Dancing.With.Myself / Comments

  • OutInTheCold

    OutInTheCold (100)

    Well I'm glad we can make u happy :) it's nothing worse than trying to write a story for people to like, and then no one says anything. not evena bad word. Its tearing.
    Well we will wait.. and hope u soon get your time to update :P we both know how hard it is sometimes.. other thinsg need time too, sadly but true haha :P
    well, this story is great. creds to you hun <3

    love kahlan
    March 17th, 2011 at 10:58pm
  • sophianyx10

    sophianyx10 (100)

    United States
    I hope you don't mind but I changed the "This Is My Love" layout. I found a different picture of bruno that I liked better thsn the other one and fotoflexer got a new editing tool so i just had to change it. :D I've been making banners like crazy since I saw the new tool. :D Anyways enough ranting I hope you like it. :D
    March 4th, 2011 at 06:47am
  • yixingxiu

    yixingxiu (100)

    United States
    could you please add me on that "Fears" story? thank you. ^.^
    March 3rd, 2011 at 05:01am
  • sophianyx10

    sophianyx10 (100)

    United States
    O.M.G. TRIPLETS!!!!!


    I don't know if you think so but I do lol :D
    February 21st, 2011 at 06:34am
  • sophianyx10

    sophianyx10 (100)

    United States
    I Know! you were the first person I thought of when I saw it! :D He is just so...ugh...words can't describe how amazong he is! :D
    February 21st, 2011 at 03:28am
  • sophianyx10

    sophianyx10 (100)

    United States
    OH. MY. HOOLIGANS!!!!! Did you watch the Grammys????? Bruno and the boys were fucking AWESOME!!!! I love how they made grenade sound like an oldies song! And poor Bruno, baby lost his voice. You could actually hear him losing it as he was singing. Lol :) *sigh* but it was awesome. And he won!!! Best male pop vocal artist I think . But anyways I just thought I should share in the excitement with a fellow Bruno lover. :) I hope everything is well.

    -Ellie :D
    February 16th, 2011 at 06:58pm
  • shutupstevie

    shutupstevie (100)

    United States
    WHOA!!! That comment probably made me happier than my comment made you. Haha I'm Stevie by the way. I think we should be friends. :D
    February 4th, 2011 at 03:27am
  • Demented!

    Demented! (110)

    United States
    Haha, thanks for calling me a sweetheart!
    I really do like your writing style. It could be because it kind of reminds me of how I write, but you're way better. I'm actually okay with layouts. It's the banners that I can't do at all.
    February 2nd, 2011 at 05:27am
  • sophianyx10

    sophianyx10 (100)

    United States
    I'm sorry I hadn't commented, I've been working both jobs pretty much all week on top of practically being a slave for my sister and I am pooped!

    None-the-less I agree 100% on pretty much everything you just said! :D At least what ever there is to agree with :D Bruno is technically taller then me. I think he said he was 5’5” and I’m 5’3” so it’s not too bad but I like my mens way taller then me (and yes I just said mens :D) And I guess I should rephrase the whole disliking smokers thing. Okay, yeah I dislike smokers but it’s not the actual person that I dislike it’s more the smell of the smoke that I don’t like. (although I’ve gotten used to it recently since all the people I work with smoke). Of course when I see a person smoking my first reaction is to avoid them as much as politely possible. But once I get to know that person I overlook that fact. Like you and Peter and the people I work with (most of them at least). And no I won’t tell you to stop smoking. Yeah I do think it’s a nasty habit that is highly addicting and can have bad long-term effects but I’m not going to tell you should stop right away just because I don’t like it. I have no right to tell you how to live your life. I don’t like people who do that to me and I don’t like hypocrites so I’m not going to tell people how to live if I don’t want them doing it to me *steps off soap box and dusts off pants*.

