queenbluerulz / Comments

  • hmmm...

    *looks at watch*

    look at that, no comment yet.

    Tsk tsk tsk...

    i guess i'll just sit here with this half finished new moon book...

    and just read.



    November 13th, 2008 at 03:58pm
  • HA!

    If thats how you want to play...FINE.

    Let's play...

    MONOPOLY that is.

    anyway...where was I.

    "Sing me to sleep, i'll see you in my dreams... waiting to say, I miss blue im so sorry. "

    After half an hour and a stop in kansas for no good reason, Edward and Bella...oops, I mean Christine! Made it to New York.

    Christine* Thanks for your help Edward!

    Edward* No problem, I REALLY have to get going though...

    Christine* Oh, of corse! Here take this...*gives number and wiggles eyebrows* incase you need someone to talk to you or of you ever get...lonley.

    Edward*....*serious face*

    *girls [and some guys] in the distant squeal, giggle, and faint*

    Edward* *shakes head* ...you do know I have a girlfriend, right. *holds up twilight* It's written all over the book...

    Christine* Oh, yeah...yeah, I know.. *nervous laughter*

    Edward* Oookay. Take care... *leaves*

    Christine* One day Edward, one day you'll be mine..

    *Edward in the distance* ...I can still hear you!

    Christine* Damn...I forgot about that. Oh well, on to my long journey into New York..ohh..is that a book store!

    *runs into borders*

    meanwhile...in japan?

    nemo* JAPAN?! seriously. I have NO sense of direction...

    kharlaa* I told you! You totally need me... *bites into taco*

    nemo* Ahhh, fine. I'm sorry. Please help me.

    kharlaa* Apology aceepted, but I have no idea how to get out of here...

    nemo* O.o what!!? How are we supposed to get out of Japan?

    kharlaa* i dunno. *eats taco*

    nemo* *lightbulb* do you still have that crate of tacos?

    kharlaa* yeah, why?

    nemo* I have an idea...

    kharlaa* are we gonna sell all the tacos for money to...wherever we go?

    nemo* Well, actually i was thinking about using the tacos to make a raft...but,I like your idea better!

    kharlaa* okay!

    *after nemo and kharlaa sell all their tacos and get enough money for two plane tickets and a couple more tacos because they were hungry*

    kharlaa* how are we gonna find christine anyway?

    nemo* I have a friend at hogwarts...

    kharlaa* A friend where?!?!

    nemo* You'll see..
    November 9th, 2008 at 11:47pm
  • okay i had to read your comment back, because its been so long and i've already forgotten what you had written...

    here it goes...

    "I know she drains me slowly and wheres me down to bones in bed. Must be the sign on my head, thats says oh, Blue me dead..."

    3 days later...

    *christine from inside the crate*
    *scrapes tally marks on side of crate*

    *writes in journal with feathered pen* Day three of being trapped inside this
    damn crate, to my impending doom...how i long for the fresh air, the sunlight, the feel of the wind across my face....food.

    *crate opens*

    christine* what the? are we here so soon, i'm not done writing this draft to my novel!

    *people start speaking spanish* Que es esto, donde esta mis tacos?!

    other guy with mustache* I dont know man....but it looks like some kind of albino animal..

    christine* what's going on?? NEMO!?! is that you... *pulls on guys mustache*

    guy* ahhhh!! ayiii! ayudan me!!

    *other people run away*

    christine* wait a minute...Your not nemo...

    *guy runs away screaming in spanish*

    christine* and this is not alaska...scorching sun, sandy dirt, mexicans....I must be in Los Angeles...

    *random guy does a rimshot*

    christine* thank you, I'll be here all week folks... But seriously. I must be in...MEXICO!

    meanwhile back with nemo...

    *nemo climbs off of Edward Cullen's back*

    nemo* Thanks again, Edward. You really saved me a lot of money on affair, you know those economy troubles...

    Edward* No, problem. Helping out a fellow story character. I did live in Alaska, if I remember the first book right, but I really have to get going...you know, Twilight series..

    nemo* oh..right.. Ummm, well dont let me keep you from the playful imagination of teenage girls.Tell Emmett I said hi.

    Edward* Will do,see you around...*leaves*

    Kharlaa* what was that?!

    nemo* WHAT!? It's my story, my imagination....dont forget that...

