Lilith Frowns upon you....

So I've been writing this nice little story called zero tolerance... yeah. you remember? the one that no one effing comments on?!?!? well not that I'm bitter or anything but I've decided that you assholes need to start commenting me or I'll end Zero tolerance... you know like forever....I know it doesn't sound menacing but I do feel hurt that you aren't responding to my work. So I've decided to...
August 17th, 2009 at 10:37am

For those of you who read these.

I have got a new story idea. >_>It's a waycest... Yes! I know I have a problem.. whatever. Anyway it's gonna be awesome and this time I'm actually going to write it all out first so I don't have to sit there and try to type this crap at night... wit all the grammar mistakes and everything. Anywhore.... It's gonna be good and it'll probably be a pretty long time till it's all out because I...
May 9th, 2009 at 09:23am

Dance Party Prayer.

I have no friggen idea which way I'm gonna go for my new "committed" series. Hopefully that awesome high school dance that I just went to got my creative juices a-flowin'. I'm like maybe I can do this, or this, or maybe... wait. First I have to figure out how I'm going to start it. And here lies my problem... how to start this ridiculously long-ish story *Cough* That I'm already behind on.*Cough*I...
February 14th, 2009 at 08:43am

MIBBA!!!! o_o''

Okay, so I was going to update Zero Tolerance-- scratch that I DID update my Zero Tolerance. It was one of the best chapters in the whole series! T_T-here comes the sad part-I went to submit. THREE hours of HARD work down the drain! I almost cried then almost punched the screen. I am attempting again as to not upset my readers.but in an actual word document.Thank you to all my readers of...
November 11th, 2008 at 08:17am

at school

hey im at school im super bored so im doing this!i can't spell so bear with me. ... well anywho apparently I have a problem with making all smut stories, slash, and random incest stories also so... i have decided to do a hetro love story that will not offend you people.. i hope... I love ya! bye.So now that i realized that we arent' doing anything in class im typing this so it's 100 words long but...
September 8th, 2008 at 10:28pm

The "vacation" broken hearts and crusted lungs.

Yeah so i was talking about my super awesome week with my aunt, cousins and brother. Ok so that was really fun, i mean i had unique experiences and interesting conversations. Well that was an unexpected trip to say the least. But im not here to talk about that vacation the vacation i'm here to talk about is the one my mom and step dad (aka shitface) brought me and my brother on.Kinda like this.. I...
July 1st, 2008 at 10:57am

it is currently 2:49 AM

Yeah this sucks.. im tired yet i got a really big urge to make a journal entry.That being said i have absolutely nothing to talk about so i will ramble about my weeks adventuers that i usually wouldn't really care to tell anyone. so here goes.this week i went to the oregon coast with my aunts, cousins and brother. It was really fun, especially when we got attacked by pirates- just kidding-We were...
June 23rd, 2008 at 12:02pm