Twilight movie = AMAZINGG!!

Hey people!!So .... Twilight came out yesterday. I went with my mum and I was like, holy shit this is amazing!! I was squeazing her hand so hard I actually clicked her knuckle. = /so yeah, I'm goingg to write my thoughts on the charactors. Cause I'm v.bored.Robert Pattinson: OK, just wow for that. Robert was amazingg as Edward! I was practically drooling when he jumped on Bella's car, and was like...
December 20th, 2008 at 07:11pm

Breaking Dawn xx = ) and some other stuff about the Twilight film and Midnight sun x

Hey peoples of Mibba!!!!!!This morning I woke up VERY excited, because I was going to get "Breaking Dawn" today!!I only had to wait half an hour untill the Bookstore opened!! I walked straight in and bought it, I WAS FIRST IN LINE!!!!! HAHA!!When I got home I immediantly began to read, IT WAS AMAZING! I loved every bit of it, even the bit @ the end with the Volturi (Jacob isn't actually a...
August 4th, 2008 at 10:00pm

Putting Lonliness, love and lies on Haitus.

Yeah, I've decided to stop writing Lonliness, Love and Lies, because I just can't write it anymore. I've never really liked it, but I don't want to delete it 'cause when I've finished the others, then I want to have one story to be able to finish. I'm sure you'll understand.right .. to fill 100 words. I really hate that, having to write at least 100 words, it's pointless!TWILIGHT MOVIE GONNA BE...
July 26th, 2008 at 09:32pm

30 extremly random things about me

1. I love Twilight, New moon and Eclipse.2. I'm very odd.3. I love rock music4. Romance is awesome5. Anything with love in it will work for me.6. I think that the film "Transformers" seriously kicks butt, it's awesome!7. I hate ferards.8. I think it's hilarious when whenever a boy joins Mibba, he gets comment raped by girls.9. I love my family, it rocks!10. I want a motorbike.11. My mum thinks I'm...
July 24th, 2008 at 10:20pm


OMG I'M GOING TO SEE "love's labours lost" in October with DAVID TENNANT in it!!! I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me and my mum were jumping up and down shreiking with excitment! hehe x We might actually go see it twice,cause my mum bought tickets for the standing circle for £5 each, and we're going to stand outside the dressing room door and screeeeeaaaam!!OMG who watched the last doctor who? No...
July 6th, 2008 at 09:08pm

Short stories and Poems needed xx

OK, I am writing a new story, it's called "Good with the gun" and it's about a girl who's average in just about everything, and a new dude, who gets straight A's in all his lessons. He and her become parteners in the new English Project, and that's to make a book with short stories and poems in it. If anyone wants to then if they could write me any? cause I really do suck at writing poems, read...
June 12th, 2008 at 10:55pm

Frerards x

Hey you Guys,Has anyone noticed how there are loads of "Frerard"s around, almost every story is a "Frerard" and it's getting kinda annoying, I know loads of people like them and stuff, but I don't, and I'm not saying that they should go, cause that would just be plain self centered of me, but doesn't anyone write stories with completly made up charactors anymore? I know there are some out there,...
June 6th, 2008 at 10:26pm


I HAVE HAD SUCH A GOOD DAY!!!!!! Not only did I find out that there's a twilight FILM coming out in december but there's also a forth book coming out x Maybe I won't write the Forth book x lolI was so excited when I found the trailer, I ran downstairs screaming "OMG!!!" my mum thought someone famous had died lol x I was seriously so hyper! AQnd then I went upstairs and saw that there was a Forth...
May 25th, 2008 at 08:50pm