    I know I hope to one day be and actress like Sandra Bullock or Elizabeth Taylor who love what they do more than what they get from it. Oh yeah I plan on becoming an actress so I’m going to a performing arts school to enhance my craft! I also think that it has more to do with the parents because if you compare Lohan to let’s sat Hillary Duff you’ll notice that Duff’s mother actually gave a damn about how her daughter reacted to the fame hence why you haven’t really seen her on any bad press at least not as much as Lohan. Same with Taylor his parents actually give a damn about him and how he handles this famous thing so they aren’t going to let him go off the wall. Now my mother is more for me going to school to be like a doctor or a teacher or something like that something more stable, so she will be keeping an eye on me and making sure that I don’t get in any bad press like that. That and I am scared to shit of her and what she would do to me if I where in any bad press.

    I uploaded a comparison picture of my boyfriend and Bruno. Although it’s not the best picture of him it’s the only one I could upload (It’s the only one I had not the only one that’s decent, I don’t own pictures like that…or do I? lol :D) and I have a friend that’s like your Mike. A mutual friend introduced us because she though we would be good together, and we would if our schedules weren’t so conflicting. But none-the-less we stayed really good friends and now we are the best of friends. I know that I love him he knows that I love him just like he knows that he loves me and I know that he loves me (he actually told me) and I know if given the chance we would be together but I don’t know if I can really see myself with him like that. I think that if we did get together we’d settle down waaaayyyy to soon and I know some people that do that don’t really last long in a relationship.

    ANYWHO! This comment is literally a page long so I think it’s time for me to stop and let you reply if you want. :D

    P.S. Now’s it’s more than a page! Any ways I need a catchy sign off like you have. :D
    February 1st, 2011 at 06:12am
  • Demented!

    Demented! (110)

    United States
    Don't worry, you're doing great! I know what it's like to rush through writing a chapter and feeling that it's sloppy, but I could hardly tell you rushed at all! Oh, and I like your layout, by the way.
    February 1st, 2011 at 12:57am
  • Compton's Girl

    Compton's Girl (100)

    United States
    thanks!!!!!!! i didnt know how else to end it and it was becoming kindof me just pulling things out of my ass as i go!!!!! :P
    January 31st, 2011 at 10:33pm
  • Compton's Girl

    Compton's Girl (100)

    United States
    heyy...so i wan2 know...did u like ma story????????
    January 28th, 2011 at 11:48pm
  • archipelago.

    archipelago. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    so firstly, thank you for the comments on 'Morning Theft' & 'Wild Orphan' they made my day :)
    & also, i'm stoked they have you considering writing a J Franco story (which would be uber cool, because I agree that there's hardly any.)
    Thanks again!
    January 28th, 2011 at 11:10am
  • Conspiracies!

    Conspiracies! (100)

    I love you wayyyyy too much. You tell me you like my stories too much I think, hahahaha. I'm glad you like them though!!! :D And I'm sorry about not updating the other ones for a while. }:

    I swear I'm working on that as we speak - it's just a rough patch, haha.

    January 27th, 2011 at 11:55am
  • sophianyx10

    sophianyx10 (100)

    United States
    HAHA! I didn't know what you were talking about at first and then I saw the other comment and was like "HOLY mother of bacon!" :D but yeah I agree with pretty much everything that you said. It's weird falling in love or feeling like you've fallen in love with someone you don't even know. (CONFESSION TIME!) For almost two years I believed that I was in love with Taylor Lautner (that sexy beast of a man). I used to dream, or rather imagine that when I FINALLY went to California I was going to meet him and attempt to win his heart and all of that bull crap. I used to say goodnight to him every night hoping that he would hear me. I had it baaaaadddddd!!!!! But the reason why I liked him so much was because well for one he is sexy as holy hera! but also because I saw-still see soo much potential in him. I can tell that he is going t be a GREAT actor and his name will one day be mentioned along with those of Johnny Depp and Dustin Hoffman. Also when I listened to him doing interviews I realized that he's more of a person than a celebrity. If that even makes any sense. But he is a very talented and humble young man. Of course everyone thinks I only like him because he's cute but that's not the only reason. You probably wouldn't believe me but I can tell just by looking at someone whether ot not they are going to make it in life. I predicted it for a few of my classmates and I was pretty much right because some of them are already failing in life. :D But that's also pretty much why I think I'm in love with Bruno. I love a man with talent, whether it be acting, singing, playing an instrument, writing, any kind of talent. I don't really like my boss but when I found out that he can play the guitar (I'm dating his cousin so I've been to their house that's how I know :D) I dislike him a little bit less. :D Also because of like you said Bruno has an incredible sense of humor. Yeah I would love love, absolutely LOVE to be with him (like girlfriend or wife :D) but if I could just be considered one of his really good friends then I would be happy. He just seems like such a perfect man, yeah he has flaws but that's what makes his perfect. in my definition perfect is being both opposites at the same time being in perfect balance. That's why I haven't really considered myself in love with Taylor because the only thing that I don't like about him is that there is nothing that I don't like about him. with Peter I don't like the fact that he smokes (I don't really like anyone who smokes) and the fact that he's not way taller than me (I like my men tall :D) but the fact that I'm willing to overlook those few little things for one shocks the hell out of me and two, is pretty damn amazing.

