strangeboy / Comments

  • Woah that was a really long comment....anyway. I got the Internet back at home! Yay..$#^346346...
    June 19th, 2008 at 02:04am
  • Argh...i'm so jealous. People in Sweden must be really fair...and if you have blonde hair...its sooo blonde..not dirty blonde, nice white blonde. Hehe. Hey, I'm really glad to hear you are feeling better. Thats really great :). I'm really enjoying my new school thought, with guys and girls. Its so different but exciting. Its nice to mix with lots of different types of people. There is still uniform though..most schools in Australia have uniform. It is uncomfortable and horrible but you get used to it. Going to school in summer as well is awful, in the sticky heat. The school that I'm going to now is public so its less strict with uniform but my last all girls, private, Catholic school...well you had to have all your buttons done up with a tie and your socks showing up an inch above your ankles and the blazer colour was called "London Tan", in other words the colour of crap. Haha, I'll show you a picture when I can find one sometime. May I ask are you a relgious person? So in Sweden it is summer now at the moment? Lucky! I love the summer vacation break. So much to do! Mine isn't until December. How hot does it get in the summer? I watched this movie at the cinema the other week called Paranoid Park. Its new and was directed by Gus Van Sant, the same guy who directed Elephant. I'm not sure if you would have of heard of it but they are both so great. Anyway, in Paranoid Park, the main character, Alex is a skater and he is so cool! Except he accidently kills a security guard near the city's most famous and cutting edge skate park, Paranoid Park. I don't skate, but I know what you mean, as in how its so cool. In this area right next to the town there is this skate park I sometimes go to called HQ and every Friday night kids go and skate there and it is awesome to watch! There is a little building next to it where bands come and play, mostly local bands, but it is still so fun to just go and watch them and dance. The last few weeks I have been going out and on a school night I came home late but strangely my parents weren't annoyed..haha. That was when I went with my friend that I met this year, Aleah and her boyfriend, he training to be a hairdresser so he needed a model to practise hair colours on. So he put reddish-violet streaks in my hair. It turned out actaully pretty cool. He actually has bright, cyber purple in his hair, its so amazing! Your hair looks great naturally, that white blonde! Are your parents strict at all? I mean when you go out and just generally. What do they think of you getting tattoo's? Haha. I love tattoo's I want words on my wrists. I guess you have to be really careful of what you get because of when you get older, you might regret it. But piercings only leave a tiny scar when you take them out. I reckon the bridge and septum piercings are so cool but you have to have confidence to wear them. Whats the age when you can drink and smoke in Sweden? Here it is 18 to buy alcohol and cigarettes, 16 to smoke cigarettes and drinking is at whatever age as long as you are with your parents and they bought the alcohol for you. I don't usually drink and I've never been drunk. Only really small amounts usually at special occassions. I've only tried bourbon, French brandy, Heineken and Corona beer. I don't really think it appeals that much to me but I understand it and I mean I think its okay sometimes to have but not in excess. Smoking, I guess is really different because it is so bad for your health. I don't find it addictive at all. But its nice sometimes, like really occassionally and I don't do it too much. There is a group of guys and girls at my school that smoke in the school bathrooms all the time and drink afterschool across the road, its so pathetic because they are just do it so everyone can see them so they can show off and be "cool". I tried to become a vegetarian two years ago but I gave in after a few months. I'm really fussy with meat now though. I find a lot of meat disgusting, chicken especially. I used to work at KFC and it was beyond horrible! I never really liked steak or pork. I guess it just has to be really good quality meat or really fake and artificial like McDonalds because its not real, but I don't eat that much. Fish is really good. I coulnd't be a vegan because I like milk and cheese a lot...sometimes eggs as well but soy milk is so good! Haha, the other week me and two of my friends went to this huge, new Ikea store jsut to eat the Swedish meatballs, they were really nice. We got all the measuring tapes for the furniture and tied them around our heads and ran around, it was hilarious. At school, I'm starting a GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) which is going to be realyl fun but more so I'm doing it because there are so many homophobic people at school. A lot of my friends are gay or bisexual so it's going to be pretty fun especially because there will be free cake..ahah. But I guess bisexual is a pretty restricted thing, I mean its only liking guys and girls whereas pansexual is loving regardless of gender, which I reckon is really interesting. The whole intersexed/transgender things is really divine and cool. But you don't really hear people saying that they are pansexual which is why I don't. But I love being bisexual because its, in a sense, if you know what I mean. Do you think that everyone is born kind of bisexual but as we grow up peer pressure and society tells us that girls only like boys and boys only like girls? It would seem normal if everyone was bisexual in a way. I don't know, I think I'm confusing me as well...haha. I have so much homework tonight..I have to arrange a drama portfolio and draw up a set design for a play, write notes for a media essay and complete an I.T. report. The hardest is I have a photography assignment and I need to find a model that I can play with for art-inspiration ideas. And I'm sure you did great on your talk, your writing English is fantastic! Have heaps of fun on your summer break! Talk to you soon. Xx
    June 16th, 2008 at 11:11am
  • Speaking of lollipops (on your page) I had this giant lollipop on Friday. It was red and heartshaped with sherbet inside and it was taking forever and I got ever so impatient and my friend/boyfriend kept trying to stick it in my hair so I put it in the bin. I never asked do you smoke and drink and are you a vegan/vegetarian? Also, sorry if this is weird but are you straight? Lol. Woah, I really should start my homework...Ugh.
