Fin du Fromage / Comments

  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    pfff I wouldn't mind, Andrew Lee Potts is there!! xD
    I'm lying down :P
    aha! that's very good!! Do you like it? Or have you not heard all of them/new songs yet??
    I can't choose which one's my favourite, I love every single song...
    July 17th, 2010 at 07:16pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    D: noo!!!! you've got to watch the video! At some point, watch it! x)
    I don't remember where that comes from, tbh my mind is completely gone right now...updated the YG story, so you know, when you have time please check it out :) I'm going to watch primeval to stifle some of the boredom that's kicking my tummy just made a really weird noise... :/
    July 17th, 2010 at 07:07pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    July 17th, 2010 at 06:10pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'm using an old one shot and editing it like crazy, I don't like it but I don't want to not enter anything. It's a waste of both her and my time.
    haha yes, that's basically the main part of my year. I love it but my parents don't, they think I'm stupid for seeing the same band four times, they think it's a waste of my time but I want to and I have the tickets so I'm not wasting them. End of.
    ...I hate this entry, so very much. And I feel sick, the food I ate isn't going down well :(
    July 17th, 2010 at 04:33pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    you didn't tell me this!! she's lucky xD
    yea, it was my b-day pressie, tickets for 30stm and WATO
    I do have it all planned out, my parents don't know that I've got tickets for YG in december though, coz I bought them x) it's a friday though, so they should be fine with it, kind of...
    yes, yes it is. :D
    blergh, I hate the feeling that I have to write for a contest where I have no idea what I'm doing...
    July 17th, 2010 at 04:12pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    well, yes and no. I could have gone to see them in Bath on the Friday that I finished school. But then again I couldn't because 1. I HAD to be in school, no excuses and 2. No one wanted to come with me and I have no idea where it was.
    So...yes, I've seen them as many times as I could on their mini tour this month. :3 they're only doing one show after the one in Kingston anyway, (before going on tour with FFAF) and it's in Luton, I love them and all, but I'm not going to Luton. :P
    maybe, if my friend who lives in Bristol says yes, I'll go see them on their last show of the tour in december, in Cardiff. It's the sunday before our last week in school and I'm already seeing them in London on the friday, then 30stm in Manchester on the saturday so maybe I'll get to see them in Cardiff but idk :/ I want to, but yea...I don't know...
    you listening to the album?
    July 17th, 2010 at 04:00pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    It's the same Kingston.
    Yes, yes I am. It's really bad...especially since I'll be unable to see them live for so long after friday. Unless I somehow I go to festivals at the other end of the world. EG. Hevy festival = Kent, Boardermasters fest = Newquay or even better Pukkelpop in Belgium!!
    They're in Reading fest but tickets are sold out and they're the only band I want to see on the first day so...yea...
    July 17th, 2010 at 03:31pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I don't need to, I've got the album. I preordered it you see, got a ticket to their show in Kingston as well!! xD £8 for both, it was a brilliant deal!!
    uuuummm....yea, you're right. All I've been doing is listen to them. You know what's bad? I stopped listening to them last night so that I could fall asleep, and I couldn't do it. (the day before I fell asleep listening to their album) it was weird, I couldn't sleep because I wasn't listening to them!! :P
    July 17th, 2010 at 03:07pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I know, comment on the pictures ;D
    I'm not sure what else, listen to YG's new album. You can here it all on so that can be something :P or, you know, do your essay? ;)
    I was talking about Rob when I was on about 'suit guy'
    oh Gustav <3 I love the whole band so much it's ridiculous, they're starting to rival my love for KH very quickly!!
    July 17th, 2010 at 02:52pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    He was so surprised that he didn't get mauled by the moshers because of his suit jacket. These people loved him so much they dubbed him 'suit guy' it was very funny xP Yes, this sunday I'm seeing them in Kingston, no one is really going with me to that one so...yea...I know Maria and Mellissa (two girls from KIGH and ML show) are going, but they're going late. :/
    yea!! go leave me lots of comments and love! <3
    July 17th, 2010 at 01:23pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    aloha! Yes, Rob did make it to the show. He came straight from work, in a suit jacket and everything xD