    Okay I think this thing is getting pretty damn long and I didn't put any kind of line breaks in it. I could go on and on about why I love Bruno and Taylor but I'm not because I'm sure you could not care any less than you do right now :D

    P.S My boyfriend looks like a skinnier version of Bruno! It's sad to admit it but that's pretty much the only reason I agreed to go out with him. :D Sad yes I know. Anyways! :D I'm going to stop now :D Oh and I don't think you are crazy or anything like that. :D
    January 26th, 2011 at 11:02pm
  • sophianyx10

    sophianyx10 (100)

    United States
    I know! when I first saw Bruno Mars I was like "He is cute! I like him." then I heard him sing and it changed to "Wow! I really like him." THEN I saw that he could play the piano and it changed again to "o.O...I think I'm in love." THEN when I saw that he can play the guitar as well I said to myself "I want o marry that man and have his babies and do things to him that should be made illegal." HAHA! Because the piano is my favorite instrument even though I can't play it very well. I just like the way it sounds...so relaxing. :D and the guitar is the one instrument that I want to learn how to play more than anything so if I can find a man that can play both, AND sing, AND looks good as hell then I would gladly lay down and push out as many of his babies as hr wants.

    Okay I lied about that last part, I don't want too many kids. But I would gladly marry Mr. Peter Hernandez and have as many kids as he wants (as long as it's no more than 5 :D) But yeah I had that picture up on my facebook but I guess I deleted it and I can't seem to find it anywhere on my computer :( but if I can find that picture of my grandpa again i'll make another comparison picture and post it up here.
    January 26th, 2011 at 07:00am
  • sophianyx10

    sophianyx10 (100)

    United States
    I'm pretty sure it's a great story but personally I absolutely dislike the Jonas Brothers. I just don't see the appeal like most girls do. Then again that could be the problem, too many people like them and I don't really like what everyone else likes but I may take a look at it. :D Oh and I found a picture of my grandpa when he was young that looks JUST like Nick Jonas right down to the curly hair. :D
    January 25th, 2011 at 01:20am
  • sophianyx10

    sophianyx10 (100)

    United States
    I totally agree! :D I know when I'm writing sometimes I read over what i've written and am like "Dang that's way to predictible, but I it sounds soooo good that I don't want to change it!" then there are times that I'm like "AH-HA! I bet NO one would have suspected that to happen!"

    But thanks! I'm gonna try to update soon but with all the moving and arguing with my sister...i've been kind of distracted...anyways thank you for subscribing! I hope you update your story soon! :D
    January 24th, 2011 at 11:09pm
  • sophianyx10

    sophianyx10 (100)

    United States
    I think it's better when stories seem predictable but then are completely different! I love stories like that!

    Also would you be willing to read my Bruno story if you haven't already and tell me what you think. :D
    January 24th, 2011 at 07:56pm
  • the Smutt Monkee

    the Smutt Monkee (100)

    United Kingdom
    I have to say that I disagree. Yours if way better and I'm not a twat just saying that, lol. Mine's only just started, it ca't be better than yours if it wanted to... That didn't make sense. Forgive me, I'm stoned... Not a cool thing, but it helps me into a creative mode. :)
    January 7th, 2011 at 12:18am