writers block

i've been working on the next chapter for my story, I know whats going to happen after this chapter, but i'm not sure how to get there....anyway, i'm so sorry i haven't been updating regularly, but i've been crazy busy, i have writers block, and... yeah. i'm kinda frustrated but please bear with me. I'm trying to make this story as good as possible!!!Thanks so much for reading my work. you guys...
May 22nd, 2008 at 04:06am

Mr. Wrong

Dear Mr. Wrong,Please understand that while you are probably right for someone else, you are very definitely wrong for me. Yes, the fling we had was fun for a little while, but it, like you, was wrong. I should have never cheated on Mr. Possibility. To this day I am sick to my stomach with guilt.I hate the fact that you try to guilt me into dating you. Quit telling me how I'm so special cause you...
May 17th, 2008 at 11:22pm


So, after 5 nights of God awful sleep, I find myself stalling to walk up the stairs to my bedroom.The first three nights I dreamed about my apartment. See during the school year I live at University, and during breaks I live at home with my parents.I studied really really hard for finals this year, and didn't do a whole lot of cleaning before I headed up to be with my family. I just dumped out...
May 15th, 2008 at 08:31am


So I have now been a member of Mibba for what? Two hours? You guys are incredible! I've gotten so many comments and welcomes from so many people!!! It's absolutely fantastic!!!I really like this online community. It's much more annonymous than Myspace/Facebook. I LOVE blogging, so I'll probably be doing a lot of that on here, if anyone other than me likes reading blogs... I think it's kind of like...
May 7th, 2008 at 06:49am