dressagequeen / Comments

  • Katermuffins

    Katermuffins (100)

    United States
    At this point, I'm beginning to agree. Ugh. Braces getting put on in two days.
    February 24th, 2009 at 05:02am
  • Katermuffins

    Katermuffins (100)

    United States
    Have you taken the test yet?
    February 23rd, 2009 at 03:03am
  • Katermuffins

    Katermuffins (100)

    United States
    I'm jealous of you, its sooo hot here. Well not hot, but it sure as Hell ain't cold, and I like cold. Yea, its pretty sucky, just sitting and waiting.... I keep thinking I'm supposed to be riding, and putting on my boots then being like 'shit!' I wish I could drive!!!
    February 22nd, 2009 at 07:01am
  • Hattie319

    Hattie319 (100)

    United States
    thanks for the comment on my picture!! ya i ride western but ill be riding english hopfully this summer!! you look like your really good at dressage...beautiful horse btw...thoroughbred right???
    February 21st, 2009 at 08:56pm
  • Katermuffins

    Katermuffins (100)

    United States
    Aww. That sucks. And no, nothing at all. I haven't been ion over a month because after I finally get the number, I wrote it down, cuz my mom wanted to pick the lesson time, and gave it to her. She threw it out and decided I didn't need to ride for a while, even after promising to do this for me. -Stomps around angrily- Its like, do you KNOW how long it took to get that number? And then, to top it off, a day later, she goes "but keep the number cuz I'll call and find out about summer." And I was like, "excuse me? I GAVE you the number. I no longer HAVE the number." And besides that fact, I'm supossed to go back to my old stable in the summer!
    Being 12 sucks ass.
    February 21st, 2009 at 06:05pm
  • towers

    towers (100)

    United States
    Full of Stars?
    Ahhh it was just really, really overdone. I dunno I lsorta iked the plot line and then realized I didn't want to spend a few months of my life writing a story that sooo many other people had written already.
    February 19th, 2009 at 10:08pm
  • MassRomantic

    MassRomantic (100)

    United States
    Oh hey! I officially added you as a member on the new list, which is the journal on my page :D
    February 6th, 2009 at 02:13am
  • MassRomantic

    MassRomantic (100)

    United States
    I'm so sorry this has taken so long for me to write back. It had been a horrible off week, and I kinda just ignored everything, not just you personally :(
    Sorry about that.
    Anyways, two things of good news (i guess) Firstly, SYOF will be updated shortly. I have like half on a chapter written, so keep an eye on that.
    And secondly, of course you can join Team Anti!! We decided to take down the long list of people cause it was getting ridiculous, but we are still going strong with our anti-ness lol. :D Welcome to the club!!
    February 4th, 2009 at 03:33am
  • towers

    towers (100)

    United States
    Thank you!!
    No seriously, thank you. That was really nice of you to say. :)
    February 2nd, 2009 at 02:52am
  • Katermuffins

    Katermuffins (100)

    United States
    Boo, that sounds fuggin freeeeeezzzzzzzzzzing!!! Ya it was pretty sucky. See the stable is part of a boarding school so if you don't have the number its kinda hard to get to the barn itself. I called and left a message at the main school office and now I have to wait for them to transfer that to the barn office, then they'll call back and we'll set up the lesson :)
    I still can't wait to get back to the stable I can't go to though -sigh-
    January 18th, 2009 at 08:12pm
  • Katermuffins

    Katermuffins (100)

    United States
    A.) Loving the new icon. Made me lol hard
    B.) Ugh, I started the new stable and everything is absolutly ridicoulus. There's like, no jumping and no cross country. I don't think I'm going to stay. I'm going to try adn get back to my first stable; I miss it. Anywhore, I was excited to try and get back to some of the horses there; They have the best jumpers!
    I'm glad the bit is working. So he's doing better now?
    January 12th, 2009 at 11:16pm
  • Katermuffins

    Katermuffins (100)

    United States
    Wow, that's great!!!! About your horse, I meant. 3 day eventings sounds fun. I wish I could do dressage, but I cannot do those preciece movements! It all looks so hard, though it ends up, all together, really kool. I personally, like Cross Country best.
    January 3rd, 2009 at 05:40am
  • Katermuffins

    Katermuffins (100)

    United States
    Wow. I think the possibly stupidest thing was the fact that the horse was riding with a hackamore. I was like, seriously? Wow. That's weird. I'ma 12 year old who just switched stables. XD But we're a pretty big farm. I don't know about switching, cuz small stables work well for me but this is the closest thing to us and my mom doesn't want to drive me out to far in the winter because the road keeps icing over well we're at riding. Wow. What kinda of bit are you going to use on him? I've never been to rolex or for that matter, any horse event. Are they fun?
    December 30th, 2008 at 07:58pm
  • Katermuffins

    Katermuffins (100)

