mean. It's like, everytime I turn on inside edition, it's the same old shit. Someone punched a photog or is acting like a whore or getting a DUI or whatever. It's just so redundant.
    I live in the USA. In Michigain. I hate it here, all these wannabe gangsters and shit.
    August 6th, 2008 at 11:24pm
  • Born In A Junkyard

    Born In A Junkyard (150)

    United States
    Yeah, they did make a cute couple. Too bad it didn't last. *shrugs* that's celebs for ya. Ha ha ha ha.
    yeah, I know what you mean. I haven't finished my profile and i've been on for uber ever. It's just b-o-r-i-n-g! XD you should've seen my old profile!
    August 6th, 2008 at 10:32pm
  • Born In A Junkyard

    Born In A Junkyard (150)

    United States
    Hey. Well, you seem pretty cool. I love the way you point out that you are a Brittney Spears fan. Ha ha ha, yeah, as I am going to put on my profile when I put up my musical inspirations, I am a fan of Justin Timberlake. Ha ha ha, he used to be going out with Brittney =D. Yeah, I get anal about that shit too, but in all honesty, I suck at spelling... I keep forgetting to do spell check. ROFL.
    August 5th, 2008 at 08:37pm
  • Venomous.Vampire

    Venomous.Vampire (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    i love you too =] everytime someone sends me an email, i'm sad when it's not from you. i love talking to you because i totally lose track of time and forget that i've got something in the oven until my dad shouts at me.
    i smile whenever i think about you and i burst out laughing at things we talked about days ago.
    you make me feel f-cking special and i love you more than i can express and i'd die if i ever lost you.
    to use an over-used quote, you're my best f-cking friend and i would die for you.
    August 5th, 2008 at 02:46pm
  • Venomous.Vampire

    Venomous.Vampire (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    well even if it wasn't a good plotline i think all these sexy, bloody hot things would be nice to hear about ;)
    i shall be waiting to hear these intriguing ideas. no doubt i'll be quite [s]turned on[/s] intrigued.

    well, i did want to do a frerard or maybe try a frikey (i've never written one before) but if you wanted to do something original we could just make up some characters.

    it would be absolutely adorable!
    she's had her septum pierced. my friend was telling me today.
    i don't really like them but you know, maybe she's the only person in the world it looks good on. i haven't seen it yet.

    i love you lots kid =]
    btw, i sent your letter =]
    July 27th, 2008 at 06:40pm
  • Venomous.Vampire

    Venomous.Vampire (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I Love You Darling (:
    Your Beautiful ♥

    i think you might have to pm me some ideas.
    this sounds pretty amazing.
    exactly, something shocking but so good that as soon as you've got over the initial horror, you're there wishing you were in the middle.

    i've got a co-author but it's court and she's got so many other stories and cause she's been in and out of hospital and such, i forgive her for not doing many chapters. she's only done one and it was a bitfiller-ish but it's so cool to write with someone who writes some of your favourite stories. it's like if i got to write with joey jordison or lightning zap, i think i'd die. lol =]
    anyway -tells self to shut up- writing with you would be more awesome cause tbh, none of the stuff they write is hot enough.
    it's good and all but you know after you sent me pet-sitter, i think our slash would be a million times hotter.

    well, i think they do make a great couple. they seem like they'd just fit
    and if i'd known more about her before they got married, they'd be two people who i wouldn't be surprised about getting together.
    like, frank and hayley williams.
    they'd be so adorable and hot together.
    alas, he's already married. bless him =]
    jamia is so cute!

    July 25th, 2008 at 05:12pm
  • Venomous.Vampire

    Venomous.Vampire (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Yeah so, I thought I'd comment you here xD

    I Love You (L)

    yeah, i get like that. i'll write a story and if not many people read it, i'll give up. i need motivation in the form of comments.

