blood in shadows / Comments

  • Happy Christmas/Hannakah/Kwanzaa!!! and a trippy New Year!!!
    Wishes you had the best of your 365 days!
    December 25th, 2008 at 10:50pm
  • you havnt talked to me since jully. i miss you kid. iv got no one to talk to on mibba any more. its no fun

    -----------------------------much love to you AUBREY
    September 19th, 2008 at 04:51am
  • hey.
    havnt talked in a while yo.
    August 13th, 2008 at 01:59am
  • yeah. im also engaged now.
    i have known the guy 3 years.
    and we have dated for 6 months.
    and we decided that since im pregnet now and i realy do love him and he loves me. he asked me to marry him last night.
    his name is cliff. if you have a myspace add me. my email is
    ans my myspace name is
    i love you darling. be mine forever.
    so add me and i have pics of me and him there.
    you are an amazing kid too. you know that.
    July 23rd, 2008 at 11:22pm
  • ha ha. i feel the same.
    you are a cool kid.
    ges what.
    im pregnet!
    July 2nd, 2008 at 02:56am
  • thanks again love.
    i hope things keep going good for you.
    ill try and get on as much as posible.
    much love
    June 23rd, 2008 at 07:04pm
  • thanks love.
    you are a nice person you know that?
    umn. do you have a cell phone?
    mine is my life. i treat it like a baby haha.
    but if so i can msg you my number and we can text.
    caue im not going to get on the computer for a while.
    June 23rd, 2008 at 12:54am
  • yeah.
    I am so fed up with people here.
    I just want to get away for a while.
    My parents are worthless peices of shit.
    I hope they die. I wouldnt even go to their funeral.
    I sware if they do one more thing to me to make me cut again.
    Im totaly out of here. I dont got shit to live for.
    My friends all took my ex-fiance's side after he cheated and lied to me.
    and so i pretty mych have no one in this world.
    i know people keep saying life gets worse before it can get beter. but when will things change?
    Things are just getting worse and worse.
    I just hope they realize that when im dead its there fault.
    June 18th, 2008 at 03:01am
  • I really like storms actually, so it hasn't been that bad for me.
    My twin is terrified of them though, so it sucks hearing her whine about it.

    Hmm. I'm horrible at small talk, so I doubt I'll be able to come up with anything good to talk about.
    Have any concerts planned for the summer?
    There, that wasn't too bad. :]
    June 16th, 2008 at 08:01pm
  • Of course I understand.

    That's good though, it so nice out here inbetween the amazing amounts of storms we've been getting, that I love being outside.
    The only downside is we've been having like tornado-producing storms like every day since the beginning of June. -_-
    It's not bad though, it's keeping the weather pretty cool and windy.
    I do hope you consider it, because you're really talented.
    I think it would be great to put more of your writing up.
    June 15th, 2008 at 09:25pm
  • Oh my goodness.
    Don't even worry about it.
    You're living life, that takes up time.
    I'll be here when everything settles down and you can message me then :]
    Ah, work. Something I thankfully don't have to enjoy yet. I don't get my liscence until October because of a new Illinois law. I turned 16 in May. /:
    It is nice to have everything going right for a change.
    I was getting a little depressed there for a while.
    Oh PLEASE. Really, that's not correct. At all.
    I think they are amazing.
    I only hope that with time and encouragement you become a little more open with them.
    I'd love to read more of them, and that's not just me being nice.
    I've never been secretive with my writing. It's just out there for everyone haha.
    I've gotten a lot more outdoorsy this summer.
    It seems I'm always outside now.
    It hasn't gotten too hot, and there's always a really nice breeze. :]
    In fact, I love being outside lately.
    Eh, all the awards and honors don't mean a thing to me.
    That may be because I've gotten them all my life for English, but I've just never really cared about them.
    They don't do a thing for you except build you up for failure.
    Or maybe that's just my depressing outlook on life creeping back. -_-
    Gah, stop apologizing about the wait of your comments.
    Really, it only makes me look forward to them more.
    I hope you had a good weekend? <3
    June 15th, 2008 at 06:38am
  • That's alright.
    Everybody gets busy.
    I'm just glad you're having fun.
    The heat in Chicago is pretty ridiculous.
    We've been having tornado watches and warnings out the ass too.
    -_- It's pretty crazy when you spend half your time outside looking for funnel clouds.
    I don't go outside a lot during the summer because I faint really easily when it comes to heat.
    I'm kind of a baby when it comes to summer. /:

    I'm actually doing great.
    Ryan stayed at my house for the weekend and we acted like little kids.
    Played outside (I'm a hypocrite), then feeling immature watched horror movies all night to feel better about ourselves.
    Haha, what did you do? :]

    By the way, I am very impressed with your poems.
    I WISH I could write like that.
    Unfortunately I'm strictly band fiction. /:
    June 8th, 2008 at 11:58pm
  • hey love,
    yeah. my life aint that right now. but every thing happens for a reason so thats how i see all this.
    but all im doing this week end is working. YAY! no not realy... it sux ass. i hate it. but i need thre money. so how is life treating you lately?
    much love bach XD
    June 7th, 2008 at 11:46pm
  • hey love
    yeah i just feel that i shoundnt hurt myself any longer over his bs. im tired of cutting.
    and btw. i knew you were a vegan... pahaha
    so how are you these days?
    XD the forgotten child
    June 5th, 2008 at 09:56pm
  • Where are you at that it's nice?!?!
    I'm extremely jealous.
    My mom refuses to turn on the air, so I am forced to sit in front of a fan.
    There's heat lightning all over the place.
    I was kind of hoping it would storm so it would get cooler.

    How was your weekend other than Iron Maiden? :]
    June 5th, 2008 at 07:41am
  • Hey, don't worry about it. :]
    Yay, were they amazing?

    I'm actually doing amazing.
    I had the best two days ever. :]
    I'm tired as hell though.
    And its super hot here now. /:
    June 4th, 2008 at 08:54pm
  • hey lov.
    i could be beter.
    my boyfriend dumped me for my so called "best friend"
    after two years and us getting engaged he left me.
    but im ok.
    ill get over it. lol.
    i talked my parents into getting rid of meat. yay!
    June 4th, 2008 at 07:30pm
  • hey love.
    im board so i thought id coment you.
    so how are you these days?
    June 2nd, 2008 at 07:33pm
  • Aw, don't worry about it.
    I'm fine.
    Believe me, it could have been a lot worse. :]
    Eh, I'm still really sick.
    Just when I was starting to get better I went and got my septum done.
    He pierced through my sinuses so I got sick all over again.
    I've been sneezing a lot, which makes me want to cry. /:
    Haha. How about you though? How was your weekend?
    May 28th, 2008 at 06:35pm
  • Hahaha.
    I love how defensive you just got.
    Seriously, that was the cutest.
    I hope I take some this weekend.
    My camera is broken, but I'm going to a party with my friend Sarah so I'm going to see if she'll bring hers.
    It looks really good for having just gotten it done.
    No swelling or anything like that.
    I don't have the seperated ring though, I truly look like a bull.
    The secret is that I absolutely love it. :]
    May 27th, 2008 at 07:24am