A very sad day

So I had a pretty decent night at work last night, but then i went home, checked my email, check myspace, and I see the news that George Carlin is dead..... He died yesterday and I didn't want to believe it... So I went to his wiki page and sure enough, there's the truth, staring me in the face...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_CarlinThis really sucks because I'm not much into comedy, but he...
June 23rd, 2008 at 12:05pm

The truth is... [A direct entry from my personal journal]

My Mother has found ways to get money from me plenty of times, over the past 8 years. Blackmail after blackmail, after blackmail. She even managed to squeeze 1,500 over the course of 3 months.So why can't I bring myself to steal a measley 10 dollars from her? Why can't I do it? Because the truth is... I'm better than her.The worst part is, my conscience is making me feel like total crap for even...
June 20th, 2008 at 01:09pm

A little help please.

I just saw the notice about potential story deletions, could people check my titles and let me know if any of them need changed? I'd really appreciate it! I tried posting a thread but it didn't work so I'm hoping you guys can help me =) I really don't want to have my stories deleted from here, since I put so much hard work into them. It would suck if my hard work was deleted because I might have...
June 20th, 2008 at 04:11am

First day jitters

Okay, so today at 1pm Eastern time I will be starting my new job at Command Medical and I've got those glorious first day fucking jitters lol. I'm worried I won't last, I'm worried I'll sleep through my wake up call, I'm just worried in general. It comes from starting a new job, even if I did get in through my friend Ernesto. I love him for helping me get this second job =) I needed it, especially...
May 19th, 2008 at 11:56am

The newest edition of AP

In the Movies section of the new AP magazine, they talk about the next installment to the Batman Empire... The Dark Knight... Staring Christian Bale, Maggie Gyhllenhaal, Cillian Murphy (TEH HOTNESS!!!), Michael Caine, and our dearly departed, may he rest in peace, Heath Ledger.Something in the article made me think, I'm not going to type it all out, just the one part...Some critics speculate that...
May 12th, 2008 at 01:16pm

Heh, w00t!

I'm just a little drunk and high, but hey, it helps my creative juices flow. But that's not what I wanted to say.Neither is the fact that Ryan and Brendon is a hot image, but hey I said that too :D.What I wanted to say is that I know I mostly have one-shots on here right now, but I want to post the one-shots I already have posted on ficwad before I post any of the multi-chap stories.Patience my...
May 10th, 2008 at 02:01pm