
Great Britain (UK)
Joined date
April 27th, 2008

About me and my views

I have been living a lie

der is someone i miss
but that someone just dosnt know it
and that someone i was with 1 yr 3 months 29 days

This is me every little fucked up bit

When im alone i sit here and think about her the one i pushed away

What can i say?

I lost someone important to me

can anyone see the pain I'm going through
i didn't think so
but she used to


Name; Oz.
Age; 17 for now.
Orientation; Bisexual
Occupation; Artist / Photographer / Writer
Mental State; Skitso
Size; UK Medium
Current Location; Trapped in a box
Overused Phrases; Shit, Fuck, bullocks, EVERYWHERE
Drugs; Been clean and hope to stay that way
Scars; Scars are just reminders that the past is real
Warning; I live in my own head because the real world scares me.
Another Warning; I push those cloesest to me away
The Weather; Storms and hail stones
My Soulmate; is best person I could of ever met and I love her.
The Characters; It changes .
In The real world; Maybe one day but for now I'm happy where i am

everyone hates the truth but no one will speak it

The world come crashing down ill stand their laughing
Every ones dead they just don't know it yetbut once you find out you you get the chance to live again
Everyone is walking death, be carefull not to look behind and see itlife is pointless
wrong life may seem pointless but its not
Everyones like a snow flake you can never find to of the exact same
Inner beauty is hard to see but it shines out no matter what

Every time you take a step forward in life theirs always someone in front of you blocking your path but kick em hard and get over it if you dont youll never succed
Every time something close to you dies you fell left alone
but ill always help you out of the shadows and into the light
to many doses and I'm starting to get an addictionNo one can save me and i dont want the attention

'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired, I'm missing you again, oh no, not again
I'm alone most of the time
depressed almost all of the time
why haven't i died
i found her

So this is my life what can you do about it

the moving shadow