What is wrong with me?

I dont get it. i dont understand myself, but I dont know why. Like I dont know who I am. I feel like I have to be something so everyone else can like me, but i hate it. Im just so confused about myself. I dont even understand why Im on this earth. I starting to think there isint even a reason and I just was put here to waste a life. Music isint even like a therapy for me anymore. I really think I...
October 15th, 2007 at 09:55am

If you live in New York.....

Go do the breast cancer walk at Central Park. Get people to sponsor you. Its for a good cause, and im there will be dancers there. I think you can donate to the dancers too. There are gonna be survivors and fighters there. Even if you dont know anybody that ever had breast cancer, you should still go. If you can go. Its worth it. Trust me. Its October 21st. It might be the 15th, but im pretty sure...
October 7th, 2007 at 07:11am