inyourbackyard / Comments

  • cameoskies

    cameoskies (100)

    United States
    yeah i feel like everyone just got really busy. it was my senior year so everything was like crazy. i swear i went on like twice all year. but i feel like i will be definitely back for awhile. i have a lot of free time cuz my classes are not demanding at all. but i'm doing pretty good at the moment.
    haha yeah i was so lame like leaving it. i was just stumped on like the third to last and second to last chapters. i had the last one already done. orginially yeah i was gonna do a third one that kinda spanned "melt your headaches" and "we used to see" from hayley's point of view.
    but now i feel like i just kinda want to do something new cuz that would be like 4 years i spent on that little world haha. but if i did something new i have no idea what is would be or who it would feature cuz i feel like the only stuff people read is fan fiction. and i have like no ideas but knowing me it would be something really like not normal like a huge earthquake hitting during a concert and the chaos and love that ensues after that or something.
    i liked "we used to see" cuz i didn't have the restrains of the normal fan fic and i could really do whatever i wanted with it but it was still technically a brendon story so people actually read it. but i do miss writing so i want to figure out something to write.
    but basically i don't know what i'm going to do.
    and that was like word vomit. sorry. haha
    i haven't talked to anyone about stories in awhile!
    October 16th, 2010 at 09:21am
  • cameoskies

    cameoskies (100)

    United States
    Done :)
    There's a few things that I wanna change but the next one will be out this weekend! There's only like two more and perhaps an epilogue so you won't have to wait too long.
    how are you? its been like forever!
    October 16th, 2010 at 03:07am
  • La Mort D'Ophelie

    La Mort D'Ophelie (350)

    United States
    Oh, very much understood. Thank you. It means a lot that even one person is out there being touched by my words, because it feels like you’re the only one supporting Threads now. So thanks for that too. :3
    September 12th, 2010 at 06:25am
  • La Mort D'Ophelie

    La Mort D'Ophelie (350)

    United States
    Yay! A comment! Thank you for bestowing such on Threads. Seriously. It's such a reject right now, it's almost like Jesus coming back from the dead and finding out no one cares. Well, to me and it, anyway. Sorry, I have all sorts of loopy, hyperbolic thoughts in my head right now. It's been such a long time since I talked to you. I missed it.
    July 27th, 2010 at 05:55am
  • semisweet

    semisweet (100)

    United States
    Thank you for the story comment! :D I'm not sure how this story will turn out, but I figured it was worth a shot. I'm kind of excited about it too. At least it's a little different, right? Haha.
    December 31st, 2009 at 04:59am
  • kisslow

    kisslow (100)

    hippie flowers hippie flowers hippie flowerrrrrrrrrrs. :love:
    November 8th, 2009 at 07:01am
  • whatwouldyoudoif...

    whatwouldyoudoif... (100)

    I'm an amazing person for updating before the month of doom. I actually can't believe I got it done, it's insane and so not Angela of me.
    Tube socks are terrible because they always fall down but awesome because you can wear them upside down and not know the difference. Let's hope it will, because right now it really really doesn't.
    October 31st, 2009 at 09:28pm
  • whatwouldyoudoif...

    whatwouldyoudoif... (100)

    The steps are so fun to write, you have no idea. It's everything I've ever wanted to make fun of from anyone else's story but can't, but now it's mine so I don't feel bad, it's awesome! I'm glad I'm not the only one that knew how to fix Twilight, it's just so obvious!
    I don't think that there's a word for it. I'm surprised anyone could be so stupid. It's Brendon Urie. You don't dump Brendon Urie. That's like setting yourself on fire for fun, not cool.
    I tend to write this whenever I get really bad writer's block so it's probably going to get written during November and be edited and posted like the instant NaNoWriMo is over.
    And you're not going to die because if you do that means I'm going to die too, and I really don't feel like dying any time soon. But I think I know what I'm doing now so I'm excited/slightly less hyperventilating.
    October 29th, 2009 at 04:18am
  • whatwouldyoudoif...

    whatwouldyoudoif... (100)

