Hey, I'm Julianna. The age is fifteen, and I'm from a tiny rural town in Nova Scotia. I'm devoted to hockey, especially the Pens, Flames, and Habs, and have worshipped the ice that Sidney Crosby and Jordan Staal skate on for years. I enjoy ancient history, pretty dresses, Irish accents, frappucinos, having a ton of guy friends, driving in the summer, and sitting out in the sun.

Date: 52210
Mood: Sunburned .. is that a mood?
Music: Your Love is My Drug - Ke$ha
Updated: Nothing.
So, I should probably be expecting hate-messages soon, but I have an excuse for not writing. The weather here has been gorgeous, and I've been outside almost every single day tanning and running around. My new story should be on here by this Wednesday, I promise. I'm just doing some planning, and then we're good to go.

Grace Amanda Shoutbox

Featuring: Cole Gibson and Emma Mackinley
Chapters: Zero
Status: In the works.


Layout by Sunny @ DLA.
Headers: "Ready, Set, Go!" by Tokio Hotel
Steal, and there will be no more adventures in your life.