alisz x / Comments

  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    So he took me to the bus and he goes hold on, and they all come out after five mintues and they look at me, and Lee just smirks and I just blush, and Tom goes, Curtis, this is Ryn, your her hero. and Curtis smiles and he hugs mee and I blush, and I look at Matt K and I go You are really tall arent you. and he laughs and goes your tall to! Or somethig lik that, and then Oliver he goes you have pretty eyes, and I blushed so bad, and he hugged me and he goes don't be so shy. and Matt N goes yeah, you can be yourself around us, and I was like freaking out inside going I'm meeting the band of my dreams. And I go Matt, and they both look at me and I point to N, and he goes yeah, and I go my friend told me you like star wars, maybe sometime we should sit and talk about star wars, and he smiles real big, and goes for sure. and we talk and Oliver goes fuck it's cold, want to hang with us inside, and I go can Tom come get me in twenty.
    February 17th, 2009 at 09:28pm
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    okay so I got there at like 2:30 beecause Peter my friend he was being all omg you cant go like that, you'll be embrassing so he straighted my hair and all that shaz, and we went by the busses and haha we stoood right outside the BMTH bus! :D and Lee walked up but I was like Cu-Cu-Cu-Cu and I was like omg his name is Lee! and he just smiled at mee and shook his head and went into the venue then we get in line which we were lucky to be right under the thing that protect people from the rain. And Peter made me go get him coffee and so I walked about three blocks to get coffee and I was takeing a picture of a coffee cup, (dont ask idk why) and Tom goes "You like to take photos?" and i wwas like hm? and looked up and my breath got caught in my throat, and I was like um yeah I do, and he was like so do I, but I think you could use a better camera yeah?" and I was like yeah it my paretns, and he laughed, and he was like did you order? and I was like i got my friend his drink, and he goes well here you look cold let me get you some tea, and i was like no it's okay, and he was like just let me pleas? and I was like okay... and he got me a mint tea, and some tea for himself. And I go your Tom Sykes arent you, and he was like yeah, and he smiled and he was like wats your name Love? and I was like Kathryn, but people call me Katy or Ryn, and he goes I like Ryn, and he walked me back to Peter and they talked a little and Tom goes walk with ma. So I did hehe, and he goes want to meet the band, and I was like (big smile) yeah.
    February 17th, 2009 at 09:24pm
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    Alisz omg! IU meeet them bMTH! At theatvery momment you sent me that I was in starbucks with Tom and he talked to me about my camera when I said your Tom Sykes and he said yeah and was like want to meet the band and I was like omg yes! and hehe it was so amamazing and augh I'm so tired so I'll tell you more tommrow after school my parents are makeing me go!
    February 17th, 2009 at 07:39am
  • party trash

    party trash (100)

    United States
    where'd you get your layout?
    i absolutely love it. (:
    February 17th, 2009 at 12:00am
  • Suds.

    Suds. (150)

    United States
    haha, glad to know I'm not alone either! x]

    and talking about my cancer it vents me out. It lets people get to know me for more than just face wise. I'm not uncomfortable talking about it at all :]
    February 16th, 2009 at 03:30pm
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    You'll be in the ASD story trust me I have just the part :D
    February 16th, 2009 at 06:19am
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    I know I'm sooo excited. Okay I'll learn those ones for sure by heart even though I know most of them.

    I can talk about star wars forever lol. So I'll be good on that subject,

    I'm a little to shy to meet Oliver.... >.< But I really want to.

    OKay I will hes one of my biggest heroes you know Curtis is just idk, I look up to him he really is one of my heroes.

    Okay be myself I can do that but being myself might be a little bad I sort of this shy shy shy girl.

    Haha I'll remember that I love jokes and I easily laugh because of howw shy I am I just get nervoues.

    I have to meet Tom I really do love his photography, I want to ask what is the best camera to use is, because mine sucks!

    I love you to hun! And I'll take pictures and send them to ya!
    February 16th, 2009 at 06:14am
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    YAY, I have an update written right now, it's not the best but it will get better again.

    Ekk I cant wait for your update!

    Seeing them tommrow, I will try my harddest to talk to Matt and hear his accent, tell me songs I need to listen to! I love them all but tell me some I really dont want to come off as a fanny tommrow.

    I shall update it I have to write my long note of thanks and I'm going to have a contest :D

    I'm excited to see A Skylit Drive, I'm going to do a Corey Story :D
    February 16th, 2009 at 04:27am
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    Your comments made me smilee and I laughed alot, Just for you I'm gooing to do and updates!
    February 16th, 2009 at 03:20am
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    Happy V-Day a day late hun!
    How was your V-DAy, and I started that story with you in it and I hope you love it :D
    February 16th, 2009 at 02:33am
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    Yeah It's because I'm plus size and theres not many plus size stores in town :(

    It can be.

    I'm sort of scared to see them live, my friend said they are crazy and the pits are really harsh, so we'll see how it goes, I'm sure they'll come soon, or at least I hope they do...