    United States
    Awwww man, that sucks ass. I feel bad for you. Well, at least your horse is getting better.
    DUDE! Ok, so I went out for my first "real" lesson and she had me on the crazy jumping horse Laddy again. So I get in and the first thing I note it that when I go to brush him off in the cross ties (which aren't really cross ties since theres only one) and I have to have my mom come in from the car and hold my head cuz he's biting everytime I put the brush on him and he won't stop even when I slap him. Bad start, I figure, but we'll make the best of it. He stands real nice for tacking and there's another girl who's been riding at the stable for two years, so she knows about it, who come's in with her horse tacked and offers to walk up to the ring, which, incase I didn't mention, is ridicoulously far away, and we start walking up together. She's really nice and starts telling me about how lessons are handled and the horses there and the teacher and the enviorment and what to expect and shit. She tells me how lucky I am to be riding outdoor because even though we have to use the floodlights, the horses spook less out here. Bleh. Well, I don't know how long I'm going to be here. See, I love jumping, its what I do best, buttttt we spend at least 45 minutes of the lesson doing "excersises" and then jump for ten minutes. I figure, shit, I hope she's wrong, and ignore that fact. So, we finally reach the ring and mount. Her last lesson is finishing up some jumps, running over a little late; I take this as a good sign saying she tries to fit extra jumping in; Its not. So her last lesson, private, leaves, and we go in and start trotting to warm up. We finish warming up and she directs us to make a circle around 3 jumps, which makes the ring a few feet shorter, but its kinda huge, so ya. So I start making the rounds and she has us do this thing where we just try and stay as close to the pommel as we can. Than she looks at me and goes "this will be harder for you because his back slopes more than usual" so I just smile and nod, thinking a very sarcastic great. So when she feels we can do that, which only took about two minutes of convincing considering it was easy, she says we are to trot twenty strides, canter twenty strides, trot twenty strides, canter twenty strides, etc, etc, ya know? So I figure, ok, and we start going. We go through it about five times 'til he breaks to canter early and I have to pull him back. But see, these horses, they're trained to stop, not if you just pull back on the reigns but on this thing they call "wow and let go" which is basically pull, release, pull, release, pull release, until they slow down. I'm still kinda figuring it out. So he breaks to canter early and I pull back to a trot. A few strides later, I let him out to canter. He explodes and tucks his nose into his chest so their pull release down nothing. The teacher was yelling something at me that I couldn't hear because the wind was wistling so loudly in my ears. I pull back as hard as I can as he nearly rams another horse. He slows and stops. The teacher tells me if he does that, I should pull straight up. I smile weakly and nodd. She says I should take two turns and than try again, because knowing him, he won't do it again; I nodd, trusting her. After two turns, we pick up a trot. When I ask him for a canter, he tucks his head low and takes off. I start to pull my reigns upward like she said. He yanks his head straight down, tearing the reigns from my hands, and re-tucks his nose quickly. I gather my reigns as best I can, the teacher continuing to yell something I, once more, cannot hear and grip onto him as he is taking randum swearves I can't get under control. We gallop by the gate. He pulls to a stop. I bump upwards a little, but already had a white knuckle grip on him, so I manage to stay on. She tells us to walk to circles. We start walking. We pass a corner, nothing in it. He spooks and trots off. I pull back the reigns before he can pick up any speed. After two more laps, she tells me to go again. I simply shake my head. She laughs, "so what? You're just done for the night?" I nodd. "Guess he scared you," she cackles. I resist the urge to flip her off and start walking around the ring. I walk until we dismount. The teacher waits for us to leave the ring and than immediatly, not even waiting for us to get down to the barn, turns off the lights, jumps in her car, and drives off.
    After the lesson, I start walking back to the barn with the other girl who was riding with me. "She'll put you on a different horse next time, don't worry. Laddy is just really selective about who he let's ride him," she tells me. I mummble, "if there is a next time!" She quickly reassures me, "no, no, the rest of the horses are nice, its just him, since people always start here on him, we lose most of the people that come here now because of him!" I get confused, "than why do they always start people on him?" She shrugs. I quickly untack and put him back in his stall, waving good night to the girl and jumping in my mom's car. I tell my mom what the girl said about the lack of jumping. My mom frowns, "the ring lights were out when I came back at 7.20...the lesson ends at 7.30!"
    So ya....I don't know about this place. I worry.
    December 30th, 2008 at 08:55am
  • Black Moon

    Black Moon (150)

    United States
    Thank you
    I was hoping for a first article it wouldn't be so bleh
    Looks like I did well XD
    December 29th, 2008 at 11:31pm
  • Katermuffins

    Katermuffins (100)

    United States
    Oh my god, poor boy!!! I feel bad for the baby!!! But that's great about the Reserve Champion! :) So happy for you!!!! I don't really know what were going to do, since its my first time there. When I went there for the "evaluation lesson" thing basically, I got the horse, groomed him, tacked him, and rode him out to the barn which was like, a mile away, ok, not a mile, but really far away. When we got inside she just had me trot and canter circles than do a few jumps. I was so surprised, I almost got thrown over the jump. The horse, Laddy, the teacher failed to tell me about his jumping habits. See, we went troting slowly up to the jump and three strides away he breaks into his canter, bumpy as Hell, and takes the jump, which was about 3, maybe 2'9, feet at about 3'7 and I was like "SHIT!" Well, I mean, I didn't yell shit, but I thought it. I swear to god, he freakin galloped out of it. I was so freaked out. But I managed to stay on adn we did a little more jumping before I dismounted. It was kool. Haha. Anyhow, he was really fun. I'm excited, since jumping is my favorite thing to do. Wow, there is no other horse at your barn you can ride? No lesson horse they'll let you use?
    December 29th, 2008 at 07:41pm
  • Katermuffins

    Katermuffins (100)

    United States
    Hey! Its been forever since we talked!!!! How's the horsey-poo? Guess what? I'm switching stables!!! Eeeeepppp!!!! I'm so excited, my first lesson is tomorrow at four!!! Wish me luck!!! So how is everything with you??? Shows? Lessons? Riding? Anything new???
    December 28th, 2008 at 08:02pm
  • Avata

    Avata (100)

    United States
    Ah thank you!!
    November 29th, 2008 at 07:41pm
  • soul

    soul (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    poet and the pendulum
    November 9th, 2008 at 03:12am
  • towers

    towers (100)

    United States
    hahahah I loved that comment!

    thank you though :)
    November 9th, 2008 at 02:44am