    I'm glad! I love it so much, I don't even really know why since it's a fairly simple story but I just can't get enough of it. I've been thinking over the idea of it for at least a year, it started off with the idea of Ryan volunteering at a vet with someone and went from there.
    October 26th, 2009 at 11:05pm
  • whatwouldyoudoif...

    whatwouldyoudoif... (100)

    Don't mock my write technique, it works. And don't worry, you're not reading too far into it. I'm really enjoy writing this story despite the fact that I can be a bit of a pain it the ass, but I love it so much, I just kind of obsess when I edit it. It's insane, but it's my baby.
    October 26th, 2009 at 04:26am
  • whatwouldyoudoif...

    whatwouldyoudoif... (100)

    I know, I'm such a loser. I'm honestly starting to wonder if I'll ever finish any of them. But yes it is indeed the very one, I figured I'd may as well put it up. Odds are I'll just take it down eventually but I figured that since a lot is already written (despite the two or three chapter hole in it) I may as well use it to prove to mibba I'm still alive.
    October 12th, 2009 at 11:40pm
  • kisslow

    kisslow (100)

    currenly my gmail is unuseable, but i wanted to talk to you a wee bit. but then i thought, well heck, if i dont know what manderz last said, how nice would it be to just start up a conversation about nothing inparticular that had only to do with me? not cool, that's what i think.,

    then i remembered the lost land of mibba. where i recall we...met? had conversation? yes. yes we did.
    and here i am again. commenting on a very hippie-flowered page (cause that's what they are - hippie flowers) that is the "home" of my very very beloved AMANDAAAAAAAA. cause see, i also just had a piece of black forest cake - topped with a cherry and everything. what are those sweet cherries called? carminos... pala...somethin or other cherries. you know, they go on top of cakes and stuff? yeah.

    ANYWHOOOO. the cake was good, and i bet it would have been fun to share it, too. le sigh.

    i wanna listen to more von iver..yes i do. and elliot smith!!! he's pritty nifty. pritty with an "i", uuhuh. and im starting to realize that the third eye blind dude has a really great, soft and mellowesque voice that is pretty useful for putting - to - sleep - ness.
    i could blab on an on for days and weeks, but we'd all want to shoot our feet off at that point. i love you darling - and waiting and wishing for a whipped up update on my favorite fictional characters ;-)

    xox, S
    October 6th, 2009 at 04:30am
  • semisweet

    semisweet (100)

    United States
    Yeah, "The Young and Lost Club" is pretty amazing. It's my new life goal to make everyone read it, hahaha. It deserves so much more love than it gets!

    Ahhhhh, thank you so much for the rec! I was hoping for more people to give me recs of their own, because I just have a hard time FINDING good stories on this site. And I've been wanting to read more originals, so that's perfect.

    Aw, well, thanks. You're sweet. :] I can't wait for an update either, haha. Not posting for so long is making me crazy!
    September 30th, 2009 at 06:25am
  • whatwouldyoudoif...

    whatwouldyoudoif... (100)

    I know!! It pisses me off so much! It's like wow, seriously? Did you literally just tell me that? Uggg I just want to beat them to death with an elephant.

    I encourage the use of thanking The Author. It will please The Author if this is done. In fact we must recruit more people to thank The Author.

    Bad person? You? [i]Noooo![/i] But seriously, I wish that someone had wrote a story like this so I could link people to it as a uhh subtle hint about what they're doing wrong, know what I mean? It somehow doesn't seem to work out as well in my mind if I link them to my own story, that's kind of pretentious.

    Shitty lines! You are now on the mean list. I spent seconds on those lines and this is the thanks I get! Fine! See if I care! Now if you don't mind I'm off to smear [i]shitty lines[/i] all over Word so that I can transfer it over to the internet tomorrow! Harrumph!

