Another Rainy Day / Comments

  • thank you for the story comment :)

    story updates always make shit days better :) glad you enjoyed it.. hopefully i will be able to get more out soon.
    and some moreGee as well! we have all missed the guy
    spesh when he mouth rapes Frankie :)

    ex oh
    March 24th, 2009 at 11:44pm
  • Oh cool. We don't celebrate Halloween here.
    Which sucks ass.
    Lol yeah I love Mean Girls.
    It amuses me.

    Haha. That's funny as.
    I drink coffee because it tastes good. Lol.
    Not heaps really.
    The move's been delayed til August which is the worst thing ever.
    And I just saw Metro Station, and they were surprisingly good.

    October 19th, 2008 at 02:39am
  • Haha that's awesome.

    The move is in like January, February.
    I want to go now but. Lol.
    Yeah I'm like so keen, like you have no idea.
    It's like a constant high for me.

    What's new?
    October 3rd, 2008 at 04:34pm
  • Haha.

    Lol. That's the worst.
    I hate lame books.

    Haha. Fair enough.
    I get awful grades in maths, so it kind of balances out.

    That'd be pretty cool.
    But exhausting.
    Lol that's why frees are wonderful.

    Yeah actually.
    Been getting ready for the big move.
    So excited.
    And on Sunday I have an eighteenth to go to.
    Which should be awesome.
    September 22nd, 2008 at 10:44pm
  • Yeah they're pretty great live.

    Lol. I know hey. It's awful.
    I'm just so over caring, you know.

    Haha yeah I've heard of them.
    They are great.

    Yeah I hate English =P. I'm in the smartest English level, and I get like high b's when I don't try. Which is great. But yeah I totally have an English essay due soon too on the novel Great Expectations, which is like the most boring novel of all time.
    And my teacher's a nutjob.

    Haha. When I'm not skipping school I'm either at school, or at gigs. Lol.
    I'm actually skipping this very second.
    Which is awful.
    Shame on me.

    September 15th, 2008 at 06:59am
  • Haha it is.
    Lol that's a really good song.
    Especially live.
    I've actually seen them live now six or seven times.
    Since they got together and started to now.
    Which rocks.
    I'm way into the song Shadows.
    We so do. But we've got like no more space. Which is lame.
    Nothing really.
    Been skipping school waaaayyyy too much.
    There is no doubt that mum'll find out now.
    September 7th, 2008 at 10:43pm
  • Yeah fathers day sucks for our family.
    A lot of bad shit there.

    Lol. What's your favourite TGP song?
    Oh man that's the coolest.
    We have like nothing here.
    It's lame. Lol.
    What's new?
    September 7th, 2008 at 01:37pm
  • Ah man. I know what you mean.
    Yeah they suck pretty bad. And it's like ten times worse that it's fathers day here today. Ick.
    That sounds rad.
    Yeah I just saw PATD, Cobra Starship and The Academy Is... which was awesome.
    Cobra are one of my favourites, and TAI are like another, so I liked the support better than Panic.
    But it was good.
    I also went out and saw this Australian band from Melbourne who I love called The Getaway Plan, and their support was a band I love from New Zealand called Goodnight Nurse, and another Melbourne band called Closure in Moscow.
    That was an awesome gig.
    Man The Grates are rad.
    We get like no tours over here unless people get onto MTV or that shit. Because we're so far away that the travel is way expensive.

    September 7th, 2008 at 03:30am
  • Yeah we got like ten more weeks left.
    Thank god.
    Aww. That's the worst.
    Man school sucks.

    I've been alright. Struggling with a whole heap of family shit, but alright.
    What's new?
    September 4th, 2008 at 10:51pm
  • Nah my work sucks. Lol.
    Haha, yeah I believe it'd be true.
    I'm already back. Lol.
    We have strange school terms compared to you guys.
    We start in Febuary, and have breaks every two months. And then we end the year in November.
    August 29th, 2008 at 11:50pm
  • Haha work is so not worth it.
    I'd prefer somewhere I enjoyed slightly.
    When do you get back to school?
    August 23rd, 2008 at 11:43am
  • Aw. That sucks ass.
    It's fairly cold here too at the moment.
    I'm not doing heaps really, got work this arvo, which is going to suck. Lol.
    August 20th, 2008 at 10:54pm
  • I prefer the co-ed school, so much.
    But that's only because I get along with boys so much better than girls, and I love sports and all that.
    Haha. It is.
    I can't wait!!
    Lol. Nice.
    Small is good.
    I hate uniforms. We have one, it's a white button up shirt, with a grey pleated skirt, for the girls.
    My school is huge.
    There are like 1400 students from years 7-12.
    And my year is the biggest year eleven in the history of the school.
    It's pretty hectic.
    August 17th, 2008 at 02:14am
  • Oh man same.
    Lol. Nice.
    I used to go to an all girls school called Merici College, but now I'm at a co-ed called Daramalan College, it's in Canberra.
    Lol. I don't know where I'm going there yet, but that should soon change.
    I can't wait to move. Lol.
    What's your school like?
    August 15th, 2008 at 11:25pm
  • Haha. Sure planning to.
    Haha. It actually is.
    Or like some brainwashing thing that only works on a few kids, and makes it hell for the others.
    Wouldn't be surprised.
    What school're you at?
    August 14th, 2008 at 10:48pm
  • Haha. I guess I just don't talk about nipples that often. =P.
    Lol. Ditto.
    That's pretty cool. Cooler than any of the lame stuff we have at my school.
    Man school is the worst. Lol.
    August 14th, 2008 at 02:25am
  • Yeah summer has been good. better than last year with all the flood problems.

    Gah i am waiting for my results as well. I know i did awful and like you said... just put the sour topping on haa. Hopefully my rents will letup on the whole "you are a dissappiontment" and just be mellow.

    Updates out soon, just gotta finish them off.
    August 13th, 2008 at 07:51pm
  • Haha. The good old Batman vs. Spiderman debate.
    Lol. Wow. I've never heard the nipple thing used before. Haha. That's awesome.
    Yes. Yes I have. Lol.
    They are awesome.
    What's your Summer project on?
    August 13th, 2008 at 12:19am
  • Yeah i think it is that time of year that everyone decides they hate their houses and just basically trash the lot.

    My mom and dad ave just ripped uup all the carpets, re-painted everything and the floors are being put down now. Its kinda a bummer cos I cant use electricity when they are messing with wires, and I cant leave my room cos the downstairs floor are wet. SHIT!

    haa, but my summer has still been good. Im sorry yours wasnt! damn parents dont know when THEY are the ones being the inconvinience.

    Yeah i'm just finishing writing up some scool stuff then I'm onto a new update for "eyes..." and "Somehow..."

    August 12th, 2008 at 05:18pm
  • I am lazy too, spent far too long pondering over the story line then actually writing it.. haa.

    I am okay thanks. Currently under going enitre house decoration, so its all a bit mental.

    more story soon, look out :)

    August 12th, 2008 at 03:37pm