    I shall start from the top shall I? You know I was travelling from 2.50 till 5.30 when I joined the queue. I waited for a bit, remember those guys that gave us the badges of 'Just Me Again'? they were there, they COMPLETELY ignored me and went on to the pretty girls next to me, but I didn't care really. I already had a badge, I didn't want another one xD Eventually Rob came around and I was so surprised, it was really nice of him to come despite what he told me before. But I reckon his dad must have had a stern word with him coz I talked to his dad before and then poof he appears, I reckon that was it. xD anyway, two of Rob's friends were also coming to the show so they joined the queue with us and they were very cool guys, crazy as a box of frogs but they were really cool. What made me laugh was that they would go around and eat all the food left on the floor by people in the queue as we moved up. food in packets of course ;) anyway, we got in, the venue being smaller than I was expecting, about the size of the ULU (venue of University College London :P) Lower Than Atlantis came around, the crowd clearly hated them because no one moved, it got to the point that when a mosh pit came around (or a circle pit as it started out) I joined in. I actually went in because I saw Young Guns in the crowd as the circle opened. It started as a circle pit which means people just ran around in circles in a HUGE circle space. I hi-fived YG on my way around and then it became a mosh pit and I was the only girl in there. It was really funny because I've never done it willingly before and it ended up being the four of us (Rob, his two friends and me.) who were in this HUGE space. It was funny. These girls who were friend's of Rob's (again) said that I was mental for going in there, and that I went absolutely crazy when I was in the pit. Suprisingly it doesn't hurt that much. The only damage I did do was when I fell on the floor and skided on my knees, I have a lovely graze mark on my knee and that hurts, but oh well. Rob and I went round the crowd and were at the side for when Flood Of Red were on, then we managed to get back into the middle of the crowd as people began to move about for FOR and more moshing ensued but I didn't join in this time :) Of course we managed to get closer, not to the front, but close and we (Rob and I) chatted to these two guys while we waited for YG to come out. When they did the crowd went INSANE and I'm not kidding. Every single word of their songs were screamed out at them and although Reading was an incredible show, the vibe in this show was so exhilirating. YG changed their set slightly from the Reading show, they played the same songs but they did an acoustic version of There Will Be Rain with a cello player and everything!! That was lots of fun and the entire time they were on stage I went mental, letting out everything that I could because they were just so bloody fantastic live!! They also did an encore, Gustav said "we didn't prepare for an encore because that's usually for rockers and we're not rockers, we're a bunch of idiots, but would you like to hear one more?" and you know what? They played my favourite of Mirrors. They played In The Night which was THE song that made me fall in love with them and decide to follow them!! Gus came and crowdsurfed it was so cool, he was brought back and then brought forward, it was so much fun to see him singing his heart out while being held by the crowd. :D then they came out back into the venue, Gustav was literally mauled, I heard high pitched squealing and this hoard of girls RAN AT FULL SPEED at the poor guy, I felt so bad for him, he had to have a guard calm people down and everything!! So, Rob (different Rob, Rob J's friend who queued with us.) came around with me and we met the other amazing four members of the band, they signed my ticket (apart from John who didn't have a pen) and then we braved the crowd that was around Gustav, after a little while we managed to get to him and when I came around he smiled and said "hello again!" (HE REMEMBERED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and I told him that it was really sad that I only had two more shows to see them at and he thanked me for going to all the shows, I got a photo with him and he squeezed my shoulder as I had it taken, he was sweet and I told him that I'd see him in Kingston, I was just happy that he remembered me from the Reading show! and yea, that's it. I took the tube home, and I was 'taken hostage' as it were, or forced to join this group of drunk people who went to see YG, they were funny but still, they were very drunk. I got home and now I'm here typing this to you, if you want to see photos, they're on FB :D good enough account for you??
    July 17th, 2010 at 02:39am
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    haha it's crazy isn't it?? I plan on leaving the house at 3. take the bus, train to ealing then central to oxford circus and then victoria to highbury & islington :)
    How much do you reckon I need to put on my oyster card for that journey? I'd be coming back by train too, but only to hanger lane. :)
    July 16th, 2010 at 01:53pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Right, I went with my friend Katie, from school and we got there 45 mins in advance or something, we got into the venue and while we were waiting to get in Ben comes out (drummer of young guns) and members of both deaf havana and francesqa too! It was weird having these bands just walk past you but it was cool, simon (bass of YG) also passed. Anyway, we walked in and went past the merch stand and low and behold Gustav Wood was standing there, we went up to him and he talked to us about something (I think the venue/tour? I forget) and then I told him that I was going to see young guns 4 times, there, london, kingston and shepherds bush. He gave me this huge hug when I said that and was thankful that I was coming to see them so many times. I told him that I loved the band and that I was just happy I could get to see them so many times. We got photos with him and then went to the merch stand so that I could get a shirt. I then realised that I brought my cd jacket from their