    [i]... shitty lines... bitch...[/i]
    September 17th, 2009 at 04:58am
  • MassRomantic

    MassRomantic (100)

    United States
    Thank you, thank youuuu!
    I think sweet and sour is a good way to describe it, when I first thought of writing this, I thought of seperating them like first the present then the past, and then I was like....well the present stuff is SO DAMN DEPRESSING and couldn't do it lol.
    I know I said it before, but your comments make me smile lots and lots so thank you so much : D
    September 14th, 2009 at 01:28am
  • whatwouldyoudoif...

    whatwouldyoudoif... (100)

    Ugggg it did cut me off! Now I'm annoyed because I have no clue what I rambled about after that. Eff that sucks.
    And yes that is why we have emails I guess. I don't know, I tend to use my email to be told when people on mibba/facebook are trying to talk to me, I don't remember the last time I sent a real email, which seems odd.
    September 13th, 2009 at 01:35am
  • redvelvetorangecrush

    redvelvetorangecrush (100)

    United States
    dude they did
    September 13th, 2009 at 12:30am
  • whatwouldyoudoif...

    whatwouldyoudoif... (100)

    I’ve always thought that authors should have access to the names of their subscribers! I mean some people just don’t comment a lot, I get it, I’m one of those people. But I wish I could just [i]see[/i] who reads my stuff! It’s not like I’m going to call them out on it or anything, I’m just intensely curious.

    I always over think, it’s pretty well what I’m known for. But don’t worry, I don’t over think when I’m reading, just listing. Does that make sense? Oh well. Things just kind of spiral in my mind when I go through the process of writing and thinking at once, it’s like writing is a catalyst for intense thought. When I just read I tend to just notice and take note then wait for it to be cleared up or mentioned again later.

    There is nothing I hate more than being told too much out of a story. So thank you for not saying anything important because I tend to not be able to stop reading no matter how much I don’t want to know something.

    I did pick up the closeness thing because their relationship reminds me a lot of me and my brother, who was also a sick baby. But I had sort of completely abandoned him at the worst time and left him completely alone. But I act like AJ when it comes to him despite the fact he’s only a year younger than me and at least half a foot taller.

    Yay! You’d be surprised how many mibbians don’t know Cheers, makes me feel sad. But ya I think I worded that wrong. I completely know what you mean by the small town thing, I’ve grown up in a series of small towns where everyone knows everything about everyone. I lived in a town so small once that in less than a month I knew everyone in town, it was crazy. I could walk across the entire town in about seven minutes, tops. No one even had fences because all backyards were considered parks. No one was able to have secrets.

    I totally get what you mean.

    I could tell the Disneyland thing was more about people doing stuff for her, it just reminded me of the whole money thing before.

    It doesn’t confuse, but it makes me more excited for the next update (did not know that was possible). And yes, it’s true. So wrap your head around it.

    Take your time, I’m sure you know by now that your readers are up for the wait. And outlines are difficult when you’ve already started a story, unless that’s just me. I tried to do one for Brendon but then I just felt guilty for knowing exactly what goes on in the next chapter and moving on to past that. It was like I was leaving everyone behind almost since I had so much posted already.

    I’m going to respond to both comments in one, seems more organized in my brain.

    Hyperboles are the greatest things in the world.

    Oh how I wish I could read minds, just for stories though. I don’t want to know everyone’s creepy thoughts. But more importantly I want to upload my stories to youtube as they appear in my brain so that I don’t have to kill them in Word before anyone experiences a taste of them. I can’t be blamed for your computer crashing, it’s because you refuse to accept iTunes. Lord Steve Jobs is not please and he attacked your computer with rotten apples (the apple version of viruses). Insta-death. I always laugh when anyone says flash drive, makes me imagine a very inappropriate road trip. Yes, I noticed your parenthesis and your repetitive sentence starters. No, they did not bother me. I tend to start with “but” too much. Haha… but too much… I don’t know why I find that so funny, but I do.

    I think that it must be Brendon that does it because that’s how I am with my Brendon story (except for serious, that thing is anything but serious). And I completely know what you mean about Pete being more important. That’s my Ryan story. But since there’s a giant whole in that one right now I can’t exactly post for it. But I personally find that having a fun light hearted story is like a vacation for my writing brain. I’ll write for my Ryan and Alex stories for ever, just plotting and doing research then when I start to get even a hint of writer’s block I just sit back and think of Brendon and my spoof, which I really need to start writing come to think of it. It’s like the fact that it’s so lighthearted and funny (yes, I laugh at all my own jokes, but they’re not really [i]mine[/i], my writing brain comes up with them) just makes it so easy to get through and then I can go back to writing the more serious stuff. I guess I just need to let the inner comedian out every now and then so that I don’t destroy what I want for Ryan. Alex is a mix of both though, but it’s still more serious. Umm I don’t know how the saying works there, usually you just tell someone that they’ve bit off more than they can chew. I guess you’d just say that maybe you’ll be able to chew the bite you took after all? I don’t know, what you said sounds better, let’s ignore me, it’s better that way. Six! Oh my god! I love that thing, I don’t even know how many times I’ve reread it, but it’s borderline obsessive.

