lil-miss-gigglz / Comments

  • not that i remember....
    January 9th, 2008 at 08:44am
  • haha your right lol!
    I know that rapper soulja retard thingy guy is stupid! haha, wow i'm so smart.
    so how was your day?
    January 9th, 2008 at 03:56am
  • hey you know me and you had like a WHOLE conversation about telling jokes to each other and stuff. remember i was psalm 91. so yeah i just re read over that journal...i was kind of retarded.
    January 7th, 2008 at 01:29am
  • haha, your soo awsome! soulja boi or whatever his damn name is, is immensley mentally challenged. And they took the moves from 'cotton eyed joe" hehe... how unbelievably stupid... //.^
    January 5th, 2008 at 04:46am
  • Hey. lol yes I'm smart but I'm also spelling impared. THANK GOD FOR MICROSOFT WORD XD!! and spell check.
    See i would switch classes... but my counsler was out on leave because she had a baby and they told me i'd have to wait for her to get back. Well that didnt happen and now it's too late in the semester to switch.

    Ps. Spell check all you want, i need help XD
    January 4th, 2008 at 08:44pm
  • Hey bella!!! Waz up? no to much here! comment me bac soon talk to ya later!
    love ya
    Xoxoxo Laci xoxoxoX
    December 2nd, 2007 at 10:35pm
  • Yay! I knew about that final! :D hah, one would be pretty ignorant and dummy, if one hadn't noticed.. :D blergh.... I'm bored and lonely, it's hard, because you can't just go to a stranger on a street: "hey, you look cool, let's go to a coffee, I know we'll be BFF!!!" and I have a jobinterview tomorrow.. *thumbs up* ;)
    I guess with friends it goes in a cycles.. like on winter you hate them, but then on summer you love to hang with them.. that did not make a lot of sense, but hihi.. what ever. :D
    I have heard about that movie, but I don't know what happens in it! Let me know if it was any good (if you saw anything under the seats. hihi ;D).
    October 22nd, 2007 at 04:54am
  • i didnt actuly go to whereever they were playing to watch the match. it was in a bar....but it was a south affrican bar. and coz i dont get rugby i wasnt sure if it was english or s.affrican fans cheering when someone *insert rugby term for score a goal here*!
    but yeah they played the bit of the guy running into the camera from like 5 different angles, it was great!
    October 21st, 2007 at 10:54pm
  • okay..thank u anyway =)
    cool that u're from London. do u like it?
    and yeah I read this interwiev too...pity that Billie told that. I can't wait to their new album.
    October 21st, 2007 at 05:05pm
  • hey, thank you for making a lot of sence. four years ago.... wow. lol.
    October 19th, 2007 at 08:52am
  • I'm so prooouuuud that I got a C.

    Math is my worst subject ever.

    October 18th, 2007 at 06:50am
  • yeah i know 20 minutes isn't that long
    i'm just saying it's stupid that our school actually thinks that people are going to read.
    Me and my friend melanie are pretty much the only ones that read in my class.
    we love reading.
    i mean i have about 5 books that i can't wait to read after i'm finished with the one i have now.
    plus i think we should be able to do homework too. but we can't
    October 16th, 2007 at 08:03pm
  • hey hey hey England! I don't know anything about itm but good for them. winning is nice. hihi.. :D
    That moving dinosaur robot was so real.. I mean it's eyes they were so alive.. it was cute.. heehee.. ;P
    Woodiwaa, my pimple looks like Mr. Way's own pimple. phihihi.. 8) AND youck, I would never nd I mean never not even in my next life do that to my teacher.. or almost no one else... I think I'm going to drop this subject right about now! *throws it out of the window to neighbour's backyard* phihihih..
    Oh you got a holiday now! well that is nice. you can sleep. zZzz. but it sucks when all the friends are offtown.. or in a another country doing something unuseful. like studying. :/
    oh!! I went to movies on friday, and then there was this new disney movie trailer, and i started as a cartoon and I was like "yay! finally they make a new un-3D-cartoon-movie". But then it changed to normal movie, where this fairytale princess accidently goes to New York or something... sigh. :(
    October 14th, 2007 at 07:28pm
  • My only comment back.

    I'm 18, I have more life experience than you can ever imagine so don't comment on something you don't know anything about.
    I'm done this argument so don't bother commenting back.
    October 14th, 2007 at 12:05pm
  • It's allright, hihi.. I'm eating cookies, they make everything better *hands you some*. Cookies taste so much better in here than in a mooseland (finland).
    For some reason that clothes-to-wannabe-fairies-store (no, I don't hold grudges) did not hire me.. :/ and I was so nice to the customers and all..
    hihii, but that's allright... And hey, don't laugh at those who have stuck in a skiingelevator, they are quite tricky things.. hihi.. not that I myself have ever stuck. or fallen..
    GAahh! I'm bored. and I've got huge pimple on my left cheek. like gerard. bahahaha.. And I don't understand why there's always these legends that some perv-teacher has been caught with some young girlstudent, but they still have their jobs?! (I've known two cases) *shudder*
    I hated those family-get-together's with passion.. so, poor you *hands some more cookies* I had fun there, because I love dinosaurs and animals and human biology!!! ;) did you like it? o_O
    October 13th, 2007 at 04:27am
  • oooh, it Rugby.. no.. yes.. Yes! I wrote it correclty! whuzaa! I'm not high on sugar.. I'm high on life.. ehhehhee.. this isn't funny anymore. Guess where I'm going today? to natural history museum!! hihhii..
    October 8th, 2007 at 04:54pm
  • Ahahahhaaa, you made my day! :D I have never watched rudgby (aww, fuck.. I can't even write it correctly.. bahahahahaa), but I love sports especially watching them.. or maybe more playing.. well, anyway my point is, I should try to watch it some time.. 8)
    That shop where I worked (it's sort of training thing.. I'm not so sure did I got that job) is clothing shop. it was quite nice, though they made me wear their clothes and they were these freaking fairy-dresses and I looked really dummy.. o_O
    I don't know how to move around here, usually I take a bus to waterloo (but it takes forever) and then a tube to central or where ever I go..
    Laadilaa, oh! oh! I nearly forgot!!! I bought tickets to My Chem show in London 15.11!!! GAAH! I'm so happy (and poor.. shame)! *tapdance*
    DOn't worry about that teacher, there's always those perv-one's.. yngh, my old teacher was such a one. *shudder* hihii.. skiing. I suck at skiing! :P
    October 8th, 2007 at 06:34am
  • yay! hugs!!!!!! 8) *hugs back*
    London is so big! I mean, I knew it was a big city, but it's even bigger than I thought! :D I'm living in this house share-thing.. It's ok, my room is nice, but quite cold. and the neighborhood is ok, I guess.. it just takes forever to get to the central city, because tube doesn't come here. I live now in East Dulwich, but I'm thinking about moving to north London, since I may get a job in Camden! (hurrayh!)
    Congratulations for that A! You're the next Einstein! ;)
    October 5th, 2007 at 04:25pm
  • *runs after you and steals absolutely gorgeous sparkly wig!!*
    October 4th, 2007 at 11:09pm
  • whoowhoo its another lil miss!!!
    October 3rd, 2007 at 11:47pm