    I'm super stoaked for Warped Tour This year because the Maine is playing with UnderOath :D

    Haha Im for Jasper >.< I dont know why but I am. Thats the same way at the other hs here in twon.

    I dont find that weird I know alot aboout faries.... Everyone thought I was weird, and Vampires are really cool, I used to be into them alot. People in High school are mean!

    I can see where that would get really annoying, it must be hard.

    I'm still in love with my ex-boyfriend, but he has the perfect girlfriend, that is tottaly opposite then us (me and his friends) she is really rich and can afford the desinger stuff, while we can barley sometimes afford Wal-Mart, and it hurts that hes over me and I'm not over him.
    February 13th, 2009 at 04:18am
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    I Love Both Of Those Bands I'm going to see Hollwood Undead with my friend Ethan and his finace without my other friends knwoing lol.

    Oh I shall go see if it's posted because I just got your comment andd you sent me the comment like two hours ago :*

    Twilight fans at my school scare me to, even though i admit I ahve two twilight shirts...

    My dad gets his tax return tommrow and he promised to take me to the state capital (two hours away ish) to get clothing I might convince him to drive me to Medesto so I can go shoping with my biffles, and Valentines day I'm going to watch this TWLOHA internet thing because I have no love life.

    Hm I can see where that wwould get annoying.

    I HATE dirt with a passion so if I get dirty I have to wash right away and I have to take a shower and scrub really hard, it's really annoying and it hurts
    February 13th, 2009 at 02:48am
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    Random is good, I think we should put a random fact at the end of every comment not matter how funny it is or if we get embrassed.

    I'm just the annoy kid sister lol.

    Aww School will get better, I just get half days because I goto cont. school. Bad place to go... lol. But I understand if you need help message me the problem and I'll read over it, but I acan tell you I am not that great at math but I really willing to help. :D

    They are :D, I'm just going to be missing my friends here in twon but I have way more down south, and my brother will be living closer so I'll get to see him more that excites me. :D

    Hehe I loved that.


    I do laundry Sundays, and Wednesdays, I don't like to do it any other day unless I have to.... >.<
    February 13th, 2009 at 12:07am
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    yeah they are on myspace :D they used to have a website then they sort of neglected it lol, I pick on them about that alot.

    Haha I did like the way your old layout was, but Zacky will always do lol. I hate when mibba goes bizurk.

    Aww you and my dad would get along! He loves ETF! Hes seen them way more then me. lol.

    Favorite band hmmm...That is really hard but I have a three way tie all the way... A Current Affair, Sleep For Sleepers, and Bring Me The Horizon I love A Current Affair and Sleep For Sleepers since they are all pretty much my brothers, my Mama K (my bff's mother) is their band mama's and they have been there for me and their music is just soo good. I Love Bring Me The Horizon because they are really good and when I'm in a real foul mood I can play it and I can get my anger out while singing along with Oly.

    I would probably skip to only because I hate math, but then again I dont have math any more I earned all my credits lol. And I'm on half days, sooo I'm not allowed to skip lol.
    February 12th, 2009 at 04:52pm
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    Sweet I'm glad you want to be in it I know a few bands that will be in the story.

    Oh Nick the guy whos in the picture with me hes sort of famous, He just joined this band called A Current Affair, you really should check them out I love them alot, they are all like my brothers.

    Aww thanks, a few people think we look alot alike but we just shake our heads and walk off lol.

    Oh yeah I'm going to Warped Tour for sure two dates with Nick then were going to Tom's Fest together.

    ETF is okay, I love them to a point but idk. I'm nervouse to see them on Warped, I was supposed to go see them on this new tour with my dad but I dont really want to go.

    I love your layout.
    February 12th, 2009 at 05:32am
  • kisskayla93

    kisskayla93 (100)

    United States
    WOW! I am so glad you update fast!! It's really nice, the other story I read is so slow and the girl updates like once a week. Snore. Thanks for thatt....

    Okay, I gotta go to sleep now. TTYL!

    - Kayla
    February 12th, 2009 at 04:54am
  • kisskayla93

    kisskayla93 (100)

    United States
    Ummm... whatever you think is best, your the writer, but i think its a fst character change, i just have to remember that its been years... I really DO like reading from Oli's point of view, It's interesting and funny too. UgH! Idk what will haeappen with the 2 of them and its frustrating though!!
    February 12th, 2009 at 04:50am
  • kisskayla93

    kisskayla93 (100)

    United States
    Oh, I just discovered them, yesterday, and I finally read until Chapter 21! I couldn't stop. ILY!

    February 12th, 2009 at 04:17am
  • kisskayla93

    kisskayla93 (100)

    United States
    Oh my god! You are a great writer. I'm hooked on your "I can't remember last night" It's addicting, and so goood!!!

    Thanks for writing these, never stop!

    - Kayla
    February 12th, 2009 at 04:15am
  • Katycakes

    Katycakes (100)

    United States
    I was wondering would you want to be in my new story?
    February 12th, 2009 at 01:28am