kristyn_alysia / Comments

  • I could probably get my own reality show with kids with those kinds of names. And then I can have one more and name him The Hamburglar, just because. And then all of America would get confused about my children's nicknames. It would be fantastic. I love that movie too! And, yuuuuus, I want to go some kind of bad to see it live.
    December 3rd, 2010 at 12:43am
  • Haha. I could have Frodo and Sauron and tell them to stop fighting...then Voldemort would get involved and Freudian would sit back and think about things and it'd just be one huge, confusing mess. The only game I'm coming up with is a reenactment of Rocky Horror Picture show...which really isn't a game, but it would be rather interesting.
    December 2nd, 2010 at 06:11pm
  • Haha! I think my kids are going to have regular names, but outrageous nicknames like 'Meatloaf' or 'Frodo'...maybe even 'Voldemort' so I can say that I boss around a dark wizard. Haha. I assure you...I [i]will[/i] have dirty game ideas tomorrow.
    December 2nd, 2010 at 04:20am
  • It really is. I think I should name one of my children Freudian, just so I get to yell it whenever they're in trouble. Well...I know what a Freudian slip is, I just don't know how to put it into words. I'm not in a really dirty mood today, so I just...can't think of any. Maybe tomorrow. :)
    December 2nd, 2010 at 02:26am
  • A Freudian slip is when you say something in place of another that your subconcious secretly wants...or something of that sort. That's probably a very loose definition of it. Haha. I'm sure if I were given enough time I could think of something.
    December 1st, 2010 at 07:28pm
  • Haha. I'm serious! Maybe it was some sort of Freudian slip? I didn't have any games in mind, at the moment. It just felt like something I should type in. Haha. I can only hope that I'll get better in time. It's something I really enjoy doing! Tell Christine that it's no problem and that I'm glad she likes it!
    December 1st, 2010 at 05:01am
  • Haha. I totally meant to type in "names", but now that we're on the subject of games... :D Daawwww, I'm not that good. Half of what it I do is just playing around until I figure out what works. Okie doke. If you have any questions then, just let me know. :)
    December 1st, 2010 at 04:52am
  • He would have to enjoy hugs if he were to receive my random hugging impulses. Yeah, I think telling someone to suck fuzzy eggs would work in a heartbeat! Mhmmm...and I could think of some pretty dirty games if I needed to. Awww, yay! I love making banners!

    Well...the link that I gave you is exactly the same one you need to use. In the layout maker, you should go to the Story Title area and make sure that the font says zero. You should put the link into the background image URL box. Once you've done that, go to the Story Area tab and go to where it says width and punch in 800. It should work after that. If it doesn't, or if you didn't understand anything, let me know. :)
    December 1st, 2010 at 04:20am
  • Here's your friends bannah: .
    December 1st, 2010 at 04:10am
  • With a body like his, there's no way he doesn't enjoy hugs. There's just no way. Haha. Maybe I should say a moldy egg or...or...a fuzzy egg? Eww...fuzzy eggs just sound disgusting. Yeah, he probably will like my dirty name calling. But that's not going to stop me from doing it. :) Alright, I'll get right on it. It shouldn't take me too long to fix it! And it's no problem at all! Anytime you need a banner, just let me know! Do you want me to tell you how to put the banner in the layout?
    December 1st, 2010 at 03:55am
  • Okie doke. I made another banner for you: I hope you like this one! Let me know if you want me to change anything.
    December 1st, 2010 at 02:14am
  • I'm sure it'll work fantastically and you will most definitely get a clone, for sure! Exactly. And any guy who believes otherwise should...go suck an egg or something. I'll call him dirty names or something and then when he's close enough then I'll "accidentally cut my finger". Alright, I'll start on another one right away! And let me know what your friend thinks of hers!