new album for them to sign and so after buying the shirt we went back and got him to sign it, I also realised at this time that I had NO idea where my camera went and I look at the merch stand and the guy has got my camera and was hijacking it!! he was taking photos of francesqa (that's a band) in front of the merch stand, hence why I have some weird photos too on FB ;) then the first band started so we got into the crowd, the venue was really small and they were an alright band, weren't the greatest but they were cool, they made us do the wall of death and I was at the front of it so I had to do the running it was crazy! Of course everyone went a bit crazy after that and we managed to get pushed a row from the front, the stage actually went up to halfway between foot and knee, it was really low!! anyway, that's not the point... Francesqa came out and played, they were really good and I did lots of jumping, I must have been the one to jump the most during their set xD anyway, they finished and Deaf Havana was on next and their singer/guitarist literally dropped his trousers before going on and played in his pants!! It was crazy, plus people went mental so I took care of Katie by putting a circle around her with my arms but then I was pushed forward to the front and so ended up at the front at the end of the set. For young guns they brought a barrier, and they stopped putting the barrier to the girl next to me, so I was there, with no barrier and actually having a foot on the stage as I stood and waited, although they put a box in front of me so that Gustav and the others could stand on them during the show...anyway, we had to wait an hour for young guns to come on and play, they were actually standing on the side of the stage, instruments at the ready but coz of a mic problem they couldn't go onstage, and for te whole hour they were trying to get the mic going, at 10.30 it still wasn't completely working but Gustav said that they were going on anyway. Luckily the mic got fixed and Young Guns played an insane set, I kept getting pushed onto the stage though, what was nice was that Gustav came over while singing and made sure that I was okay and at the end of the song asked if they could stop pushing so much coz we were getting squished at the front. What was even better was that during the gig I would sing loudly, as per usual and headbang coz I couldn't jump seeing as I was practically on the stage...and like ML Gustav would come round and hold our hands while singing, but this was different. Very different. He went down on his knees in front of me and held my hand and looked at me as he sang while I sung back to him, he did this the whole time he was kneeling down. I'm not even joking, it made me so happy when he did that!!
    We met Fraser and Ben afterwards, we passed Simon but not John so we didn't manage to get pictures with those two, BUT we asked Fraser if he had any guitar pics or anything because we didn't get the setlists and we couldn't get drumsticks as Ben didn't have enough to give them out and Fraser was like, I only have one, and gave it to us saying we had to fight over it civilly xD we told him that we were friends so naturally it would be civil and it was funny. We talked to the guy at the ticket box, as we left he winked at me, and I went back and asked about whether the band would come outside or would wait inside etc. and we talked for a bit, we went inside again and then left again and saluted the guy. It was a very cool night, even met the singer of Francesqa in the rain when we waited outside for my dad to pick us up. And...that's about it...I'll tell you tomorrow night how the show in London went ;) :D
    July 16th, 2010 at 01:33am
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    how're you?
    It's felt like forever!
    Saw Young Guns last night xD
    soooo much to gush about to you, if you don't mind of course!
    July 15th, 2010 at 05:42pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    well, just finished making my new layout. well, editing from a different layout I found on livejournal :P
    that and listening to My Passion's new song In My Fever. SO GOOD!
    I'm at my dad's work, doing a bit of research, doing a bit of mibba stuff. I plan on writing some more for strawberry fields forver and maybe a contest entry, if I can bring myself round to it. My friend is coming round today, she's coming from bath to see young guns :D she's only heard one song by them that I showed her! xD
    July 13th, 2010 at 02:30pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    yes I saw! Well done you :P
    I updated strawberry fields forver if you have time to check that out ;)
    how's the essay going? I keep forgetting that you're at home! xD
    July 13th, 2010 at 12:15pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)

    Hugh Jackman = <3
    do you love me for this? xD
    July 10th, 2010 at 06:21pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)

    Test your french. Je voudrais savoir ton opinion de mon histoire pour Mademoiselle Bleathman (repose en paix) et c'est un histoire d'Au Revoir Les Enfants. Si'ils tu plais.

    p.s. I'm coming tomorrow in the morning with my dad :) text me what time your awake :P
    July 3rd, 2010 at 12:33am
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)

    read this and comment it :D
    it's my new short story and you'll never guess what it's about xD
    June 28th, 2010 at 01:00am
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)

    watch that :P
    haha once I think of a storyline I'll get right to it xD
    June 27th, 2010 at 06:49pm