    *kharlaa shuddered at the thought of Billie over a pot of boiling oil...again*

    kharlaa* right...

    nemo* bring me the CRATE!! MUHWHAHAH!

    kharlaa* okay...master. *kharlaa drops crate only to reveal a bunch of tacos*

    nemo* WHAT THE?!! TACOS!!!

    Kharlaa* mmmm...tacos. It says here, they were supposed to be sent to Mexico...

    nemo* you know what that means...

    kharlaa* ROADRTIP!!

    nemo* are you crazy...We're in Alaska...its not even connected...

    kharlaa* *smug look* well, then how did you and Edward....?

    *nemo sighs*

    nemo* Okay...roadtrip.

    kharlaa: XD

    nemo* here we go...
    November 7th, 2008 at 08:05pm
  • thankies for the comment, i'll try update soon :D
    October 18th, 2008 at 08:30pm
  • aha, oh my. :D
    thank you. P:
    I've been informed a few times that my profile is pretty wicked
    but I suppose, it is tme for a change.
    because it's been like that forever. xDD
    And hello! P:
    October 15th, 2008 at 06:59am
  • oh my jeezuz...

    that was a long message.


    I dont even know what to say..

    except lol.
    October 15th, 2008 at 04:37am
  • I think im pretty sure of what it is...

    October 12th, 2008 at 04:07pm
  • YOU!!

    you douche...

    trying to be all sneaky...

    I know what the damn numbers mean now...

    ....you suck.
    October 9th, 2008 at 03:56am
  • Whhhat?!?

    well, we'll start this back up again tomorrow...

    maybe I'll write you the rest of the story in a letter or something...

    my stomach hurts and i need to go laydown.


    see ya tomorrow.
    October 8th, 2008 at 06:35am
  • YOU!

    you liar...

    but, if it isnt a myspace ID what in the world could it be...



    well...you give a good argument...


    okay here it goes...again.

    Frank was too distracted by his own thoughts to notice Gerard dancing to the music beside him.

    "What are you doing?" Frank asked as if what he was doing was unethical.

    "It's called dancing. You should try it." Gerard moved along with the music so perfectly. His hips swayed with techno beat and his shoulders, arms and head followed.

    "I don't dance..." Frank said plainly.

    Gerard rolled his eyes as he grabbed Frank by the arm and dragged him to the mob scene that was a dance floor.

    "You should at least try, it's actually simple. Even a work robot like you can do it." Gerard moved and motioned for Frank to follow. "See, simple."

    Frank slowly moved his shoulders back and forth in a shimmy motion. "I'm actally doing it." He said with a smile.

    "Is that a smile a finally, see. So, your actually having fun."

    Frank hated to admit it but he was.

    Then the techno music died down as a soft slow song played. Only a few people were left on the dance floor huddled together...


    your gonna have to tell me what those numbers mean.
    October 8th, 2008 at 06:20am
  • A myspace ID???

    I've never heard of such a thing?

    man, I would have never gotten that...

    in like a million years.


    I guess I could give you another piece.

    but, do you really like it...because I think its okay but...hmmm....whatever.

    here it goes.

    "Am I really doing this?" Frank asked himself to reasure that what was happening was actually happening.

    "Come on loosen up a little.." Gerard put his smile to one side of his face, making Frank smile. When Frank noticed he quickly recomposed himself. They were both standing outside of the club, Gerard stood in front of Frank as he lightly pulled his neck tie and fixed it up as he caught Frank's eye. "Well, lets go!"

    The vibrating of the club was even louder than the apartment building. The club was dark and foggy, with boddies causing friction on a cramped floor. This was his idea of fun, yeah right.

    ....yeah, umm sorry christine. I have to go to sleep to rest up for tomorrow...
    so, I'll write the rest tomorrow.

    or will I?

    October 8th, 2008 at 05:51am
  • you...

    YOU my friend are a Douchebag...

    and i only say that because i know how much you loathe that word...


    I dont know how to be convincing, or nice, or....*twictches* kind....that was really hard to say...

    anyway, i dont know how to be any of those things...

    so, i decided to use the "talents" that i do have and make YOU, yes you your own Ferard Fantasy...



    it was a dark and stormy night....hahah, just kidding.

    okay, for real now...*clears throat*

    It was a night like any other. Studdying, Homework, and Powerpoints, all due by tomorrow. Frank sat upright at his laptop as he massaged the corner of his eyes with frustration.

