your fingertips

type a little blurb in here about yourself.. as in:

Jeni - 2/18/90
likes: stars, The Honorary Title, New Years
dislikes: winter break
thinking: someone is going to pull an allnight tonight!

across my skin

link 1 | link 2 | link 3 | link 4 | link 5 | link etc

the palmtrees

max width is 121px


max width is, again, 121px

layout credits

Layout designed and coded by Jeni @ lemonend.

About this layout!

I've been making layouts (that no one has seen) with this picture in it for months. It was just a matter of time for one to pass my final inspection and not suck.

I happen to be in love with the song almost lover by A Fine Frenzy. I don't think it's how I'm feeling at all, which is wierd, usually the lyrics in my recent layouts fit the emotions I was feeling as I made them. This on the other hand is just I really adore this song. I can play it over and over for hours. I bought the full album yesterday on iTunes and haven't listened to the rest of the songs yet... I guess you could guess that since I am not feeling like the lyrics in this song that I've been really happy recently.


testing extras

Just for clarification, you can change all of this to your own content.

almost lover

your fingertips

likes: Writing, indie, reading, friendz
dislikes: Jocks, designer wear, and Lady Gaga
watching: I'm a celebrity get me out of here.............[oh, the divinity of cable.]
thinking: Sanjaya is the love child of Tarzan and David Bowie

across my skin

Layout designed and coded by Jeni @ lemonend.

About this chachi!

I've only recently surpassed my 3-week White Stripes binge and have successfully moved onto the Band of Horses. I'm almost employed [cue the church choir] which is a damn relief because I'm in a recession of my own. That was an update of the typical scrum in my life.


and if you care, homie:

I am listening to Is there a ghost.