konfusion; / Photos

  • konfusion;
  • konfusion;
  • konfusion;
  • konfusion;
  • konfusion;
  • konfusion;

I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you.

  • Beautiful Disaster!

    Beautiful Disaster! (100)

    United States
    I've decided I'm going to write you a really long picture comment c: and I chose this picture because surprisingly no one's commented on it yet. o; Anyways, you are so freaking gorgeous it's like woah! ahaha. But you seriously are very beautiful despite what any one else has said, or thinks. You should put up a blushing picture! If your camera allows, since my camera hates me and didn't let people see my blush. o;
    Anyways I love your hair (: it looks so long and soft, and your bangs look so good. My bangs always look weird. (x
    And this might seem strange, but I like your lips. xD My lips are super duper tiny, and yours just seem perfect.
    Oh, and someone has brought to my attention that the link to my youtube, twitter, tumblr, and wattpad accounts are on my profile, so if you ever need to access those, there you go (x
    Well this is your long picture comment.
    I hope it made you smile. :D
    -Melanie c: <3
    December 21st, 2011 at 09:08pm