rachel weisz / Comments

  • Un pirata?! E 'così genio. Si può così essere il mio Gerard Way. Accidenti non ho ascoltato a loro in eterno e sì, ho sentito la nuova canzone mi piace troppo! Ho preso come mio richiamata sul mio cellulare. tasse Damn internazionale, vorrei testo, se potessi. Sono pienamente convinto che dovete tornare in Italia, però, è così noioso qui, ho bisogno di un amico. E noi non piacerebbe vivere a parte, sia! Così vicino!
    October 30th, 2010 at 05:50am
  • UNDERCOVER! Bontà, che è divertente.

    Se stavo andando, probabilmente sarei come, Helena di My Chemical Romance, sì, sì? Penso di poterla tirare fuori davvero bene. Come si Allie facendo? So che l'ultima volta che voi ragazzi state avendo alcuni problemi ... parli a tutti ancora?
    October 30th, 2010 at 05:44am
  • Lui è un asino, l'ho detto. Lo so che è tuo amico, ma, Becca, tu sei molto meglio senza di lui. Ma, comunque, faremo cadere questo argomento prima che cominci a tutti.

    Non sto facendo nulla di questo fine settimana, Halloween non è così popolare qui in quanto è lì e, beh, siamo nel bel mezzo del nulla, quindi non è come qualcuno avrebbe "Trick 'R Treat". Non qui, comunque.
    October 30th, 2010 at 05:38am
  • Oh! È finalmente avuto il tuo intervento? Va tutto bene? È meglio che sia, io non voglio che tu sia malato.

    Sto bene, solo, in giro. La mamma è abbastanza ... strano, proprio ora, con il papà e lasciare tutto, ma, mi andrà tutto bene. Basta farci l'abitudine di essere solo noi e tutti.
    October 30th, 2010 at 05:33am
  • Ciao. Non abbiamo parlato in eterno, come stai?
    October 30th, 2010 at 05:29am
  • Sooo sorry it's taken me forever to get back to you. I've been so busy this week it is unreal. I've only had a chance to come on once and then my mum told me to get off and do my homework. Fs. I wouldn't mind working in Hot Topic, though there are no Hot Topics here, I have to order everything online.

    Yeah, and they were still being a bitch about it even when they asked you to change it and you did, I would have told them to fuck off tbh. :L I thought that as well, that everyone was entitled to their own opinion but I guess you're right, it's not the case. Yeah, I'd stay a way for a while but not all the time.

    Aww, well I'd just forget about her if she's talking to you when no ones around but when there is she doesn't. She's really not worth it if that's they way she is going to treat you. Oohh, really? Do you think you'll end up getting back together with him? I'd stick to those friends, even if they are strange and you've had some problems, at least they'll be able to help you and they can relate to what's going on. Omg, I can see why you felt like that towards your uncle, I would too. I would have thought the same thing as well if it were me. I'd love you to help, the more hurting her the better. :L:L
    Omg, that's terrible what she did. Exactly, it would be a different story if it was all the time. That's what I was thinking when my ex-friend did that to me, I wouldn't normally drink with her anyway so I don't see why she cared so much. I'm with you there, I'm over her as well.

    Oh, fuck so have I. I've been on almost forty a day for the last like 6 months and because schools a wanker and has to be in the way, I don't have as much time to go out anymore to get drink or cigarettes, but I bought forty yesterday and I have four left to last me the rest of the week, I'm going to die. Of course, I already am dying practically. Yesterday I went into town with a few friends, one my friends friends said he'd get the drink for us, then he came back and only had a half bottle of buckfast and that wouldn't get me drunk so I had to run around looking for an off lisence, then I bought like four 2 litre bottles of cider and downed 2 of them along with the buckfast and now, I feel like shit. It was not a good day. :L:L

    October 17th, 2010 at 03:06pm
  • v We're badass on the Slipknot thread Smiley

    Oh yeah, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY from me bb! I love youuuu Smiley
    October 17th, 2010 at 01:09am
  • Oh, really? Wow.
    I know it's quite serious but you're allowed to have your own opinion and it doesn't have to be the same as every one elses and you're allowed to voice your opinions, it really shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks.
    Yeah, they wouldn't be easily insulted like that on the Slipknot thread. They'd be able to take things better. Those other people that were insulted take things to heart too easily.

    I would just give up on her. If she's not talking to you for no reason then it's not worth your time trying to talk to her and make things better. It really is stupid. My old best friend was like that, she'd seriously talk to me the night before school and then the next morning she would completely ignore me. She wasn't worth my time. She was a dick anyway and I kinda want her to die. I don't care if that's mean, I really hate her.It makes me angry just thinking about her. AND the time we fell out for good was because she left me in the middle of Belfast [i]on my own[/i] at 1.30am while I was completely drunk out of my mind. She actually ran away from me. I got to the bus station in time fortunately 'cause if I didn't I would have been stuck in Belfast on my own with no where to go, but when I got there she was all like, "I needed to get a bus." I was just like wtf? I had to get the same bus! It was the last one to bring me back home and she was just going to leave me there. And then I was supposed to stay in her house that night and then on the bus she was like, "You can't come back to my house in that state," so I had no where to stay because she lives in a different town than me, so I had to call another friend in the middle of the night to let me stay in their house. I REALLY WANT TO HURT HER! Grrrr.

