I TOTALLY JUST GOT BACK!!!First off. I went to the merch table. Noticed Tom Sykes sitting on the counter. Stared at him for at least 5 minutes, bought a tote and a shirt. Asked him for his autograph on my ticket. He said in his sexy accent "I'm not in a band." I said I know, you're Tom Sykes. You're photography is amazing. He said "ok" and signed it awesomly. I walked away then later came back for...
February 27th, 2009 at 04:50am


So, I finally got enough courage to ask the guy I like out today. Also found out he has a girlfriend. I'm too late. i'm so sad. :( He's like the best guy in my town. He's not an ass hole like most people in my school. He's not a pot head like the rest. He loves BMTH as much as I do, but he has a girlfriend. And she's so pretty. I could never compare. Grr. >< I could use a shoulder to cry...
February 11th, 2009 at 01:09am

Any help?

Ok, so I have an idea for a story, but I don't wanna write it alone. It's an original that I transformed the idea from a dream. Is anyone willing to co-write this with me? I don't think I'll be able to do this one on my own, and my friend Missy won't help me (meanie). Message me, or comment, whatever, if you are willing to help. I'll explain more, like when we'll write and stuff, when you message...
August 26th, 2008 at 09:13pm