Mollzay. / Comments

  • Shannon McFarland

    Shannon McFarland (310)

    United States
    Yay :D Thanks!

    That's true. I don't think Alex would've come up with the name "Jasey Rae".

    That's really interesting. I just thought "Rose" would be a cool nickname, so I used Rosalyn. It is a pretty name :)

    Ooh, interesting. Who's it about?
    June 21st, 2008 at 09:29pm
  • Shannon McFarland

    Shannon McFarland (310)

    United States

    Yeah, but I guess it was her real name ? Alex apparently had a one-night-stand with her, and then she was all emotional about it. So he wrote a song for her. An internet acquaintance is an Alex creeper.

    Ah. It's everyone's favorite XD My next story's going to be about the Enlightenment.
    June 21st, 2008 at 09:12pm
  • Shannon McFarland

    Shannon McFarland (310)

    United States
    Ah. Then I'll just call it the "Cobra Starsheep". It's easier than the "Jewish vampire sheep".

    Haha. I don't like those names--especially "Jasey Rae". It sounds...icky. Thanks! :)
    June 21st, 2008 at 09:04pm
  • Shannon McFarland

    Shannon McFarland (310)

    United States
    Thanks for the comment!

    Haha. It's a Jewish vampire sheep...XD
    June 21st, 2008 at 05:39pm
  • method acting.

    method acting. (155)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Goodness thank you :)
    I think I'm going to update it like soon, as in tonight or some point this week soon.
    I'm glad you like it :]
    Emily x
    June 16th, 2008 at 08:05pm
  • Blasphemy

    Blasphemy (100)

    United States
    haha, thank you so much. :]

    right now, i'm thinking about a sequel and planning it all out. xD
    June 12th, 2008 at 05:49am
  • Blasphemy

    Blasphemy (100)

    United States
    thank you for the story comment. xD i'm working on the last chapter.. but i don't know when i'll be able to get it out. :|
    June 9th, 2008 at 05:28am
  • lemon.

    lemon. (100)

    I just sorta realized I left
    out what the hell the crazywoman
    (IE me) was talking about.

    I'll talk it as a happy ending.
    June 7th, 2008 at 12:16am
  • lemon.

    lemon. (100)

    Of your story, I mean.
    =p The end of your story.
    June 6th, 2008 at 06:08am
  • lemon.

    lemon. (100)

    I liked the ending,
    though I don't know if
    its a happy/sad ending.
    June 6th, 2008 at 06:07am
  • Shibby87

    Shibby87 (100)

    United States
    Molly! I LOVED the ending! I'm glad my input helped you a bit :]
    May 30th, 2008 at 08:19pm
  • nerdy_

    nerdy_ (165)

    United States
    I only know that one song by them.

    I thought I could do that, but I haven't yet tried it. That was the reason I had (what...a thought has just occurred to me....). And the what is supposed to be wait....but I sometimes have issued and just type something that I don't mean to type.

    I owe my grade in Algebra II to Mrs. Windham, my Algebra I teacher. Without her giving me the basic knowledge I needed, I wouldn't have done so well in Mrs. Newton's class. (By the way....Mrs. Newton has a son name Isaac. No lie. =D )

    Yeah...well I have epic novelist Margaret Mitchell.
    We were talking about Arthur Miller living a town over from you and I decided to make the comment that one of my former teachers taught Walker. It was a more personal "hey I have this guy" than if I just went out with it and said all the other famous people from Georgia.

    I remember recorders. Actually, if you take the fingerings on clarinet and put them on a recorder they sort of work the same. Of course, they're no register key....but that's something else.

    Yeah...I think flan is some type of dessert. The Flan was given her nickname from the kids in my class. They came up with a song and everything for changing the lyrics to "Superman" or one of those other rap type songs. The Flan is short for Mrs. Flanders.

    E 98.1
    It doesn't really play rock songs...more like a collage of top 40 and songs that cannot be forgotten. And they also have back to the 90s on the weekends.

    (You know who has a nice voice, besides Rod Sterling? Casey Casum. Shaggy.)

    I was listening to the radio one day and a song came on that I didn't like (I believe it was a Nickelback one) so I changed to another channel. And it was on that one too! And my fallback to the fallback station was out of range or something (I was leaving town) so I just had to wait it out.