    I don’t think you are. And if you are then I forgot about it. And yes I did! Made me sad because that’s how I tend to keep track of people, even though I only had four top friends and only talked to two of them. But the other two were the person who sent me to mibba from quizilla and the person who first started talking to me on mibba as well as being the first Brendon fan on mibba. I didn’t know we could redo them! But ya I got a little excited whenever I saw myself as a top friend of someone, made me feel special. And I always clicked on the top friends of my friends and authors that I like. I mean if I like someone’s writing and they like someone else’s then it’s bound to be good, right?

    We’re both rambling stalkers. I refuse to believe there’s anything wrong with that until I see a support group for it. But I think that twitter was made for us, I just wish I could tweet from my phone without it costing money. I’m to cheep to pay for my tweets.

    I think this comment is longer than a few of my chapters I have posted. I don’t know if that’s good, bad, or funny. Probably all three and a mystery fourth. I do know that it's too long for me to look over and edit though, so forgive any random wrong or missed words, I'm sure you'll know what I'm saying anyways.
    September 12th, 2009 at 10:42pm
  • whatwouldyoudoif...

    whatwouldyoudoif... (100)

    Le wha! How in the world do you not have all your stars filled up on any of your stories! There is a mibba conspiracy going on and we are in the thick of it. Oh and people don’t really comment me because… I don’t know. I guess they sense my understanding of non-commenters? Meh, I just like it when people read my stuff. And subscribe. Subscribers pretty well make my life, I wish I could know who my subscribers all were so I could send them all grapes and popcorn. Or maybe I’m the only one out there who’s overly obsessed with those particular foods.

    Trust me, I have a terrible memory. Your story is one of the few that I don’t have to re-read the end of the previous chapter to know what’s going on when you update. I think I’ve read my story at least three or four times and I always forget what’s going on. And if I rambled in my head all you’d get for a comment is sentence fragments. And not even the cool [i]I don’t know how to write a sentence so it’s either a fragment or a paragraph with no punctuation[/i] kind, it would be the middles of sentences or only every four or seven words that go through my head then a random [i]LOL[/i] and a comma followed by a question mark.

    I’ve had a lot of bad experiences with public bathrooms. I won’t even bother you with the gruesome details but… let’s just say a very vocal smelly man once went into the stall beside me and I was [b]not[/b] in the men’s room.

    I have a severe hatred of Star Wars. I’ve never watched an entire movie without leaving or playing gameboy. But Yoda has bat ears, which I find epic. But that line is actually a reference to one of my friends from my World Issues class last year. I was sick one day so I took his note to copy out and it was written out [i]entirely[/i] like Yoda was talking. I couldn’t stop laughing even though it was about conflict diamonds (I got some weird looks from my teacher on that one before he saw it and then gave me the original overhead). It turned out that he was so sick of school that he had decided to write all of his notes for every single class like it was being said by Yoda to try make it more interesting. I didn’t believe him until I flipped through his book. Two months of Yoda notes. Funniest thing ever. And ya, [i]Yodaed[/i] is probably my favourite word that I’ve ever made up, and I make up a [i]lot[/i] of words.

    I’d say that “yeeeeessss” is probably the best way to describe Brendon + haircut.

    Longest comment you’ve ever given? To me! Ya, you definitely compare. Plus look at all the comments I’ve gotten, yours are clearly the best. Be proud.
    September 10th, 2009 at 11:01am
  • MassRomantic

    MassRomantic (100)

    United States
    Hahah thank you! I was hoping this chapter wasn't too angsty.
    I seriously can't wait for like the next three updates. It's a fun time : D
    September 7th, 2009 at 06:18pm