    December 1st, 2010 at 12:47am
  • Here's the banners! That one is your George/OC banner for New Beginnings Should Be Happy. This one is your friend's story. Take a gander at them and let me know if I need to change anything or if you flat out don't like them and I'll fix it! :)
    November 30th, 2010 at 11:19pm
  • My friend and I are discussing cloning Jared Leto, so maybe I can use him for my random hugging impulses. That way I'll have something to look at as well as hug! Exactly! I accept his flaws and don't want to change them! What more could a guy ask for in a girl, really? Maybe if I run in the opposite direction, he'd chase me...that could work. Or if I "accidentally" cut my finger on the envelope of a Christmas card. :)
    November 30th, 2010 at 03:16pm
  • Haha. I'm happy then! I feel like I should find someone that will follow me around and receive hugs whenever I feel like hugging someone. Haha. Preferably a very nice looking gent. Yeah, I could always just say that we had met before he was a vampire and that I was cool with his whole...mutilation thing. Haha. I think it'd be easier finding him if I were a vampire. Maybe he's running away because he doesn't want to bite me... I can normally get banners done pretty fast. I just don't know if anyone in my family is going to commandeer my laptop and, ultimately, my photo editing software.
    November 30th, 2010 at 05:40am
  • I'm glad I've finally figured it all out. I feel like I have a purpose now! Haha. I never feel like I hug enough people in the day. It makes me really sad. I don't think Mr. Jack the Ripper vampire would remember me though, so I may just freak him out...but that's okay. I don't mind freaking people out. You see, Jasper feels everyone else's emotions, so if I feel sad, he's sad. If I feel angry, he feels angry. If I'm in the mood, he's in the mood. Haha. It's a win-win situation. Alrighty then, I [i]should[/i] have both of the banners out tomorrow, unless unforseen circumstances arise!
    November 30th, 2010 at 05:24am
  • Yeah, I didn't take it seriously then and, I wouldn't say I'm paying for it now, but had I been in a better school, I probably would have figured out what I wanted to do earlier. I'm not against randomly hugging people. Haha. I love hugs! Jasper is a very unique vampire. I tried getting emotional at him, but it just didn't work. Oh, it's no problem! I love making banners! Uhm, sure, you could just tell me what she wanted, that'll work out fine.
    November 30th, 2010 at 05:04am
  • I didn't plan well enough in high school. I mean, it's not too, too bad, because I don't plan on transfering out. It's still a pain to deal with the shit classes though. Oh gosh, I'd probably curse...a lot. Or not be able to say anything at all and just stare at him. Haha. Oh, but of course, why hadn't I thought of that before? Okay, Zoe Kimball, got it! I should have that banner out by tomorrow. And sure! Just tell your friend to message or comment me and I'll see what I can do. :)
    November 30th, 2010 at 04:44am
  • colleges have this way of pulling you into classes and not allowing you to transfere to anywhere else until you take all these classes they tell you to. It's stupid. Yeah, but I wouldn't change it. I didn't have to deal with bullys or anything like that, so I'm pretty happy with my high school experience. I've been writing all I may have spent all my creative juices on my other story. I think I would die if I found my Jack the Ripper as a vampire. But I doubt I will...those vampires keep it pretty dark so you don't really know who is who. I would be able to find him...but he's just too darn fast for me. I'm not giving up though. :)
    November 30th, 2010 at 03:41am
  • Ugh. Community college. It's ick, but it's the only choice I've got at the moment. Yeah, my sister is my best friend. Though, she used to annoy me beyond belief. Meh, private school was okay. It didn't have much as far as class choices, so I kind of felt like I missed out on opportunities. Haha. Good, at least I'll have one person buying my wares! I think I may take a tiny break to regroup my ideas and focus then start writing again, but who knows, I could find inspiration later tonight or something. Sadly, they don't have the whole Jack the Ripper thing anymore, so no more hot Jack the Ripper. He was really nice though. :) I'll let you share Jasper with me...once I find him. Haha.
    November 30th, 2010 at 03:18am