I'm Moving to Toronto!

I would scream in your face with the largest grin you've ever seen and tell you again and again to "Guess what!", but now that I really think about it- it seems a little anti-climactic for you and me both.But it's true, no jokes- no kidding around! I'm moving to Toronto all by my lonesome in August! I guess it's a little early to be singing from the rooftops, but since I'm going on a French...
June 8th, 2009 at 11:04pm

I Think I've Change My Mind

I think I've changed my mind.Normally, changing ones mind is something great- isn't it?Because then you get some perspective.Revision: You get worlds of perspective on any given topic.But this is different.This was supposed to be something solid.I swore to myself I wanted to study Political Science.I think I made my mind up to study Poli Sci and head off for Law school.I think i've known it since...
March 24th, 2009 at 06:06am

Be Something and Make Money.

You're inclined to listen to your heart.That's what you're told to do, isn't it?Or are you told to listen to what the wills of society expect of you, what they need and expect from untapped potential- such as yourself.Are you told to listen to your heart?Or are you told to fit like the Jigsaw piece you really are.I love writing, really I do- but It's not something I find myself particularly strong...
December 30th, 2008 at 08:48am

Growing up too Fast?

So I was coaching rhythmics the other day and my gymnasts walk in looking all tired and slumped over, they look up at me and say,"Hey Elle, you know- we're sorry if we don't practice too well today, it's just that we went to this dance last night and we only got two hours of sleep."I told them to suck it up and that partying before gymnastics was only setting them up for trouble.Durring stretching...
October 23rd, 2008 at 07:46am