    -gasp- 21 chapters? i've never got that far with any stories. mibba frerard's been going for ages and i've only got to chapter 8.

    hmm, you know, i think we could write a very twisted Frerard. hey, you could help me with Sick. just read the summary and see what you think of it and if you want, i'll add you as the co-author.

    =0 dude, she actually is awesome. i knew she did art and stuff.
    i used to call girls sluts and i feel bad for it if i do it now without a good factual reason and also everyone else used to always seem to have had a boyfriend before me.
    dude, in other ways than that, i can really relate to her. she just wants to show girls that they can go out and be succesful in unusual things, like music. theres hardly any succesful women in rock music.
    she's not better than gerard but she's probably a better female role-model whereas gerard's an all round role model.
    honestly, after i read that interview, i just had so much repsect for her because so much of what she said made sense to me and i just thought, i can't believe i judged her without even hearing her side of the story. i felt awful because i'd hated her just for marrying gerard. it was so pathetic that i did that.

    i love you! =]
    July 23rd, 2008 at 06:45pm
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Really? Sweet! =D You sound like a cool person too. We should totally be friends.^__^
    July 19th, 2008 at 06:20am
  • Venomous.Vampire

    Venomous.Vampire (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    hello sweetheart =]

    thanking you kindly for the story review, it was most intriguing.
    yes there will be a love triangle and also a baby. i'm having thing about babies lately so i have to stories involving babies at the moment.

    i love you x♥x
    July 16th, 2008 at 11:06pm
  • Venomous.Vampire

    Venomous.Vampire (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    hey =]
    what happened to you?
    you just disappeared off bebo and we haven't spoken in forever!
    how've you been?
    Love XoXo
    June 19th, 2008 at 09:16pm
  • AndThenSheBled

    AndThenSheBled (100)

    United States
    chapter 4 was amazing...god i cant wait to find out what happens next
    May 13th, 2008 at 02:56am
  • AndThenSheBled

    AndThenSheBled (100)

    United States
    yay, yah i really liked it, and thank you hunnie, your very cute!!! :)
    May 1st, 2008 at 02:59am
  • Venomous.Vampire

    Venomous.Vampire (150)

    Great Britain (UK)

    it's the harry potter/my chem thingy =]
    btw i've still left a reply below that you need to read but i found this randomly and thought i'd send it you while i remembered =]
    April 29th, 2008 at 10:13pm
  • Venomous.Vampire

    Venomous.Vampire (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    zomg, that sounds like it sucks a tad.
    i was thinking about what you said about penis's grossing you out, i think you're right, they're just weird.
    tbh, guys are still hot though =]

    well would you have to do the courses at school or somewhere else?
    and what would you do?

    lol, i'd hate to be homeschooled, it'd be so boring and i'd end up killing my parents.

    it's alright, i get forced of the computer quite frequently, it's so annoying.


    Love x♥x
    April 28th, 2008 at 09:06pm
  • AndThenSheBled

    AndThenSheBled (100)

    United States
    wow i love your story!!!!!! its so amazing, i hope you post more soon
    April 28th, 2008 at 02:12am
  • Venomous.Vampire

    Venomous.Vampire (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    lol, sex is just funny to think about, joke about and tbh sounds like it really is the best thing since sliced bread. (lol, there was this thing in r.e. it ws like circle what you think sex is and one of them was the best thing since sliced bread and nother was fourminutes lol)

    holy crap! that's really tall! you guys are freakin giants! none of my friends are really tall but they're mainly taller than me =]

    i'm really slow most of the time.
    god, i think if gerard way and frank iero weren't so hot, i'd be a lesbian cause all boys do is cause heartbreak and annoy me.

    lol, nah the gay anthem is anything by electric six. they're hilarious. their videos are just like pmsl!
    but cobra starship sounds pretty good, i think i'll check them out =]

    it sounds awesome. i love vampire frerards cause they're so hot!

    don't drop out. you can't let these jerks beat you! maybe you could move schools or something or if it comes to the worst you could be homeschooled, bya tutor or something.

