Metro Station, Batemans Bay and Fortmania.

Man I love holidays.For the first week of the holidays I just chilled out at the coast, and slept pretty much the entire time, but only because I was energizing myself for that first Thursday night, to the second one.Thursday: I arrived back from Batemans Bay, and went to work for four hours, I then went home, and Matilda got dropped at my place, where we Booshed it out, and went to sleep early on...
October 14th, 2008 at 02:47am


Holidays are the best thing in the world right now.So far I've seen five movies, Get Smart (with Laura), The Incredible Hulk (with Corey and Laura), Sex and the City (With Emma and Ashley), Kung-Fu Panda (with Corey, Matilda and Laura) and Hancock (With Corey and Renee).I've also just chilled out and spent my money with some friends, as you do on holidays =D.Tomorrow night I'm going to go see The...
July 9th, 2008 at 12:11pm

I Killed The Mother***ing Prom Queen

I'm still aching and exhausted from the absolutely sensational gig I went to last night.It was I Killed The Prom Queen's 'Say Goodbye' Tour, and it was exceptional.The Red Shore, The Ghost Inside and Bring Me The Horizon got the crowd pumping. (I personally like BMTH better than IKTPQ, but shh) and then Prom Queen came on and gave it their fucking best.After the show, I met Oli Sykes and Michael...
May 28th, 2008 at 10:48am

The Story Of A Broken Girl.

For the past year I have been feeling incredibly empty inside, like nothing will ever be good again.I have not been able to keep my concentration on one thing for even short amounts of time, I do not enjoy any of the things I used to, and my grades have dramatically dropped.I can't sleep for more than one hour per night, and it is driving me absolutely insane.Mum and I fight constantly, first it...
May 7th, 2008 at 01:15pm