axelofsoceity / Comments

  • It's freaking boiling where I am!!
    Even now, like 9.20am it's warm and nice =)
    I love this summery weather...
    May 11th, 2008 at 10:21am
  • lol
    i'm a VERY big saosin fan
    but suck at anything to do with writing.
    and no one has written one so it's a bummer.
    May 11th, 2008 at 08:59am
  • ah hun don't worry about it.

    haha your amazing. :] i'm not wicked or totally awesome whatsoever.
    But I do know you are all the wayyyyy. hehe. I'm just an ugly girl who loves music. that is all.

    haha Jock that is perfectly fine with me.
    and I will call you...Acute Jock. :P okay
    no questions asked.
    No you do not have problems. your perfectly fine.
    and if you dont agree then you can be my problem loverrr :]

    of course wicked jealous. i can't control it. I really wish i had those powers. I think i might jsut come there and snatch them from you. hehe.

    ugh you should of went it was amazing. well where i went to see them they were.

    ooohh niiiiceeee. A7X is amazing love them. you deff need to get into them you are going to have some many orgasmic moments with them. hehe.

    If i dont respond right away that means i have left and gone to bed and I will respond tomorrow.

    May 11th, 2008 at 07:11am
  • Hmmm that is something to ponder. Sex and no life, or life and no sex.
    I think for women it would be half and half, but men would probably go with the first one lol
    Not that I’d blame them.
    But I guess it would still suck if you’re the dominate type because you’d just be stuck there on bottom. Though it would be kinda kinky if he was in a wheelchair :]

    ‘[i]Even if you dominate [b]me many[/b] other things[/i]’ WTF?! You say you pwn me, but in your gloating and throwing it in my face you fuck up as well! MWAHAHA (yes the manic laughter is back) Oh and yes I’m sure I would dominate you though, sorry hoe

    Ya I know what you mean. Last year I was a pirate, I was too lazy to go get my own costume so I stole my mothers and well, we’ll just say it was a bit loose in some areas that probably should have been covered. Lol
    I bet the blues clues thing ws a site to see lol. I was Pocahontas one year :]
    I t only made sense cus I am half Indian.

    Is the apocalypse a good thing for you or not, cus hey you could be athiest and then it’d suck to be you, even if you did just get head. Lol
    Sorry, I’ve yet to see that commercial, I don’t care too much for tv, but I have seen the skittles commercial w/ the singing rabbit :]

    Once again you honor m so with your whoreish-ness. I’m very grateful slut :]

    Nope no dropping of anything, well except for your boobs when you get old but that’s just gross O_O
    HAHA! ROFL, I don’t think there is a wrong angle, you just keep going till you find the right one. Lol
    Haha, yes, I mean it is kinda scary to have some one else’s body part fucking inside of you (no pun intended) just think about it, would you let one of my body parts go inside of you?!
    May 11th, 2008 at 06:10am
    Its deff orgasmic to talk to you.
    No questions asked. :]
    haha nice hardcore. love it.
    hah its alright if it is. :]

    haha Yeah. Some ppl call me Joc. lol so it doesn't matter. you can call me whatever as long as I approve it first. So what am I allowed to call you? Besides Axel.

    It was actually normal food. haha you were not close I actually had that last night. :P I had Hot Dogs.

    Ahh! Atreyu, Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace, 3 doors down LOVE THEM ALL too. :D hehe
    I actually saw Breaking Benjamin and Three Days grace in concert they were great.

    Hmm do you like Papa Roach and what about Avenged Sevenfold?
    May 11th, 2008 at 05:00am
  • lol
    Why should I?! lol
    May 11th, 2008 at 01:53am
  • hey how are you today?
    May 11th, 2008 at 12:34am
  • Ooh, yeah. That's really a pain...

    Eh. I've been outside, but just to see my cousin so nothing big, but it's going pretty well.
    May 10th, 2008 at 11:35pm
  • Right now I am boiling in my room and speaking online with my ex...
    May 10th, 2008 at 11:34pm
  • I'm sure it wouldn't be that bad.
    You'd probably look fine.
    Don't be self conscious.
    May 10th, 2008 at 11:27pm
  • i enjoy cow's breast secretion

    but the strange black biscuits, not so much...

    i prefer hobnobs.

    gotta love hobnobs.
    May 10th, 2008 at 10:47pm
  • Thanks, yes.. well I guess I'm in the club of quizilla haters too, as of now.. :) Like your profile, you have good taste in music. And even though I'm dutch, and we live like.. 3 years in the past here, I do agree.. Twilight kicks ass as do vampires in general :)
    May 10th, 2008 at 10:33pm
  • Well yay for grippers though I usually wear skate shoes lol so I guess I’ve got the best of both worlds :]
    Oh no hitting my in the chest, that fucking hurts bitch

    Oh shut it hoe, it’s not sentence structure its grammar! And hey its was like midnight and I was beat :[

    Yesh, I stalked you last Halloween and uploaded hundreds of pics in which I photo shopped and sold to porn sites abroad.

    Sure sure, you can try but I doubt you’ll get anywear with me, I just can’t dance :[
    And DDR is OUT OF THE QUESTION that is one game I positively hate, all my buddies a re great at it but I just don’t stand a chance lol
    Eww yay for latex! And thanks, I’ll keep that in mind next time I have to fart I’ll need to unzip it first :]

    Hey hey nhey now! Don’t be calling me a dirty cunt when you’re the one demanding me to suck your dick WHILE making a sandwich, I’m sure that’s a health code violation of some sort lol and besides I’d only do it if you gave me $5 cus I’m craving Subway right about now :]
    Yes I’m sure you’re a whore, don’t worry doll

    Well I’m sure that’s a good thing :]
    And WTF?! Overies don’t drop hun, they’re just the things that release eggs to be fertilized, no dropping involved when cream stuff is shot XD lol
    Mol’s? that sound kinda gross like maybe the chicks flat chested and so they resemble moles? Idunno
    Like one of my friends could site there and explain to me how my whole reproductive system worked and I was like I HAVE A WHAT WHERE?!
    May 10th, 2008 at 08:48pm
  • Deffo FTW.
    Deffo FTW.

    May 10th, 2008 at 08:07pm
  • I tried Oreos and thought they were over-rated...

    they have suddenly taken over the UK and everyone's mad for them

    they just made my mouth black and didnt taste very good...

    May 10th, 2008 at 07:32pm
  • By the way..

    May 10th, 2008 at 06:24pm
  • Well i'm glad its orgasmic. :]
    And yes you can call my Josy... Just I prefer it just spelt like Jocie.
    Sorry it just how everyone else spells it. So i'm use to it that way.

    Ugh yes i'm so bored to. And waiting for my father to come home with food. :] and i know weekends suck but dont at the same time for me. I work on Saturdays and I like my job for once.
    So what are your other favorite bands besides the ones listed.

    May 10th, 2008 at 06:22pm
  • I LOVE violent things! I'm actually into serial killers at the moment, which is weird, I know, but I've started,( and stopped a few times) a love story of sorts about one xD

    I'm not into crowds so much either, they make me nervous...

    I do actually watch alot of t.v. though, I can't say I've ever watched house. : /
    I'm a big nerdy Lost fan. -_-

    btw, 'Twilight' is an amazing book series. What are some other books you like?
    May 10th, 2008 at 04:53pm
  • Haha. Noodles are good (:

    I'm just listening to music... It's pretty nice out, might go for a walk in a bit.
    How's your weekend going?
    May 10th, 2008 at 04:49pm
  • i mostly listen to rock.i like to listen to some japanese from the animes and some latin music.wat about u?
    May 10th, 2008 at 04:48pm