Fin du Fromage / Comments

  • hello. :)
    is your avatar james mcavoy?
    July 17th, 2011 at 12:10am
  • you mean do prep? well, I've done some. Sue me. Anyway, my avatar is Ben Whishaw actually!
    March 20th, 2011 at 12:30am
  • hello :)
    March 19th, 2011 at 09:31pm
  • made the story profile etc. added you as an author now :) hope you like the layout! Will get around to the story soon :D very excited for it!!
    January 29th, 2011 at 01:15am
  • very good, well, not really...I'm ok, just getting frustrated with my mum really but Doctor Who and The Colour Of Magic sorted that out :D
    how're you? What'd you get?? DID YOU SEE DOCTOR WHO!!!!????
    December 25th, 2010 at 08:27pm
  • aww that was cheating :P
    I just finished watching Heartless, remember? that scary film that we were going to watch last saturday? It's not scary as such, it made me jump so much at some parts so I don't know what you would do ;P
    but, Jim Sturgess (one of my fav actors as you know and the main actor in this film) sangsome of the songs and I really REALLY love one of them, so here's the link:
    November 28th, 2010 at 03:09am
  • no I saw that text when you sent it, I was preoccupied by primeval :P
    you still haven't guessed which actor is going to portray Lucien!!
    I prefer the bed intruder song :P you??
    November 27th, 2010 at 02:28am
  • the irony of those videos is that I found the bed intruder song last week xD
    November 27th, 2010 at 02:11am
  • haha okay bene, all knowing guru :P
    well, I hope it goes down well :) I just have to write it XD
    d'you want to know who I'm imagining as Lucien, my new character? Think me and you'll get it ;)
    ah well, that's interesting :P no wonder you can't come to see HP!
    November 27th, 2010 at 02:07am
  • yea, but she's coming up with so many theories that I feel like I'm going to dissapoint her!
    ooh, just coz I'm nice, there's a new character coming in the next chapter ;)
    well, 52 people have 'read' it, a lot of them are people I asked to read it...but you know, I have two people who read it because they want to on here. That's you, and another girl who's internet has got cut...
    November 27th, 2010 at 01:51am
  • what do you mean by everyone likes the mysteriousness? no one else comments unless there is an incentive of a comment swap...
    it's really sad actually :/
    You know, I could tell you that one of my friends basically got the mystery down to the last detail, but I haven't told her ;)
    November 27th, 2010 at 01:41am
  • so you liked it? I hope so :)
    do you like the new layout??
    Also, just to put you out of your misery:
    1. The world they live in is ours, there's nothing different about it. It's just my take on what the future inventions will be.
    2. Sebastian is well and truly alive. He's only allegedly dead, i.e. it's in the records.
    November 27th, 2010 at 01:26am
  • put it this way, I've done a lot of reviewing on this site. As in my comments on stories, that and I've read so many magazine reviews. I don't want to just be like OH I LOVE THIS SO MUCH, I want to be able to explain what I like etc. That could help ;)
    I just finished watching Will Friedle's last actor film in a while xD it's by far my favourite. He's really funny in it, he's not the main character but he still get's lots and lots of screen time :D
    It's called Everything You Want :

    that's the link to watch it ;) the story itself is really sweet and is a cool concept. I totally guessed the 'twist' ages before it was revealed. I'm totally becoming Sherlock Holmes xP
    Yea, the actor's haven't changed that much. Ben Savage just looks like a man now :D Rider Strong...mmm....I like him now xP him, Will F and Matt L grew up so well. Oh and Rider Strong? He's naturally brunette.

    ooh lookie what I found!!
    this is Rider Strong a total of 4 days ago
    He still looks like he did in Boy Meets World. Oh and I think he suits a beard so much, do you agree? :3

    You know what I'm about to do? Give you a list of Will Friedle's acted films. BOOYAH (I didn't deliberately quote Ron Stoppable there...I SWEAR -if that pun is lost on you...Will Friedle does the voice of Ron Stoppable ;D)

    so...there is:
    1. Trojan War - Seen, absolutely loved.
    2. My Date With the Persiden't Daughter - Seen, not too bad. Loved Will but it lasted a bit too long
    3. National Lampoon's Gold Digger's - Seen, this is so funny. I loved it!
    4. H-E Double Hockey Sticks - Seen, This is pure gold from Disney. Oh and Matthew Lawrence is also in it, need I say more?
    5. Everything You Want - Seen, adored.

    that's it xP if you ever want the links I'll send them your way :3
    September 2nd, 2010 at 12:06am
  • I adore the start of the song, the way the drums are, the guitar work, Nathan's vocals. But I don't really like the chorus, it's not the best chorus I've heard, in terms of vocal strength, funny thing is the rest of the vocals are really good. It's just the chorus. Actually, I think it's the change in melody that irks me, reminds me a bit of a christmas tune. But my god, I love the rest of the song. The lyrics are really strong, you can imagine the hardships of Nathan/the character in their story :3

    Ok, I'll make you a nice little list to explain:

    Main characters:
    Cory Matthews = Ben Savage (hasn't done any acting for a while.) - him as cory - taken this year.

