YAY so awesome

Wow today was sweet ha ha i wne tofr my driving test and i passed it was crazy when he told me lol really really happy about it can drive now ha ha im just so sick of riding to work altough the excise keeps me fittish ha ha ha trying to finish my chatper for my story i dont want to givbe up on it lol even tho its kinda boring, if any of you like think it needs something then tell me im happy to...
May 7th, 2008 at 11:03am

Don't Know What To Think Of It...

Sometimes I don't really know where I'm going in life like so much is expected of me I have to be perfect, but I'm not I got my own problems and yet just seems wanting to do what I like is a disappointment to everyone. Things have changed since the break up and shit and like just I really was hurting and they didn't even see, just watched me said she'll be OK. I was broken over him I love him and...
May 6th, 2008 at 01:33pm