Misophonia My Story
Im 18 and I’ve already had enough of my own head. For as long as I can remember I have had Misophonia, a rare disorder. Which is better worded as the ‘hatred of certain sounds and movements’. It kills me inside.Everyday things destroy me completely. Going into public not only scares me but also makes me flip out on the inside.These everyday sounds are things such as;- Chewing- Eating-...
November 28th, 2012 at 02:13am
help! pictures in a story
Okay so i see people have pictures in their summary's .. how do you do that ? xD i feel ridiculous asking.Also i heard you cant do that, its illegal and the mibba police will hunt you down for it.. ?I also realise this isn't really a journal, and its way to short, so just for good measureToday i stroked my cat fluffy, she's really fluffy; she had one eye, a wonky jaw and is slightly brain damaged...
January 3rd, 2011 at 01:59am
American Breakfast Please help me understand
okay first off please don't get offended I'm just really curious.So after reading a few stories wrote by Americans and seeing American TV shows I suddenly got confused... when the characters went to eat breakfast they ate pancakes and bacon and eggs and stuff.. seriously!? Pancakes with bacon? I'm not trying to rude I'm trying to understand... Pancakes are a sweet thing they go with sugar and...
November 9th, 2010 at 12:00am
getting things out there
Your worlds pretty much a disaster, loads of things going on at once, with an anger problem I'm looking for alternative ways to blow off steam instead of punching things, yelling etc. I came to this site to write and and vent. But it seems as I have bad grammar a failed gcse, too much anger to give two shits if I accidentally wrote things wrong you get reported by people with too much time on...
October 10th, 2010 at 02:23am
My Chemical Romance menace to society
na na na. is that the droning sound of Ndubz fans i hear? no. its my chemicalromances new song.fed up of the same set and wearing the same costumes, emos and generaldislike, this is said to be the album that rids them of stereotypes and changestheir fan base drastically.... so what do they do? come out of the caves they inhabit wearing eightiesgear, carrying old fashioned 'ray' guns dying their...
October 10th, 2010 at 01:48am
Too whom it may concern.
okay random time to complain.Its one of my many hates on this site when people write about guitarists they say things like."they strummed with their right hand and played with their left, they were a left handed guitarist" ....(okay well not that crappily written but still)its RIGHT HANDED if you strum with the right hand its a right handed guitarist, you strum with the left? its left handed...
October 1st, 2010 at 12:38am
just thought i would tell the world how awesome i truly am
okay haven't wrote one of these in a while...just thought i would tell the world how awesome college is!!!!!!!! i study music btwbbq!!!!!!!!!its actually amazing! i got in half days all week cept Friday...when i don't go in at all :Dwe have been put into bands and my band (even though a few of em are into death metal) is awesome! we study music in general, practise in bands, study industry and...
September 29th, 2010 at 09:28pm
Completely random and pointless. (much like my life xD)
So.. over weight and a social retard. these are the words you'd expect to hear when hearing my cat being described.. and this is why i think we made such a great connection. Now my cat isn't what you call a normal cat, He never lands on his feet, and cant stop falling over, but you just love him. (especially when he gets stuck in trees and you need a open sleeping bag to catch him). So i named him...
September 16th, 2010 at 06:03pm
Scene queen
rant rant rant rant.so i walked into Clare's the other day with one of my friends when i stopped andsaw a poster stuck to the window 'Get the new look! Rock' thinking nothing of iti carried on into the store to see chokers, guitar necklaces, black crosses,fedoras and more of the 'rocker/grungy' stereotyped clothing.at first i thought it was a laugh, but then small children walked in with big...
September 8th, 2010 at 05:11pm
School ends, Life begins
I'm Lara.. I've never actually wrote one of these before, i don't expect anyoneto read it...but here goes.So i finished secondary school in June and did my exams in July, it left mewishing i had done more during my time at school. Teachers and parents wouldconstantly tell me to 'try harder' or 'concentrate because you'll regret it whenyour older' and i just shrugged it off, thinking that 'they...
September 1st, 2010 at 12:53am