    "Why, why couldn't the family tradition be that everyone becomes a stripper."

    Everyone from his Father, to his cousin twiced removed, had become doctors, and the same was expected of him.

    The loud music vibrating through the walls of his apartment were making it a little harder for Frank to concentrate. It sounded like there was a party going on and it was driving him to the edge.

    Finally when Frank decided he'd had enough he went over and knocked on the door, the first mistake.

    The door opened to reveal only a small percentage of people then he thought he heard. The man who opened the door had a smug look on his face, with jet black hair, deffinitley bed head and scratchy jeans.

    "Listen, I know your new to this apartment building but you could you turn down the music?" Frank spoke loudly.

    The young man just smiled. ''Don't worry we're leaving right now. We're heading over to some new club. Care to join us?"

    "What?!" Frank couldn't fathom leaving the house, at this time of night especially with this person he didn't even know.

    He tilted his head resting it on the side of the open door."My name is Gerard by the way.."


    "So, you comming...Frank," Gerard flashed another smile, making Frank subconscously bite his lip. He had never been to a club before, well he had but going to the gay bar with his sister when he was drunk did not count! That was something he didnt want to relive.

    "I don't think so, I barley even know you...besides, I have a lot of work to do." Frank loosened his tie, all this talk of work was actually begining to put a damper on his mood.

    "Work, work, work. Can't you ever just have some fun?" Gerard folded his arms making a good point.

    Fun, that sounded really good to Frank. The thought of just going off and dancing in the night, was starting to get very tempting.

    "I don't even have anything to wear.." Frank looked down at his white collar shirt with a skinny black neck tie.

    "Are you kidding me," Gerard turned his voice into a whisper as he spoke gently into Frank's ear. "You look a million bucks."

    With that Frank was convinced.

    Now, if you want me to finish it...you will tell me what those damn numbers mean..

    October 8th, 2008 at 03:39am
  • oh, and i noticed you finnally updated your mibba.


    or should i say..

    October 6th, 2008 at 03:23am
  • http://www.mibba.com/story/shesdressedtokill/Is-It-Still-Me-That-Makes-You-Sweat




    How time passes so quickly

    or you can search these 7 mibbas








    Happy searching....whore.
    October 6th, 2008 at 03:21am
  • okayy, im commenting.
    it's not my fault i have a busy life.
    ...okay so many old people not enough rocks.

    here we go...
    since your profile is now grey.

    you all believe, you all believe that grey is gonna save us but nothing good comes from it trust me...

    nemo: oh, that sounded like it hurt...*laughs*

    bobert: I'll get the wheelchair!

    *5 minutes later*

    *christine wakes up in the hospital*
    nemo: So....*rubbing gerard on lap* your awake, and alive.

    *christine tries to get up byt then notices that she's tied down*
    nemo: oh, dont get up I insist. *snaps fingers*

    *bobert locks the door*
    nemo: *puts her chin on the tops of her hands and stares at christine* You know it's funny...all this time, and we still...HAVN'T GOTTEN MARRIED.

    *nemo tightens the straps on christine's full body cast*
    christine: *tries to press the button for the nurse*

    nemo: what's wrong christine? want some WATER! *spills water on cast*
    ...oops, I missed. Well, I have some good news for you...Bobert told me he's a part time...PRIEST!! come in Bobert!!

    *no-one comes in through the door*

    *nemo sighs and opens the door to find Bobert making out with a male patient.*


    Bobert: Sorry...my bad.

    *bobert passes his number to the guy and comes in the room, fixing his colar*

    Bobert: will you take christine as your mibba wedded wife!

    nemo: *with veil* I do!!

    Bobert: and you christine, will you take nemo as your mibba wedded...wife?


    nemo: Oh, she cant speak...I'll speak for her...she does.

    *christine cries*

    nemo: tears of joy!!
    September 17th, 2008 at 06:28am
  • Wait its centered.
    When i first logged on it wasnt...so ignore that comment.
    September 15th, 2008 at 04:45am
  • Well why isnt it centered then?
    September 15th, 2008 at 04:42am
  • Hey can u make my mibba center again. i messed up.
    September 13th, 2008 at 05:03pm
  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtwTzQRoTOs

    September 13th, 2008 at 04:43pm
  • Umm okay.
    Like ur profile btw!
    September 13th, 2008 at 04:35pm