    Anyway, ranting over. Sorry. :L

    Yeah, I'd need my iPod as well. Hahahaha. Yeah! I'll get enough cigarettes to last us a while. I think I'll need more than normal, 'cause if theres going to be alcohol then I'll smoke twice as much. :L:L

    September 24th, 2010 at 07:44pm
  • I suck and can't find your comment. Facepalm


    And I love you, Pooh Bear. Smiley
    September 16th, 2010 at 04:33am
  • Well, It's your opinion. You're entitled to it, no matter what anyone else thinks. Everyone has a different opinion on the matter and they should respect yours just as I'm sure you respect theirs. And it's not like you said anything bad about the people that died or where hurt and those peoples loved ones, you just said they should honour it and move on, which, I think some people need to do because they live in the past and don't let themselves move on from it. I'm glad some of them accepted your apology but for those that didn't, it doesn't really matter what they think. You apologised, what else can they ask for?

    Oh dear. Well, you'd be better leaving that English class, like you had said you were going to do. It'd be for the best. Just tell them all to fuck off. :L You don't need them if they're just going to stop talking to you and you don't even know why. It's better not being involved with people like that. I know that from experience. My ex-bestfriend used to be like that. She'd just stop talking to me for no reason and then like a week later she'd start talking to me again making up a load of bullshit about why she had stopped talking to me. Now we don't speak at all and she still tries to start shit by talking about me to people in front of people. I just ignore her. She's a bitch and I don't need her anyway. My lives become a hell of a lot better since we stopped talking for good.

    Hahaha, yeah! We should totally do that! As long as I have my HIM songs, pictures of Ville and cigarettes and vodka, everything will be sweet. :L:L

    September 15th, 2010 at 11:32pm
  • Haha, it's fine. (:
    Oh, dear. Sounds rather serious. What have you said?

    Meehhh. I hate my life right now! Stupid school is getting on my tits! I want that place to explode or something, preferably with all the teachers inside. :L

    September 14th, 2010 at 08:40pm
  • Hey there. (: Thought I would see how's it going. :D

    So, how's it going? :L

    September 13th, 2010 at 10:57pm
  • Oh, my... That's...not good. Though (and you [i]know[/i] I love you) when you say something about that, about something that's touched so many people's lives, you can't not expect some sort of backlash. It's a topic that more people than I can count have strong feelings for, no matter what "side," so to speak, they're on. Y'know? Plus, it's all in how you say it. Though, I'm sure you didn't mean it too bad...right? Still love you, though. Arms

    Donuts are good. Really good. Haven't had one in a while...ugh. Now I want one. :(
    What kind did you have, so I can live vicariously through you? XD
    September 13th, 2010 at 05:41am
  • Eh, I'm doing alright, I suppose. Nothing too interesting happening, anyways. *Sigh*

    How're you doing aside from pretty good, like you said?
    September 12th, 2010 at 08:08am
  • Your apology is accepted. And I wanted to thank you for being mature about it, even afterward. It shows a lot about you, and I deeply respect that. I know that a lot of people attacked you (myself included), and you did not deserve that kind of treatment. So. Truce?
    September 12th, 2010 at 05:56am
  • You're right, that post did offend me. A lot. But it wasn't because I felt it was meant to offend just me...it was also because I felt like it was an attack on the people that can no longer speak for themselves.

    But it does mean a lot that you've apologized. It shows that you do have a sense of character. And while I may not be able to forget that you said what you did, I can certainly respect you for trying to make amends. So. Thank you. Very much. That means a lot.
    September 12th, 2010 at 03:52am
  • I lub you. Smiley

    How's my darling doing? <333
    September 11th, 2010 at 08:39am
  • Amg! You're so lucky! Exactly, it's better doing it at home than in school. :L I went back to school on friday and went straight back to work! What's up with that? They could have let us have an easy first day back but no it was all work! I hate it. I don't wanna go to school anymore. ):

    Yeah! That is a great plan. And I'll even get a wee holiday out of it. :L

    I see. :L I know what you mean. The top of your ear closes over a hell of a lot faster than the lobe. Even when I had only taken it out for school, it would be closed over by the tim I got home again. That's the reason why I've had my ear pierced so much, the school keeps telling me to take them out and they close over. But I don't really wear my hair up to school anymore, so my ears are covered and they can't see my piercings. It would have been different if I still had my lip pierced.

    Aww, well that's not good. Yeah, you'd think so. Maybe your mum will change her mind now if you show her your results, I know that would be enough to change my mums mind. I'm having somewhat of a similar problem in school. I want to drop out of my Irish class 'cause I just don't understand the language and I can't do it and then the teacher is like forcing me to do more and I'm more reluctant to learn so I'm seriously failing. I'lm getting some results back from a test I did in Irish at the end of last year and when I get it I'm showing my mum and hopefully she will let me drop it so I can focus on the other subjects I'm actually willing to learn. But, ah well, we'll see what happens. I'll probably still fail everything even if I did drop it. :L

    September 5th, 2010 at 08:16pm
  • That is good, that is good, that is good. I can't wait for that; I know it'll make you feel better. <3

    Now, how'd your day go?
    September 5th, 2010 at 04:20am

    ...Just kidding. Kinda. XD

    Anywho, did you get to the counselor's place today? Did you talk with your mom and everything?
    September 5th, 2010 at 03:33am