Me? Writing a Story? No Way!

Hmm so yes.. I've decided that I want to write a decent, or atleast semi decent, story. I'm quite excited but I have no freaking idea how this is going to work out and knowing me I will get sick of it in no time...But omg! I'm back! Doing something other than just reading other stories and what not and I'm excited! I've been quite busy but in two day I have holidays and so I'm hoping to get a lot...
September 25th, 2012 at 11:53am

Life's A..

B*tch (:Like seriously. It's one thing after another..Gosh, just let me have some peace!!So I have a fabulous boyfriend right?Together almost 2 months now. (Cute!)And before I said yes to being his girlfriend I went through the whole panicky stage.Now for me, that's normal. Is it for other people?To freak out about being with just one person, not that I'm like a whore or anything, and basically...
October 14th, 2011 at 11:10am

Why am I always the one..

.. To freak out!?Okay, well I'm housesitting right. By myself. In the middle of nowhere.And I freaked out last night.This house is two storied which is freaky.The doors don't lock which is freaky.Everything creaks which is also freaky.And I swear the animals are trying to FREAK me out D:This isn't fun ):Okay, so it's not that bad. I like being alone, but not out here so much.I keep hearing noises...
October 13th, 2011 at 10:55pm

The moment that you realize you have been completely insane for the last year!

Well, well, well.It has been FOREVER since I have actually been on here.Like actual. Over a year I'm pretty sure. That's bad..And I've missed some people so much!!But a lot has been going on so I think I can get away with it this time.Seriously, must have been insane to think I could forget Mibba and the amazing people here! It's like a whole new life, where you don't have to worry about looking...
October 13th, 2011 at 05:37am

It's Been Awhile..

Hiya :]Well it's has been awhile since i've written on here and I have a lot of news.But how is everyone??Because I'm actually alright, so I hope the rest of you are great,And if not, that's what journals are for right?A lot has been happening in school.We had our sports tournament a few weeks ago and of course I didn't do it x]But I did get to be a reporter which was cool.I met this guy there of...
May 15th, 2010 at 12:23am


Well, I hoped I would never be sitting here writing this.. But I am and that sucks so bad.I told myself I would only write something like this if I was close to breaking,, and guess what?I am! Whata surprise!!The guy I like so much likes my mate..My mates aren't getting on so well..Everyone's being bitches..Someone I care about alot is hours away..Someone else I care about,, I shouldn't..My life...
December 10th, 2009 at 04:57am

Major Confused!

I don't even know what to feel any more!!!I am so confused with everything..People confuse me so much.!.RIght now I should be on top of the world...I'm going to have a baby brother or sister,I have my friends, my family..But I'm not happy.I've changed..And I don't like it....I don't feel like me.I wish it was easier and all okay and happy,I wish it could all happen the way I want it to.There are...
December 5th, 2009 at 10:51am

Yay my birthday!!

OMG, My birthday is on 22nd June which is tomorrow and I can't wait!I'm going to school though which is a bit stupid but I want to see my mates.I got my presents today though because I didnt want to open them in the morning but I got the Twilight dvd!!!Am so happy and I got a video camera!!!!YAY!!Was totally stoked reallyGot more coming in the mail and am getting money from my grandparents and dad...
June 21st, 2009 at 07:06am


Hey guys.Thought I would post another one, though only like two people ever read them...But oh well.Quite a lot has happened since I posted last, though I cant remember what.It's been interesting.Our school finally got to do Stage Challenge so that was mint!(If you in New Zealand, you'll see us on T.V)Umm we defiantly did not win but we got 4 awards which was pretty amazing for us.I got to do the...
June 1st, 2009 at 03:55am

Me again guys.

So hows it going?I have another [Guy] problem.But don't know whether to post it.Comment and answer my very valuable question."Do you really want to know what my new [Guy] problem is??"Just thought I would make it a big deal. [Hehe]Okay well some stuff relating to last time.The funeral wasn't too bad.And I cried.... LOTS!!But oh well I finally got to see my dad again and some more of my family.Um...
March 30th, 2009 at 06:27am


Yeah I should probably at least write something in here.Well i'll fill you in on what's been up lately.Okay well my Great Uncle died on Sunday I think and I am going to his funeral on Friday.The saddest thing is, is that I didn't even cry.At least not on the outside.I'm a pretty heartless person obviously.Last Wednesday night, well yesterday, I had to go to this thing called the Rotary Speech...
March 26th, 2009 at 05:18am

I was so scared!!

When things go wrong you realise you need to live life to the full.Treat people nicer, believe in yourself and tell the people you love that you love them.That's what I need to do.On Sunday the 11th of January 2009.I was in a car accident.It was me, Jaimee and Amber,We were driving down the road just having fun and talking but all of a sudden,We lost control and spun out.We rolled and went...
January 11th, 2009 at 08:36pm