    WTF!? freakin dorky...argh! what a retard!
    i hope he's disfigured in some horrific lab accident.
    hy would someone do something that cruel!
    people have spat on my friend cause she's bisexual (so am i but i'm violent so no one bothers me) and i just want to kill them every time i see them. the only reason i haven't is because she made me promise not to.
    if someone did what they did to you, to me, i'd say, dude, look i know i'm irresistable but i'm gay. sorry to disappoint, you can go back to your pathetic life now.
    my dear, screw that. just wait until the first time someone you love says you're beautiful, i guarantee, you feel a whole lot better. i felt awful until my (no ex) boyfriend told me i was perfect and then i looked in the mirror and i just saw myself differently. i saw what was really there and that was fine.
    anyways, you're as beautiful as you are. i know that sounds confusing but what i mean is you can't compare yourself to other people because what you think is good looking is very different from what someone else thinks is good looking.
    beauty is in the eye of the beholder =)

    yeah i accepted your add =]
    and commented, feel special!

    Love x♥x
    April 27th, 2008 at 08:05pm
  • Venomous.Vampire

    Venomous.Vampire (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    lol, everyone has to like something like that =]
    and also the average man is supposed to think about sex every 7 seconds or something. if you're around my friends it's every 2 seconds =]

    aw, he's so cute =] and i want to stop growing because i love being short =]
    i'm about 5,2" and if i get over 5,4" (frank iero's height) i'll be extremely annoyed.
    i've never listened to cobra starship but i've heard of them. i love it when gerard and frank kiss on stage, it's just like *screams heart out*

    are you a lesbian? (sorry if i'm slow to catch on) woah. i mean it doesn't bother me, i'd be a bit hippocritical if it did but i thought you were bisexual for some reason. meh =]

    definitely. they must have got so much abuse from people but i think it's great that they can still be who they are and do what they want =]

    i didn't tell my mum. i just couldn't. i really want to but i just can't. it was sort of like the words just wouldn't come out (ha ha come =]) but i'll try to tell my sister next time i see her.

    zomg, i need to read that! i once had this dream where gerard way was there and i was a vampire iand i could actually feel myself drinking his blood. i was out on my street at night and he was just there and it was awesome but the best dream i ever had was when i dreamt that i was frank and me and gerard were going out and then all of mcr including me got turned into vampires and we hunted other vampires and i got to kiss gerard! i actually dreamt that! i woke up and i was like woop!

    i play bass and piano and i want to play drums, guitar and clarinet too =]

    don't be like that! it's true that no matter how good you are, somone is better than you but if you be the best YOU can be then you'll get along fine =]
    my best mates play piano better than i do but i don't care because i try my best and anyway, i rock more than they do lol =]

    i have crappy social skills, at school, if you get to know me, you'll porbably love me but if you don't you will almost definitely hate me and i'll hate you too. first impressions are extremely important to me. i can hate someone just because i don't like how they talk, act, or look but i've learnt not to judge by how someone dresses. some chavs are nice and some goths/moshers/emos are horrible people.
    lol, since i learnt not ot judge people by what they wear, i've made tons more friends =]

    sure, my url is and you'll have to add me as a friend cause my profile's public.

    i grew up with all the punk kinda stuff from the 70's so i like some of that.

    aw woah! i want to see that =]
    i saw the musical version cause my mate was in it. some of the kids in it could be professional actors! they were really good!

