The Burning Roses / Comments

  • I always figure majority of stories/movies out before its even half done! D:
    It's actually rather annoying. I'm jealous of those who didn't figure it out. ;~;
    August 1st, 2009 at 10:47pm
  • Your welcome! =D
    Oh okay, I'll remember that when I'm looking for you updates and such, =) haha.
    And thank you! =)
    July 28th, 2009 at 11:32pm
  • Ah, my birthday. I got...nothing truly special. I told them not to get me anything, because I truly didn't need or want anything. I did get money from my family to buy things in case I found something I wanted (spent it on books, not surprisingly).
    I look forward to your updates. How are you now?
    July 16th, 2009 at 01:30am
  • Oh my gosh, that is so hot! Bet you're getting a tan like no other, haha. XD So you're done with uni for good now?

    My finals... sort of fell apart. Luckily I had all A's so I could afford to mess up a little bit, but I did end up getting a few of my grades bumped down to B's due to my lack of knowledge in a few select areas (namely World History and Geometry). But other than that, I did okay. :)

    My summer has been great so far! I'm just hanging out with my friends and going out and doing fun stuff.

    So what have you been up to lately? What kind of stuff are you doing?
    July 6th, 2009 at 05:31pm
  • It's hot here, too. 101 is the highest it's gotten, and it's only June. It'll be even hotter in July.
    Scholarship searching kind of has come to a halt. I've found and applied to 12 to date, ranging from poetry to essays to filling out information about myself. Some are easier than most.
    My birthday was cool. I had a sleepover with two of my closest friends, and we stayed up all night watching old cartoons, and making fun of our own youthful tastes in animation. A trip down memory lane is the most appropriate way to say it.
    It's been...weird. Micheal Jackson died recently, and my mother is semi-depressed. I'm a little sad, but his time was a little before my generation. Still, I DID grow up listening to his music and such, so I feel the pain of losing, like, the greatest artist in the history of the world, too....
    This may sound weird, but I have a short attention span. That being said, I just recently noticed that your story, Chiaroscuro, is no longer on your list of stories. I'm an idiot for just realizing, I know, but what happened?
    June 30th, 2009 at 05:09pm
  • we love ur stories
    June 28th, 2009 at 08:58pm
  • The demon in me is awesome. im addicted
    June 28th, 2009 at 04:08am
  • Are you going to update The Demon In Me?
    June 22nd, 2009 at 12:10am
  • Hi there, I just wanted to say, I love your story ' Bad moon rising' it was really good! And I've also read the first chapter of hunters moon, very good. I hope you update! Your story is one of my favorites!

    June 20th, 2009 at 03:15am
  • Hey, you evil wench! You're only a couple months/weeks/days younger! You'll be this age very, very soon. *laughs evilly* Then I shall be the one to whisper of your age...TO THE WORLD!!! MWAHAHAHAHAAAA-- *cough - hack - cough*
    June 11th, 2009 at 06:55pm
  • The first chapter for Hunter's Moon was a-maz-ing! It was really well written. And I can not wait till the next chapter comes out! Good luck writing! :)
    June 10th, 2009 at 06:58pm
  • I'm glad you're back! I was starting to worry about you, but it's good that uni was good to you, haha!

    Not much is happening with me lately, actually. I'm just SUPER stressed out because I have my finals this week. Only 5 days left of school for me and then I'm home free, though, so that's what I have to keep telling myself.


    Is your summer going well? What have you been up to lately?
    June 4th, 2009 at 02:18am
  • THANK YOU FOR THAT LINK! I really needed it, especially for the next chapter.
    Ah...summer. My least favorite season. Not because school gets out (well, actually, it's part of the reason; I actually like school), but because of the heat! I can't stand warm weather! I feel like I sleep the summer away...but I can't this year, because I have to work!
    Summer is good. When I'm not working or getting hassled to look for scholarships by my parents (which got annoying extremely quickly), I like to doodle or watch TV...or sleep (mostly sleep) during my (little) free time.
    I haven't been on the computer for fun seems to have become a boring, evil tool to look up scholarships now...which surprises me...
    How are you? You're finished with your work at uni? That's good. OH! My birthday is in two days, on June 3rd! I'll be 17! Yay! I don't want a party, though. I'm a bit of a laid back kind of person. Being with my family on my birthday or at a bookstore by myself is the perfect way to spend such a day to me...
    You have carnevale pictures on your homepage...did you go? I really miss Italy....
    June 1st, 2009 at 06:45pm
  • DUDE! I seriously almost just choked on the hot tamale candy that I was eating!

    [i]Hunter's Moon[/i]!!!!!!!!!

    *cries* I can't read it right now 'cause I have to do my homework, I've only done like one problem. :(

    I think I officially love you.
    Not in a creepy internet way.
    But just in general, well, 'cause your amazing.

    June 1st, 2009 at 05:25am
  • Nothing too exciting. Just going to my one class that I have to take this summer. Ick. Math. Other than that, uh, taking care of the kittens our cat had. writing for my new 'baby' IndieDiscs.

    Right now I'm doing math homework as I'm listening to my iTunes library on shuffle. :D

    See? Told you nothing exciting.

    Oh, about the Fiction With Bite link, don't mention it. I seriously love that site. I go on there all the time. :D
    June 1st, 2009 at 05:21am
  • okay so a half hour of reading, while being distracted by the movie chocolat, i have finished the first chapter of Hunter's Moon!
    and it was nice. nay, it was good!
    i like the poetry experts :]
    and i still kinda feel bad for andrew but....ITS ADAM!!!!!!!! eeeeeeeekkk! :D
    oh i wish i had my own adam! he sounds so gorgeous and drool worthy. *sigh*
    June 1st, 2009 at 01:47am
  • i kind of figured you were busy, wiht your dissertation and last finals of college and all that good stuf. i've been pretty busy too though, so i haven't minded much that we havent talked in AGES!

    i have mostly just been going crazy over school and finals and freaking out about failing my stinkin english essays because i havent had the easiest time sticking to the prompt. I have my last final tomorrow morning and then im out for the summer. I got two of my grades back and they were both Bs. I hope i at least get one A, because my GPA so far is only like a 3.1something and for transfer i think i need a 3.5 or higher.

    other than stressing over school i have been good. doing some job hunting. ive applied at a couple places were i was supposed to be a "shoo-in" and none of those people have called me back yet and its been a week at the most recent place and like three weeks at the longest. If i dont get a call back in the next two weeks i will either try to intern at my church in the children's department OR i will go work for a week or two at this camp. im leaning towards the camp because it pays more for a shorter period of time.

    AND i just started helping out at this coffee bar! its volunteer so i dont get paid :[ but today was my first day on shift ad i did a double shift and i was damn good at it. the only part im bad at is working the milk steamer on the espresso machine.

    how are you? how'd your classes go? what have you been up to?

    ps: i'm on that update like coconut on a german chocolate cake.
    June 1st, 2009 at 01:02am
  • when are you going to start that Hunter's story. The sequal to Bad moon Rising? Just wondering. Your stories and website with other stories is really good/cool.
    May 31st, 2009 at 03:51am
  • okay =]]
    May 30th, 2009 at 09:12am
  • Are you going to update the demon in me?
    May 29th, 2009 at 04:34am