    Eric Matthews - Will Friedle (is doing A LOT of vocal work.) - as Eric - in 2006

    Shawn Hunter (Cory's best friend) - Rider Strong (done lots of horror films and is atm in a theatre production in Australia -The Graduate- he has twitter.) - then and recentlyish

    Topanga Lawrence (Cory's girlfriend) - Danielle Fishel (very little acting after BMW but is friends with Tyra Banks and is always on her show) - as Topanga - recently

    Jack Hunter - Matthew Lawrence (still acts) - as Jack - recently.

    Rachel Mcguire - Maitland Ward (hasn't acted in a while but was in 'White Chicks') - as Rachel - recently.
    She's had plastic surgery etc. so she looks very different from BMW :3

    there are more characters but that's all your getting ;)
    September 1st, 2010 at 11:29pm
  • I told you what Will Friedle did in BMW :P
    He's the older brother of the main character, Cory (played by Ben Savage)
    Will's character is called Eric. He's my favourite character by far, he's really funny and generally stupid xP
    Well, you know what? I went on a mini search, as well as being halfway through his latest film (where he's not doing a voice) from 2005, I realised that the latest photo's of him are from 2006. He clearly lost weight again by those photos. I have no idea what he's like now, he's only doing voice work D:
    September 1st, 2010 at 06:30pm
  • oh and the penthouse is about this group of guys who live in a penthouse (one of the guys won it by being on reality t.v.) Rider Strong plays this writer with writers block and is stuck in a relationship he doesn't want to be in. He falls in love with the sister of the guy who won the penthouse etc. It's not that bad, not that great either.
    September 1st, 2010 at 12:57am
  • you like Matthew Lawrence don't you?? ADMIT IT!!
    oooh silly computer! It's because I left ;) maybe you can download it somewhere? I'm sure you could, it's a really good film trust me!
    Rider Strong was Shawn in Boy Meets World, AKA one of the main characters alongside Will Friedle who plays Eric, the brother of the main character.
    Matthew Lawrence was added on season 5, halfway through if I remember :3 He plays Jack, Shawn's older half brother. :D
    that'll probably fly over your head no doubt xP
    come to the darkside...we have matthew lawrence!!! :D not literally if course ;)
    September 1st, 2010 at 12:55am
  • you better be because those films are good ;)
    I watched a couple of others yesterday, not as good as the one's I gave you...
    there was The Combacks (Matthew Lawrence) - basically a film taking the mick out of EVERYTHING and although at times it was funny sometimes it went too far...
    My Date With The Presiden't Daughter (Will Friedle) a typical 90s Disney film, sometimes it just seemed a bit too much for me and at times I felt like I just wanted to turn it off but I stuck through till the end. I loved Will in it :3
    Strike! (All I Wanna Do) (Matthew Lawrence) - He was only in this film for 30 minutes, he was always talked about by the main was mainly about this all girl's school. There was this comical moment involving foam and Matthew Lawrence. He was trying to work it and it burst and covered him in foam xP
    The Penthouse (Rider Strong) wasn't that bad. It was good to see what he looks like now, he still acts the same as he did in Boy Meets World and he still sounds the same despite the fact he's older xP

    oh and Rider Strong is my new avatar. Did you check out the pictures I sent you? :)
    August 30th, 2010 at 04:51pm
  • - Cheats (Matthew Lawrence) - Jumping Ship (Matthew Lawrence) - H-E Double Hockey Sticks (both) - Trojan War (Will Friedle)
    August 29th, 2010 at 10:41pm
  • Matthew Lawrence looking pretty smexy ;) :

    Will Friedle:

    I watched H-E Double Hockey Sticks (Disney - both are in it), Jumping Ship (Disney - Matthew Lawrence & his bro's), Trojan War (Will Friedle only), Cheats (Matthew Lawrence only)

    all of those films are amazing. I'm not kidding, they're so carefree and make me smile so much. They're actually in mu favorites list xP
    Sadly, Will Friedle is in very few films (5) and I've seen two xP
    August 29th, 2010 at 09:17pm