    I prefer songs that are fast.
    I don't know if I've heard that song.

    Gotcha. I suppose I'll just have to do a bit of research on my own about them.

    I'd rather be cold than hot. Cold you can usually fit with blankets, but being hot you can't really fix without a ton of moving air or air conditioners. My mom doesn't seem to realize that it's not so much AC I need as fans. One Sunday I came back from my father's and it was hotter inside than out. The following is something similar to the conversation we had.

    "Is the AC broken?"
    "No. It's not hot."
    "Yes, it is. It's hotter in here than outside."

    And then when we went to the car later to go somewhere she had the nerve to say "See, it's not any hotter out here than inside." So we pretty much got in an argument over which was hotter.

    "It's hotter outside."
    "No, I'm pretty sure inside was hotter."
    "Well they're the same then."
    "No. It's hotter inside. And even if the temperatures are exactly the same, inside seems so much hotter because the air is not circulating."

    Glad you did. My uncle's a dairy farmer by the way.

    "In the midnight hour!"
    May 30th, 2008 at 05:02pm
  • nerdy_

    nerdy_ (165)

    United States
    Today has not been a good day for me to answer messages.
    Computer problems....not me problems.
    (Well...considering that I'm working the computer....I guess it is a me problem.)
    May 30th, 2008 at 04:32pm
  • CrazyGirl Likes Pie

    CrazyGirl Likes Pie (100)

    New Zealand
    Cookie Monster is pleased.
    Cookie Monster leaves you crumbs!

    May 30th, 2008 at 07:40am
  • scribblerofdreamsxx

    scribblerofdreamsxx (100)

    United States
    ur story was absolutely adorable
    May 30th, 2008 at 04:50am
  • nerdy_

    nerdy_ (165)

    United States

    I go to a predominantly black school and Soulja Boy was a big deal. I was like "how many are there?" Lion King...Spongebob....all these different songs just by changing the beats a bit, changing a word, and having a totally new dance. "Soulja Boy up in this ___"? Whatever happened to "and I will walk 500 more..."?

    Either the volume or the speakers on my computer are broken so I can [i]see[/i] but I can't hear. As a result, I haven't been on youtube in a while. Maybe I'll just stare at it for a bit and see if I develop speaker type ears. (What...a thought has just occurred to me....)

    I'm in all of the advanced classes, but math is the only one that I just step up a grade in. At my school, you're supposed to take Algebra in 9th grade, then Algebra II, then Geometry, and finally Trig in 12th grade. But I took Algebra in 8th grade and got next year (11th grade) I'm taking Trig. So for my senior year I will be faced with choosing either pre-calc or AP Calculus.

    Yeah....the Crucible was a pretty great play both for when it was set and what it was jeering at. And that's sort of cool that Arthur Miller lived like a town over. But guess what? One of my former teachers taught Herschel (sp?) Walker...that football player guy. Wow....

    After playing clarinet and then getting on the's a bit confusing. Because you basically move your fingers up when playing scales on clarinet. And so it's like I'm going doing a Bb scale on piano seems to be going up... I don't know. Anyway...I'm no pianist. everybody loved Mrs. Griffith because she was so nice and she taught you everything you needed to know for Life Science. But everybody seems to hate the Flan and biology. I suppose a two-three year span changes a lot of things though.

    Yeah....those are definitely among the best they did. I really like "Good Riddance". It came on the car radio the other day actually and I was singing along. When it was over I asked my mom if she knew who did it. She didn't. I was like "Remember Green Day?" and she's like "Oh...makes sense. I knew it had to be one of your favorite bands." I guess because I know all the lyrics..(not that it's hard in that song...)? I also like "Minority" and "Hitchin' a Ride."

    Well...he's pretty great anyway, even if now he's not looking his best. Of course, Billy Joel was more than just a pretty face (ha...that's such a funny phrase to me for some reason) based upon the music he sang. I figure he had to be pretty smart to come up with those lyrics....and even if he didn't, smart enough to pronounce them.

    When was Allister really really popular? like everytime you looked at a music channel they were on? Basically, what I'm asking is when those songs were on the music channels...a lot.