    May 12th, 2008 at 11:45am
  • Woah cool. Is your hair naturally blonde? Here, its hard to get really good extreme hair. My hair is now black and I have a blue fringe. Hey, that really isn't good about your depression. How are you coping? *Hugs* <3 What kind of eating disorder? Sorry if that was kind of personal but I mean as much as you feel your alone, you never are. :) It's good that things are getting better for you though. My new school is good, very different. I went to a Catholic all-girls school before and now I go to a public, non-religious co-ed school. So its weird but I like it. The uniform is less strict as well. Do you have uniform?
    I have so much homework, the workload just keeps getting more and more. I have to learn my drama lines and go to rehearsals and everything. I hardly have anytime to relax. This year I keep going out a lot more as well cause I know lots more people. Its fun though. Theres this place called HQ which is a skate park and a little building where bands play every Friday night and its really chepa to get in so I usually go there and you always meet new people. I've met heaps of people from different places this year as well from India, New Zealand, America, Canada, Switzerland, France, Netherlands, China which is awesome. Ah! I REALLY want another piercing and an Industrial bar. I want a tattoo on my wrists as well. I haven't seen the ones on the hips, sounds cool though. You should show me a picture of your hair. I'm planning to put one of mine up soon but its nothing special. Haha.
    May 12th, 2008 at 11:11am
  • Hey Elin. Sorry I haven't talked to you for ages. How have you been? I was expecting to see green hair for your picture...I couldn't stop staring. It's shocking pink...I love it. It is ever so totally pretty! How do you do those dreadlocks though...there very differentm, but so nice! When did you get it done? I've been so busy at a new school this year that I have had hardly any time for Mibba at all which is quite sad, I find. I love your nose ring as well. What is the age to get piercings in Sweden without parental consent. Here it is 16 which is annoying because I don't turn 16 until December and I can't wait that long. I really want a lip ring...where the ring is in the middle part of your lip and a back of the neck piercing. Piercings are awesome. How has everything been for you lately? xx
    April 29th, 2008 at 12:44pm
  • There is hardly anything here, the citiy is kind of small. What is school like in Sweden? Do you learn many languages? I learning languages and just the whole culture thing. The phoenetics and linguistic stuff and trying to sus out where people are from by their accents. I love European accents, so cool.
    January 31st, 2008 at 04:26am
  • Do you live in a big or little city? I've always been interested in visiting many parts of Scandinavia but when I went to Europe two years ago my mom didn't want to go to there because it was too cold (around Christmas time). But I absolutely love cold weather. I live in Australia and it is disgustingly hot. To be honest I really dislike it, I don't know why my parents chose to come live here. I'd much rather live in Sweden. You should put some pictures up of your hair, from a different angle. I really wanna see! xx
    January 30th, 2008 at 05:00pm
  • Hi Elin. I can't get over your hair, its so fucking cool! Ooh Sweden, I've ALWAYS wanted to go there..Whats it like..How come you hate it? I like Nine Nails...Do you like Manson as well? xx
    January 30th, 2008 at 10:15am
  • Hey, I'm Belle. I LOVE your profile. I like your it you? The hair is very cool! xx
    January 29th, 2008 at 05:21pm