    Love x♥x
    April 25th, 2008 at 07:40pm
  • Venomous.Vampire

    Venomous.Vampire (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    well, i don't know about that but i don't really think it's a bad thing as long as it's your choice. i think prostitution is probably alright if it's like the high class stuff and if they're doing what they love, whatever. it's our choice what we do with our lives and no one should be able to stop us.

    i know, he's adorable!
    god, we met mason musso from metro station after a panic gig but it took about 10 minutes for me to manage to drag my mate over to him. i was really that bothered about meeting him but she'd liked him for ages so i actually dragged her over to him and we managed to get a picture with him =]

    i have no idea who sings it. it was just a promotion for a charity and then they found out that the dancers were gay and there was a huge outrage type thing.

    well, maybe she's just thinking about what to say, it's gotta be awkward.
    i was gonna tell my mum yesterday morning but i just couldn't. i think i'll tell her tomorrow morning if i can.

    yeah, horror movies are pointless but i love real blood. i don't care who's it is i just find it totally...well, awesome but also kind i just don't know but vampires are just about the hottest thing ever and having someone drink my blood would tbh be better than sex for me. god, i can't believe i just said that. lol, ah well, no shame and all =]

    i love my imagination. it can go totally wild sometimes. that's probably why i get paranoid. i think there are seriously cameras in my room. mainly i think i'm just being paranoid but other things tell me that i'm definitely right.

    well, that's awesome. i always wanted to be a singer but then i realised i can't sing but i can play the bass and i'd love to do that in a band. i'm actually in one but we're just waiting for our guitarist to clear out her garage cause she's the only one with a drumkit and a space big enough for us to practice in. we'll probably get started again in the summer holidays. we have a song and it sounds really good but since we can't use the school music room any more, we have to go use her garage.
    i love eminem, rihanna and any rap that's meaningful, like stan by eminem.

    what did you go see?

    god, today we spent most of lunchtime in a meeting about the school talent show but then after that we went and jumped on the mat that they use for the high jump cause the meeting was in the school gym so we did flips and stuff =]

    Love x♥x
    April 24th, 2008 at 07:23pm
  • Venomous.Vampire

    Venomous.Vampire (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    well, hey, that's your choice and so whatever, i don't think any less of you for it but when it's my dad. it's just wrong!
    it was bad enough when i almost walked in on my rents doin it. i suddenly realised what the noise was and i practically ran back to my room.
    i think cabaret and burlesque is an art, i'm desensitised to gore due to watching it as much as i could from as young as possible, i laughed at hostel cause it was hilarious watching them all in pain plus the special effects were crap.
    i'm a violent person. i think violence such as a ood old punch up is fine and a riot would be fun to be a part of and sometimes it's just hilarious but war violence is pretty stupid, however sometimes war is necessary to keep the peace. i've probably mentioned that i like r.e. because it's my kinda thing.
    i'ma be in a band when i'm older and if that doesn't work out, i'ma be an r.e. teacher because i love it.
    i'm a really weird chick too =]
    i hate objectifying women and the idea of watching someone have sex is disgusting to me, but i don't really care what other people fo in their own time because it's your choice =] however who am i to judge porn movies and dirty books because what's frerard slash but emo porn for teenage my chem fans (girls or boys) and the teen mind can be far more imaginative than any grown up.
    hey, i'm pretty much totally messed up (btw i do swear but mibba doesn't seem to keen on it and i'm not about to get chucked off) i talk to posters and i've done stuff i don't like thinking about that i've never told anyone but then again hasn't everyone?
    ooh, auckland =]
    sounds intriguing. i used to have a friend from new zealand who moved to england when she was quite young and went to my primary school for a little while. i really miss her still and it's about 5 years on but she was my best mate and i never heard from her when she moved away. anyhoob, i want to travel australasia =]
    well, not much, i just tried calling harlet but she's out, which is gay and today was pretty crap except that me and my mates got to audition for the school talent show. we sung a song about the school nurses to the tune of the ymca song (i don't know if you'll know that or not cause i don't know if they have it in new zealand) but it was hilarious and we got the most cheers from the audience. probably cause most of them were our friends.
    i think small talk is really boring but it can be made interesting by the people talking. i hate it when people add you and they're like, hi i'm.... nice to meet you. and you're there like, say something interesting dammit!
    what bout your life?
    April 23rd, 2008 at 07:24pm