    I keep telling my mom when I move out I'm going to live up North somewhere. I like snow (it has only snowed like twice where I live....once it stuck, but I visited my aunt in Wisconsin last last last last January so I got to play in powerdy, dry snow.) and cold weather. I'm not fond of humidity at all.
    I like to look at the positive side though. The swim season here is around the end of April to (one year I swam up til November) early September-ish. The air is hot enough that you want to be submerged in water but the water is warm enough to want to get in.
    So there you go. I want to be cold but I love to swim. were bound to at least mention it.
    Some kids joke with their parents about that. The 'rent will ask what they did that day and the kid will be like 'this one band camp...."

    Okay, it's not like "I'll buy that.....vase." But of course you already sort of figured that. I shall come up with a mock conversation for you.

    "Fed them cows yet?"
    "Nope....some hooligan made off with my feed."
    "I'll buy that."

    So it's like you believe the person. You'll accept their statement as true in other words.
    May 29th, 2008 at 02:30pm
  • nerdy_

    nerdy_ (165)

    United States
    That's why I decided I should take Spanish instead of French. Spanish words, to me, are easier to translate and to pronounce. Plus there's the whole usage thing -- Spanish being spoken in Spain as well as most of South America (Latin America.....) and French being used in France (duh) and some random countries I never plan on going to.

    I have no clue what music will be like, say, 40 years from now. (wow…that seems like forever from now) I'm sure it won't be as great. I think music quality is decreasing bit by bit. I mean, just about everything from the 80s was great (well, what I've heard...) and now [some] songs that are completely stupid are being railed about as brilliant.

    Mao Zedong!!!
    I have no clue who Mao is. I haven't been on youtube in the longest so I don't know what's going on in the world. =D

    I'm in the advanced classes which would be all fine and dandy if the English courses weren't so retarded. See, ninth grade English went over Romeo and Juliet and things like that, and I was technically taking the 10th grade course then. So American Lit. is really an 11th grade course and I took that in 10th grade. It gets confusing. . .
    Anyway, the reason I mention this is because they went over R+J and had to say the opening lines.

    We read The Crucible in my American Lit. class, and I thought it wasn't so bad. I think there can be something learned from a guy who was either interesting or rich enough to snag Marilyn Monroe. Plus, it made for a pretty interesting class time. ("I saw Mr. Cromer with the devil!")

    I sometimes wish that my mother would have made me take piano lessons.
    I can play Greensleaves, Chopsticks, and the treble clef opening to The Entertainer and that's about it.

    Exactly. Like if everybody had had Ms. Griffith (now Allen…she got (re)married) in 7th grade, biology would have been a lot easier. (Ms. Griffith was one of those nice teachers who made learning fun. She had a bunch of songs for everything too.)

    I'm not an expert on Fall Out Boy, but I am sort of on Green Day. I know most of their songs even though I did get started a bit late. (I became a fan after American Idiot.)
    Bowling for Soup is a pretty interesting band too but I've only really heard what's on the radio. I think the lead singer has a very distinguishable voice.
    Did Billy Joel write his own songs? He must have because, from what I've heard, he's not very handsome [physically].
    I don't think I've heard of Allister actually.

    Oh, I'm not saying that humidity is just native to the South; I'm saying that south Georgia has an inordinate amount, especially in August. The price for mild winters probably.
    And as for the hair. . .I'm fairly sure mine will never straighten the way I want it and I say that without the humid factor into account.

    Rest assured. I'll not like the scheduling for one reason, two words . . . band camp.
    Outside + noontime + 90 degree and up temperatures + learning drills + early August + Georgia = Hell

    "It's all about the wordplay." ~Jason Mraz

    Hey…is "I'll buy that" native to just the South? My mom and I were discussing that sort of thing today. (I'm talking about Georgia a lot, aren't I? I'm probably getting to be a bit annoying actually. So yeah. . . I'll stop with that.)
    May 28th, 2008 at 06:25am
  • DropDeadJulie

    DropDeadJulie (100)

    United States
    haha i know what you mean.
    i wouldnt mind waking up to alex....he's sexy!
    or Zacky Vengeance he's nice too! ;)
    May 28th, 2008 at 04:06am
  • lemon.

    lemon. (100)

    I'll say.

    Nahhh, I'm kidding.
    May 28th, 2008 at 03:37am
  • lemon.

    lemon. (100)


    Now you're doing it
    just case you can.
    May 28th, 2008 at 02:59am