i_love_rolo_cookies / Comments

  • LOL. i think that's the attitude you should have to life anyway. like 'I'M FREE AND I WANNA GO FUCKING OUT, WHO'S COMING?' haha. no regrets man.
    what sort of loser dumps someone by text? what an arse. he clearly wasn't worth your friends time. haha you don't ponies tend to be a bit crazier at camp? unless that's just usual for yours. but i always found mine was on [i]something[/i] and would be a total dickhead infront of everyone.
    that's what i meant to say, you said it better then me, online friends, are rad, because you can tell them stuff you wouldn't tell basically anyone else. like it's just easier.
    August 20th, 2009 at 11:34pm
  • Yeah it's almost the same with my cat. If she thinks you're not paying enough attention to her, she'll either start biting you, or start knocking stuff off of the shelves.

    They're staying with my parents at the moment. Hopefully, when me and my hubby get our own place, we can have them with us.

    Speaking of our own place, I hate living with my in-laws. My father-in-law is a complete dick.
    August 16th, 2009 at 01:02am
  • online firneds are the jizz. haha.
    yeah exactly, if you just walked away from one of your 'real life' friends, mid conversation they'd ignore you for a few days for being so damn rude.
    ohh, i understand that, & i'm sorry. it's quite a treck for me to visit my friends too see. so when we do meet up i like to annoy the fuck outta them. i actually think that's why i'm considered the 'fun drunk one' because i'm cramming so much into one night out haha.
    oh yeah i meant to ask, how was pony camp? not so good then?
    August 15th, 2009 at 09:23pm
  • yeah I've got one cat names Sassy and she's insane. lol. ad then I have a shi-tzu named baby and a yorkshire terrier named Tiffy. They're my baby's. :-D
    August 13th, 2009 at 09:54pm
  • lol. I guess that explains it :) . You're lucky, I can't even keep my cat and dog where I live at (with my hubbys parents) because his dad's an ass.
    August 10th, 2009 at 08:32pm
  • don't you just get used to not having the internet after a day? i've weened myself off pretty good now. like i could just easily call the whole internet thing quits, i can just go around to see my friends, or call them. but i love the awesome 'online' friends i have to much. i'm attached to you all! haha. i think it's because people tend not to annoy me online, you can always just reply later when you're in a better mood right? though i think i've only had to do that like, once.
    geez how much did i bloody ramble then?
    anyway, how've you been? any old people stalking you lately?
    August 7th, 2009 at 12:29am
  • Ponies huh? how did that come about?
    July 31st, 2009 at 01:59am
  • thank you for the story comment
    I'm glad you like it
    yes there's more
    lots more
    July 30th, 2009 at 09:46pm
  • yeah, i'll try lol. it's hard tho, bcuz we're living with his parents. But it's a lot better than living at my house. I don't have to walk around on eggshells anymore...

    Anywho, I finally wrote another chapter to my story. And I'm working on another one. how bout you?
    July 29th, 2009 at 10:00pm
  • It's amazing. lol. I love being married. It seems like nothing has changed. we're exactly the same as we were before we got hitched. :)
    July 28th, 2009 at 01:11am
  • i think you should come yell abuse at me when it takes me so long to reply. LOL.
    you're like the old lady magnet. that's pretty funny. but kind of a lame superhero name., hey mine's 'laminator girl' maybe we could start up a sucky superhero club.
    if you're that commited to going to see Mcfly, they should really do something about it. i mean, it's not very fair. i think they're being ageist! haha.
    i think getting a tattoo on the neck would hurt the most. but i still want one there. lolol.
    July 25th, 2009 at 12:35pm
  • I got married. lol. :) that's about it.
    July 25th, 2009 at 08:05am
  • Haha thanks for the Frank & Ruby comment. They're my favourite couple to write but Smiling Politely is my little break from them, I wasn't really doing them justice. When SP is done (its just over half way through) I'll go back to ISUWYF. Thank you so much for pretty much being the best reader ever :) x
    July 14th, 2009 at 08:28pm
  • Thanks for the comment and for reading :) I wanted them to fight and it kind of be Lexie's fault but it was easier to just make Josh a bit of a dick. More in the next few days hopefully x
    July 14th, 2009 at 04:58pm
  • thank you. i was shaking like a leaf, i don't even know why, the last one hurt way more.
    ha no i wasn't insulted lol. have you found an 'adult' to go with you yet? or did you twitter mcfly? that would be pretty hilarious.
    actually, i must have read that book, was that 5? where sirius dies? yeah i read that one. that made me kinda mad, even as a kid lol. i like him!
    ha i bet old ladies love you hair then. they're kinda obessed with hair aren't they? weird. only long nice hair though. not crazy short styles on girls roffle. old people are funny.
    July 10th, 2009 at 12:24am
  • Hopefully more soon! Yes invisible friends are lovely. :)
    July 6th, 2009 at 02:36am
  • it's rad at the moment. it's awesome at the moment? lol. geez nobody ever knows what i'm saying.
    seriously, you're such a not so secret Mcfly fan, it's hilarious. haha fat tom. i liked fat tom. i mean, he wasn't really fat...but he was cute. and chubby. and quite adorable. bless.
    dude i'm not over 25! i like your commitment though. try to get one of your mom's to go or something. tell them they can bring a friend & it'll be a laugh haha. are you a natural red head then? geez, the sun must really suck for you then. i'm not a fan, i've got realllllllllly dark hair and it annoys me. but i go red then tan so it's not that bad. i feel for you though.
    i didn't see the last harry posster film. we're on the 6th right? i don't even know. i saw up to number 4. it does look good though. saw the preview for it when i went to see Coraline. snazzy :)
    geez it's 9.15, where'd the day go? haha.

    i find it strange that i'm commenting you and papa roach just came on.
    July 4th, 2009 at 10:14pm
  • you've seen mcfly now haven't you? man i'm so shit at remembering dates. seriously, i always forget my own birthday. i remember like, a week before then for get on the actual day LOL.
    and have those tossers at school given you the money yet??
    do you like my questions ;)
    why. the. fuck. is. it. so. hot? JESUS.
    actually, yeah, even jesus would complain about how hot it is. i went shopping today and i couldn't even be in some stores for very long because it was all claustraphobic.
    Jackson Rathbone is awesome. He should get more screen time in Twilight. screw whatever the books say lol. i don't like appreciate a lot of actors, i'm a bit of a movie fiend, but he's defo on my list. have you seen his hair atm? it's so rad. lol.
    ramble ramble :)
    June 28th, 2009 at 12:22am
  • Yoga is legend, I'm starting to do it everyday, such a legend thing.
    I smell like a baby :) Nice and clean, it's so nice. Johnsons baby lotion is the best.
    It's been so hot today, but no school tomorrow! Inset days, don't you just love them! x
    June 26th, 2009 at 12:48am
  • I might have accidently been looking at the sheet when she was marking me :) Oh well.
    We had such a good pe lesson today, we did yoga on the field :) It was such a good one. I still feel relaxed now!
    My mum brought me johnsons baby lotion today :) I love it, I smell like a baby again :D x
    June 24th, 2009 at 07:48pm